I only bought 2 coins in 2024 but they were both nice, higher-end examples of semi-key coins that I wanted and needed. I didn't pull the trigger on a 3rd and have been kicking myself ever since. That's not like me. But, in my own defense; I didn't decide not to buy it, rather someone else was just a little faster, on the draw. It took me too long to make up my mind. Bought a 4th coin but found that it had a scratch that I didn't like. I sold it for a quick $20 profit, even though I'd have been happy just breaking even.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
2024 from a "poor" collector's POV:
I have found some good deals in raw coins on eBay recently. Most of them were cherry picks but these 3 weren't.
1920 standing liberty quarter my grade estimate 64/65 possible FH for ~175
1945 mercury dime my grade estimate 66/67 $8
1906 barber dime au $10
Nice raw coins for low prices are out there, but finding them takes a great deal of effort and time.
I also acquired a slabbed 3rd/4th cycle toner Washington in 67 for half of price guide - consistent with other dark toned slabbed coins I have gotten in the past.
I was also fortunate enough to acquire a MS66 1944 Mercury dime with pleasing lavender toning for only $29.
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
@hummingbird_coins said:
2024 from a "poor" collector's POV:
I have found some good deals in raw coins on eBay recently. Most of them were cherry picks but these 3 weren't.
1920 standing liberty quarter my grade estimate 64/65 possible FH for ~175
1945 mercury dime my grade estimate 66/67 $8
1906 barber dime au $10
Nice raw coins for low prices are out there, but finding them takes a great deal of effort and time.
I also acquired a slabbed 3rd/4th cycle toner Washington in 67 for half of price guide - consistent with other dark toned slabbed coins I have gotten in the past.
I was also fortunate enough to acquire a MS66 1944 Mercury dime with pleasing lavender toning for only $29.
Do not worry I am not a rich collector either by any means and never will be but enjoy the hobby in my way with the funds I do have.
Excellent year from a buying standpoint. Unfortunately after acquiring my 11th gold coin for my 12 piece type set, my interest waned and subsequently decided to stop the set.
My rattler collection has developed extensively with some key help from friends and I’m getting close to finishing a very nice date set that I’d like to share here and hopefully at a few shows. To keep my interest while rattler hunting, I started a CC low ball set in CAC which is surprisingly extremely hard.
Also feel like I got lucky with the below toned seated liberty dollar that I found while browsing YouTube videos. I looked the dealer up and we worked the deal over many months to close her out and bring her home.
I plan to pivot to bank notes for 2025 as I likely finish out both the rattler and low ball sets.
Very well. I attended Winter FUN, Spring Long Beach, CSNS, Summer ANA, and several local shows. I met with friends and made new friends and had a fantastic time.
I made excellent headway in my chopmarked trade dollar variety set. I made and cherry picked some scarce and legitimately rare coins that are fascinating to me.
I trimmed quite a few pieces I liked but didn't love to raise cash for new additions. Did pretty well on the sales for the most part.
I started a Japanese Koban set after buying one and falling in love. I added some additional World Chopmarked coins, interesting World gold coins, and a couple of tougher date US gold pieces.
And finally, after a long time of searching and saving, I added a bucket list coin, a $50 Assay slug.
It's been a fantastic year. I have a few coins in grading and one or two more coins on my watchlist to keep me interested for the remainder of the year.
If only every year was like this one. Nice post OP, I'm enjoying reading others' updates.
Ever think of buying a first year set run to add to your 1794 half dollar? The 1794 dollar would be an amazing addition to your already amazing collection. I know they are not cheap but any first year issue are trophy coins for sure. I have always liked the 1796 dime...but then again I like all the first issues 1/2 cent up to the dollar. If copper is not your thing (I prefer silver coins myself) then that would save money on those.
@johnny010 said:
Also feel like I got lucky with the below toned seated liberty dollar that I found while browsing YouTube videos. I looked the dealer up and we worked the deal over many months to close her out and bring her home.
That’s amazing color for any silver dollar let alone a Seated dollar! I have never seen one like that before! Outstanding! One of the two coins that I purchased was a Seated dollar of the same issue. I am very happy with mine, too! She has a CAC sticker and is very original.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
Well, it's a 3 part problem:
1st, I can't find the coins that I am looking for
2nd, when I do fine them they are problem coins in straight graded holders
3rd, If I find a coin the price is too high and end up getting outbid
2024 has been the year of big losses for me. Lol! I completed my circulated Carson City Morgan set last year with grades ranging from VF35 to AU50. Then a few months ago, I decided I wanted XF40's and XF45's, so I upgraded the three VF35 keys to XF40's by trading them in and taking a beating. Recently I changed my mind again, and decided I want them to all be XF45's. So two XF40 keys and three other XF40's took a ride and I took another beating. LMAO!
