Any Mismatched Sets Out There?
Any mismatched sets out there? Could be a pair, triplets or more.
Often I see the comment of nice matched set or similar. But sometimes a mismatched set can be good. Perhaps there are some tougher dates or mints but want to have other more common ones in a higher grade. Or maybe want to mix it up with some color or something such that they don't all look alike. Or in the case of Morgans want some PL / DMPL in there. Or maybe just getting the ones that are liked by the owner.
So, for this thread, I thought I would go the opposite of matched and would try to put together a mis-matched Morgan CC set from duplicates, PL, DMPL, tone and album coins. I can't make them all different but tried to mix it up somewhat.
Any other mis-matched sets?
Oh, a lot of 'focus' on photography it seems on the forum, so I will do my disclaimer:
I am not a photographer, not even an amateur one, just my now 20+ year old snap-o'matic (translation don't expect to much).
Took quick new pic's except for the GSA. The after photo cropping, sizing, moving... was the ugly time consuming part but okay.
1878 CC
A nice lower mid-grade Unc. I noticed when cropping that the picture does not show the cac as gold but it is gold cac.
1879 CC
A deeper PL in the mix.
1880 CC
Mix it up with a little toning, a major variety and a little tougher dmpl (but more dmpl's coming).
1881 CC
And a white deep dmpl.
1882 CC
A little color in the mismatch mix and GSA. (not my photo)
1883 CC
Mismatch with an album coin.
1884 CC
Bump it up - A little cleaner and slight cameo.
1885 CC
Time for a lower grade circ in a slab with a little 'darkness'.
1889 CC
Album coin again - nice looking wear.
1890 CC
Another from the album with a nice bath!
1891 CC
While another DMPL it mixes things up a little with the lower grade.
1892 CC
Bump it back up and add some toning (mostly on the reverse).
1893 CC
Back to the album and some wear with a nice little rim cut.
That is it, will have to let it linger (had The Cranberries and Linger in the head). - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
. - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed
RLJ 1958 - 2023
My one coin per year cent collection is quite mismatched. My Lincoln cents are the pieces I collected as a kid, which can get down to Good. I have no motivation to go back and upgrade them. My Flying Eagle and Indian Cents are from EF to MS-64, R&B. The large cents range from MS-65, Brown to a scruffy VG for the 1799. Most are certified, but eight to ten are not. I’m just having fun without becoming a wildly disciplined perfectionist.
When I see prices in the $3 to $4 thousand range for common dates, I am motivated to buy something in lower grades. Yes, having a string of Mint State coins is cool, but paying for them isn’t.
The top grade, assigned an MS-66.
I like this one better. It's an MS-65
The bottom grade, a scutzy VG-10, but it is a 1799.
I read over a decade ago one thing that stuck with me when it comes to collecting a set.
(Paraphrasing) "In a set of coins, each coin should stand alone on its own merits." It looks like you have a set of coins that have a variety of looks and "personalities".
From the looks of it, it looks like you put a lot of thought into your set and had a fun time assembling it.
It tells a good story of minty fresh coins off of historical mint dies being put in time-capsule bags; to coins circulating through Nevada commerce with a doubtful recipient doing a test cut to check for fraud.
I think you have some very nice Morgans there! In particular your 79-CC and 81-CC are probably my favorites. I like the toning on the 82-CC as well.
My own slabbed Morgan set is similar to this. It has 13 circulated coins ranging from VF25 to AU58 and then about half toned, half PL/DMPL for the MS ones except for maybe 10 that are bright white.
My Lincoln album progresses fairly smoothly from VG/VF early dates to all MS red by the late 30s (except for a few I haven’t upgraded yet). My Buffalo album is similar although the 1913 coins are all AU-MS and the 26-S on the second page was cracked from a VF30 slab.
Matching albums (or close to it) make a lot more sense to me than matching slab sets because you will almost never look at all the slabs next to each other. I think it would boring if each coin didn’t speak to me on its own and I like a lot of different looks. Obviously, if one only likes bright white coins then the set is going to look pretty similar (and maybe extremely so if the grades are close together).
Very nice set and thanks for sharing. My Morgan album set is a complete mismatch ranging from G4 - MS64. It is what I could afford at each date and I'd rather have an 81S at 64 then a VG/Fine to match the key dates. That 79CC is outstanding.
I don't know if this counts, but I think error coins with dates should be allowed as an optional "variety" in registry sets. That could make an interesting, mismatched set. My top 100 modern coin set needs a 1999 Wide AM, and I have one in MS66, but I have a better broadstruck in 66+ that would make a nice, mismatched pair to include.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Here is my set pf morgans put together in the 70's. Right click and open in different window to see larger pics.
Very beautiful set, lilolme! It's awesome to show your coins in various states. I think OCD kept me from doing so. LOL! If I were doing a full set like 1946Hamm, I'd most certainly have a wide variety, as it would be a monumental task to match that many coins.
My Carson City Morgan Registry Set
It is a set in progress but my Classic Head $5 variety set can't be completed in similar grades. Here are a few in the set (ranging from VF25 to MS62+, all with CAC or CACG). I guess this could be a date set.

Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
@lilolme: beautiful set! To me, the coolest one is the 1885-CC. You hardly ever see one that’s been heavily circulated like that.
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
@pcgscacgold: definitely a date set. I love the classic head design - beautifully done! CONGRATS!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
@1946Hamm: awesome set - well done!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Talk about mismatched, that looks like you took special care to acquire every possible tone of gold color in a coin. Love it!
None for me, I like matched sets so much I’m carrying around modern coins in my pocket to get them circulated enough to match my ones from the 1800s. I like to have matched coin in albums and also slabbed. I rarely view my slabbed coins in hand, they are in the bank safety deposit boxes and I mostly like viewing them as sets that I make into virtual albums where I give preference to new coins that match the looks of the others when I’m looking for new coins for the set.
My mismatches tend to be the result of budget constraints. I collect type only and shoot for the best state of preservation that my budget allows. Each coin stands on its own.
Thanks for the comments.
@david3142 Thanks - The 79CC I have had since 98 (I think) and was an early addition to the Morgan set. It later got upgraded with a non-PL but I liked it and kept it. 81CC DMPL - I liked/like the CC dmpl and I think I got to many of them over the years. I keep telling myself I am going to sell some but has not happened yet.
@coastaljerseyguy Thanks and That album sounds like the same as my Morgan album (except I have no Uncs now in the album). I have some from the 'youth' and some given to me and then others collected through the years. Kind of like a collecting history.
@1946Hamm I really like the set and the 'holders' they are in. Mine in the album(s) have a similar mixed flow.
@M4Madness Thanks, and Yes the Morgan set is so diverse in length and price that it is kind of difficult to make them all match. I was a mostly white Morgan set but on the side I did many others. Too many others.
@Copperindian Thanks and that 1885 CC was a semi-recent purchase (maybe a decade ago) and had nothing to do with anything else but I just thought it was cool and got it at a local show. - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
. - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed
RLJ 1958 - 2023
As @87redcivic posted: "In a set of coins, each coin should stand alone on its own merits." It looks like you have a set of coins that have a variety of looks and "personalities".
I consider that as a very meaningful goal when I am putting together a set. Here are three examples which follow:

Barber quarters
Large cents

and to follow the lead and link some music:
Lovely set! I'm a fan of the 84-CC!
Coin Photographer.
One may opine that my Walker set is slightly mismatched.
*All coins are MS but for one which is CHOICE XF.
*The MS coins range from 62-67.
*I also have a mixture of blast white and colorful toning.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
My walker set is mismatched, but I still like it
@jedm Nice coins and like that video. Cranberries is one of the bands (among many) that can stick in my head sometimes. This mainly due to (for me) her vocal sound.
@FlyingAl Thanks and that 84CC has a good smooth cameo-like look in hand and particularly the obverse. It did not cac due to what I will call a scuff in the inner reverse field 3 o/c. I thought I might try it again so sent it back for a regrade (new number & holder) with a couple others and a few with a friend. It came back a plus (+). Still have not tried cac again but will cost me more now if I do.
@Atcarroll Like the album. Makes me want to try to photo my Morgan album of mixed up circulated dollars. That will be a challenge to try and get most of them lit decently. - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
. - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed
RLJ 1958 - 2023
Everything I own is mismatched. I'm not getting any younger and my expiration date would probably be reached before I could obtain a perfectly-matched set of Barber halves or Canadian fifty cents.