1831 CBH -- need help grading

What do you think this raw Capped Bust Half would grade? All opinions welcome.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
What do you think this raw Capped Bust Half would grade? All opinions welcome.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
AU 55
Yeah what he said
I agree with the AU55 and possibly an O-110, JMO
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
AU53, possibly cleaned.
FWIW, here's a short video...
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
AU58. Very nice.
Collector of Capped Bust Halves, SLQ's, Commems, and random cool stuff! @davidv_numismatics on Instagram
The way the light moves in the video makes me think it was cleaned, but assuming it straight grades I would be at 55 on that one. It might make 58 on a good day.
55 was my first thought
Before I saw the video I was thinking AU55. But after I saw it, my guess changed to AU details, cleaned.
When making videos, I suggest that you tilt and rotate the coin a bit more slowly and keep the movements more consistent.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Didn't look at the video, but I without that I am in the AU55 camp, although the picture looks grainy so maybe something in the video is telling people something I don't see from the image alone.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
In the video the coin looks "shine-y" rather than lustrous if that makes any sense. I'm going with "cleaned'.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
Thanks to all for responding.
Long-story-short: I'm buying the coin from my Aunt but she doesn't want to send it for grading. Glad to see there's an AU concensus here, so I can arrive at a fair offer.
Longer story: This coin has been in my family for a VERY long time, I'm guessing 100 years, maybe decades longer. I recall seeing it for the first time as a child visiting my Grandmother. I was fascinated by its age & condition. Never forgot it.
Fast forward 60+ years: Recently I'm helping my Aunt sort through her inherited coin collection (mostly lots & lots of circulated silver) and we come across some neatly-bundled well-protected bust half dollars in 2x2 cardboard/mylar flips.
I immediately recognized the coin I'd seen so long ago. Very exciting!
I know my Aunt wants to keep the collection in the family -- especially the dozen or so heirloom-quality coins. Hopefully we can reach an agreement soon.
Thanks again to everyone for your comments.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
Looks like O-110 (R.2) to me too.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
Several comments suggested maybe this coin was cleaned.
In hand, it doesn't look cleaned to me. But I can see that my photo/video/lighting might suggest otherwise.
Anyway, Grandma was adamant about NOT cleaning coins. She insisted on keeping 'em in as-acquired condition. I took that advice to heart.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
If y'all found more bust half dollars, we would love to see those too!
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
Grandma might have been adamant about not cleaning coins, but the coin might have been cleaned prior to its ownership by your family.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Agreed, that's entirely possible.
I'm taking the coin to the Long Beach Show this week. Hopefully I can get some in-hand opinions about whether it'll straight-grade or not.
In any case, after I take ownership, I plan to submit it to PCGS.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
I'll post photos after we finalize a deal and I get the coins home to my "photo studio"...
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
AU 55
Enjoyed reading the back story! I'm thinking AU53. Please share opinions you get at Long Beach, when you can.
Definitely wiped but I could see that straight grade, in other words I have seen worse.
Strong AU details but cleaned (and I did not watch the video). Whenever I see that overly frosted look, I start with the assumption the coin has likely been baking-soda cleaned.
On the web: http://www.earlyus.com
I showed the coin to two knowledgeable (and two admittedly not-so-knowledgeable) folks at the Long Beach Show yesterday. Everyone agreed it's a nice solid AU.
Upon close inspection, the knowledgeable folks said it was likely dipped/wiped long ago.
Maybe market-acceptable today, so maybe it'd straight-grade... but no one I spoke with would be surprised by a details grade.
I'd hate to see it in a details slab.
Anyway, it's a pretty common variety (R.2) and high mintage (5,873,660). And as a family heirloom, it'll spend the rest of my life in a safe deposit box.
So for now, it stays raw.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
XF53 dipped long ago, refined and stored/preserved nicely over the years.