@M4Madness said:
2024 has been the year of big losses for me. Lol! I completed my circulated Carson City Morgan set last year with grades ranging from VF35 to AU50. Then a few months ago, I decided I wanted XF40's and XF45's, so I upgraded the three VF35 keys to XF40's by trading them in and taking a beating. Recently I changed my mind again, and decided I want them to all be XF45's. So two XF40 keys and three other XF40's took a ride and I took another beating. LMAO!
Any photos? I'm trying for F15 below in CAC and the 1885 was the hardest so far. Finally made a concession to buy a VF20 this week.
Expensive. Picked up the top 3 $20 Libeety dates I wanted. I figured it would take a few years to get all 3 since the coin listings usually had them in higher grades than I wanted to buy.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
@M4Madness said:
2024 has been the year of big losses for me. Lol! I completed my circulated Carson City Morgan set last year with grades ranging from VF35 to AU50. Then a few months ago, I decided I wanted XF40's and XF45's, so I upgraded the three VF35 keys to XF40's by trading them in and taking a beating. Recently I changed my mind again, and decided I want them to all be XF45's. So two XF40 keys and three other XF40's took a ride and I took another beating. LMAO!
Any photos? I'm trying for F15 below in CAC and the 1885 was the hardest so far. Finally made a concession to buy a VF20 this week.
My registry link is in my sigline, and contains mostly TrueViews, with slab photos for the three not in Gold Shield holders yet. I decided that the three keys should be CAC (since they're more expensive), so I still have to swap the XF40 1893-CC for an XF45 CAC hopefully before year's end. Then that'll leave the 1884-CC as the last to find.
Many people don't know how hard some of these Carson City Morgans are to find in circulated grades. 1884 and 1885 were BY FAR the hardest for me to find -- and there are hundreds (probably thousands) of those two dates in MS. I have both XF40 and AU50 1884-CC's (which is a feat by itself), but have yet to find the elusive XF45. I've missed 2 of the 31 PCGS population already this year.
You certainly have your work cut out for you with your chosen grade range and even more so finding them all in CAC! I wish you the best of luck!
It's been a quiet year so far. I'm down to one coin for a complete SLH set. I just cherry picked another PCGS straight graded 1855/54 that was misidentified as an 1855 normal date. It's my 20th cherried 1855/54, so things were going well.
That is, until PCGS completely botched a coin attribution after being given the proper coin designation ("1855/54") and coin number ("6282") for the coin on the submission sheet, then changed the name and number to the WRONG name and Number without consulting the client. The attribution was easier than identifying a 1955 DDO Lincoln cent! Apparently, that's asking too much of the professional numismatists at PCGS, so I have to PAY to have the coin reholdered and ATTRIBUTED (inappropriate for a main sequence Coin Facts coin) instead of offering a free reholdering for their multiple unforced errors.
I have bought twice as much in 2024 as I did in 23. One big purchase at ANA auction on which I really stretched.
Had fun At FUN but got outbid on a coin I am still regretting.
So a mixed bag and I need to cut it back for a bit.
But always learning, which is the main thing.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
Not bad. I have gotten some nice coins, but they have come via private treaty. As usual I've been beaten up at the auctions. I have a great talent for coming in second.
Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?
@Barberian said:
Here's my 1855/54 back from PCGS as an 1855 normal date, with the ink still fresh on the erroneous label.
Even with obscuring toning, this is an obvious overdate.
Can you do an overlay of the 4?
I see something there but could it maybe a wishful thinking stretch to see 55/54?
That 4 is awfully wide for a 5 to cover?
Buying in 2024 has been great. I have gone over my budget . I had to stretch to get the quality I desire. Bought this beautiful 1805 $5 at ANA in Chicago. Wasn't planning on spending anymore, then on Friday I found this beautiful 1805 $2.5. Great matching pair. Both CAC.
I was very close to pulling the trigger on the 2.5 at the same price you paid honestly. Such an excellent pair of coins, you’ve done very well this year.
2024 has been a very strange year for me. I spent the first 4 months in a medical lock down.
During that time I found 2 coins for my very small Reeded Edge Half set, but nothing for my primary Seated sets. I was out of funds by May, ( self employed so no work/no money).
I was just about resolved to sell some coins so I could complete a few projects when 3 different windfalls came my way. unfortunately, any coins worth having dried up. Until August.
Then I got the exact CH-45 Seated New Orleans quarter from the 1840-s I had been looking for. Right after that I found 3 coins on my Seated Dime bucket list. !837 Sm Stars DDR, 1843/1843 and 1847 f-101 Date on base. I also landed 3 other dimes.
I am in a holding pattern right now. Again self employed so must work. fortunately have had busiest summer in 20 years. Great Collections has a massive Seated Dime variety collection coming up in the future. I just haven't won a coin there in months so who knows how 2024 ends. James
@scotty4449 said:
It's been slow for me. I have only added a single coin so far. I ended up getting crushed in the handful of other coins I seriously went after.
Here is the one I did manage to win. It's a 66 CAC and I love it!
Oh muh gurd!!!!! That’s one hell of a bella Bella. Stunning. Amazing. Tip of the hat to you sir.
Having fun while switching things up and focusing on a next level PCGS slabbed 1950+ type set, while still looking for great examples for the 7070.
Slow year. my sets are all 100% complete. Hard to find upgrades in my favorite series as most are single digit population and the $$$ just aren't there.
My coin buying has definitely slowed the last couple of years. Much more picky now than I once was and it has been a good thing. I did find a D Carr Merlin that I really like a few days after the ball dropped on NYE....and I picked up a 10 oz 2014 Perth Lunar Silver Horse for not much over spot price when silver was around $25. Very happy with both of those. A couple of GC auctions I was bidding on. One wasn't even close and the other was the under bidder.
I have found very few of the coins that I need. I have been the underbidder in several auctions. Maybe I should change my handle to Underbidder.
Continuing to focus on quality over quantity. Bought several coins this year but only 2 that I plan on keeping long term.
I only bought 2 coins in 2024 but they were both nice, higher-end examples of semi-key coins that I wanted and needed. I didn't pull the trigger on a 3rd and have been kicking myself ever since.
That's not like me. But, in my own defense; I didn't decide not to buy it, rather someone else was just a little faster, on the draw. It took me too long to make up my mind.
Bought a 4th coin but found that it had a scratch that I didn't like. I sold it for a quick $20 profit, even though I'd have been happy just breaking even. 
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
2024 from a "poor" collector's POV:
I have found some good deals in raw coins on eBay recently. Most of them were cherry picks but these 3 weren't.
1920 standing liberty quarter my grade estimate 64/65 possible FH for ~175
1945 mercury dime my grade estimate 66/67 $8
1906 barber dime au $10
Nice raw coins for low prices are out there, but finding them takes a great deal of effort and time.
I also acquired a slabbed 3rd/4th cycle toner Washington in 67 for half of price guide - consistent with other dark toned slabbed coins I have gotten in the past.
I was also fortunate enough to acquire a MS66 1944 Mercury dime with pleasing lavender toning for only $29.
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
Been an absolutely great year that follows a similar 2023. Mostly buying over selling.
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Do not worry I am not a rich collector either by any means and never will be but enjoy the hobby in my way with the funds I do have.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Excellent year from a buying standpoint. Unfortunately after acquiring my 11th gold coin for my 12 piece type set, my interest waned and subsequently decided to stop the set.
My rattler collection has developed extensively with some key help from friends and I’m getting close to finishing a very nice date set that I’d like to share here and hopefully at a few shows. To keep my interest while rattler hunting, I started a CC low ball set in CAC which is surprisingly extremely hard.
Also feel like I got lucky with the below toned seated liberty dollar that I found while browsing YouTube videos. I looked the dealer up and we worked the deal over many months to close her out and bring her home.
I plan to pivot to bank notes for 2025 as I likely finish out both the rattler and low ball sets.
It’s been ok, I think I bought more coins in 2023 though.
Excellent year!
Rich in coins, poor in cash!😉😂
I haven’t bought a single coin so far.
Been sinking enormous amounts of money into major home remodeling projects.
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
You can say that again!
2024 has been a banner year for box ‘o 20 additions, I’m very grateful for the coins that have found a home with me recently.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Very well. I attended Winter FUN, Spring Long Beach, CSNS, Summer ANA, and several local shows. I met with friends and made new friends and had a fantastic time.
I made excellent headway in my chopmarked trade dollar variety set. I made and cherry picked some scarce and legitimately rare coins that are fascinating to me.
I trimmed quite a few pieces I liked but didn't love to raise cash for new additions. Did pretty well on the sales for the most part.
I started a Japanese Koban set after buying one and falling in love. I added some additional World Chopmarked coins, interesting World gold coins, and a couple of tougher date US gold pieces.
And finally, after a long time of searching and saving, I added a bucket list coin, a $50 Assay slug.
It's been a fantastic year. I have a few coins in grading and one or two more coins on my watchlist to keep me interested for the remainder of the year.
If only every year was like this one. Nice post OP, I'm enjoying reading others' updates.
Nice Dan, really nice!!
What’s those two coins doing with X’s though them?
Probably sold.
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
One word sums it up "frustrated"
My Indians
Danco Set
It's been slow for me. I have only added a single coin so far. I ended up getting crushed in the handful of other coins I seriously went after.
Here is the one I did manage to win. It's a 66 CAC and I love it!
Selling silver eagles and gold coins into the rally has been nice.
Only two so far this year for my core collection
What gives?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
PeakRarities aka Dan
Ever think of buying a first year set run to add to your 1794 half dollar? The 1794 dollar would be an amazing addition to your already amazing collection. I know they are not cheap but any first year issue are trophy coins for sure. I have always liked the 1796 dime...but then again I like all the first issues 1/2 cent up to the dollar. If copper is not your thing (I prefer silver coins myself) then that would save money on those.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
That’s amazing color for any silver dollar let alone a Seated dollar! I have never seen one like that before! Outstanding! One of the two coins that I purchased was a Seated dollar of the same issue. I am very happy with mine, too! She has a CAC sticker and is very original.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Well, it's a 3 part problem:
1st, I can't find the coins that I am looking for
2nd, when I do fine them they are problem coins in straight graded holders
3rd, If I find a coin the price is too high and end up getting outbid
My Indians
Danco Set
Best year ever; at least for selling.
Have sold three large safety deposits boxes worth.
No way Jose, those will
Probably be buried with me
I put an X through those coins because I bought those in prior years, they weren’t 2024 coins
Founder- Peak Rarities
Was wondering about the Xs, myself.
Yes, those are keepers!
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
2024 has been the year of big losses for me. Lol! I completed my circulated Carson City Morgan set last year with grades ranging from VF35 to AU50. Then a few months ago, I decided I wanted XF40's and XF45's, so I upgraded the three VF35 keys to XF40's by trading them in and taking a beating. Recently I changed my mind again, and decided I want them to all be XF45's. So two XF40 keys and three other XF40's took a ride and I took another beating. LMAO!
My Carson City Morgan Registry Set
How has 2024 treated you so far as a collector?
Like a red headed step child
Wisdom has been chasing you but, you've always been faster
Any photos? I'm trying for F15 below in CAC and the 1885 was the hardest so far. Finally made a concession to buy a VF20 this week.
Expensive. Picked up the top 3 $20 Libeety dates I wanted. I figured it would take a few years to get all 3 since the coin listings usually had them in higher grades than I wanted to buy.

Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
My registry link is in my sigline, and contains mostly TrueViews, with slab photos for the three not in Gold Shield holders yet. I decided that the three keys should be CAC (since they're more expensive), so I still have to swap the XF40 1893-CC for an XF45 CAC hopefully before year's end. Then that'll leave the 1884-CC as the last to find.
Many people don't know how hard some of these Carson City Morgans are to find in circulated grades. 1884 and 1885 were BY FAR the hardest for me to find -- and there are hundreds (probably thousands) of those two dates in MS. I have both XF40 and AU50 1884-CC's (which is a feat by itself), but have yet to find the elusive XF45. I've missed 2 of the 31 PCGS population already this year.
You certainly have your work cut out for you with your chosen grade range and even more so finding them all in CAC! I wish you the best of luck!
My Carson City Morgan Registry Set
I've bought one coin in 2024. Would love to buy more if I could find anything I need.
Ive started buying paper $ over the last couple years because the coins I need are nowhere to be found.
It's been a quiet year so far. I'm down to one coin for a complete SLH set. I just cherry picked another PCGS straight graded 1855/54 that was misidentified as an 1855 normal date. It's my 20th cherried 1855/54, so things were going well.
That is, until PCGS completely botched a coin attribution after being given the proper coin designation ("1855/54") and coin number ("6282") for the coin on the submission sheet, then changed the name and number to the WRONG name and Number without consulting the client. The attribution was easier than identifying a 1955 DDO Lincoln cent! Apparently, that's asking too much of the professional numismatists at PCGS, so I have to PAY to have the coin reholdered and ATTRIBUTED (inappropriate for a main sequence Coin Facts coin) instead of offering a free reholdering for their multiple unforced errors.
I have bought twice as much in 2024 as I did in 23. One big purchase at ANA auction on which I really stretched.

Had fun At FUN but got outbid on a coin I am still regretting.
So a mixed bag and I need to cut it back for a bit.
But always learning, which is the main thing.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
Good so far.
The first half of the year I was able to put together a Quarter Eagle set all PCGS AU55-58.
I will admit the 1911-D was a XF40 weak D
coinJP, Outhaul ,illini420,MICHAELDIXON, Fade to Black,epcjimi1,19Lyds,SNMAN,JerseyJoe, bigjpst, DMWJR , lordmarcovan, Weiss,Mfriday4962,UtahCoin,Downtown1974,pitboss,RichieURich,Bullsitter,JDsCoins,toyz4geo,jshaulis, mustanggt, SNMAN, MWallace, ms71, lordmarcovan
can't gripe been good so far
Been fine for me too. Happy so far!
Not bad. I have gotten some nice coins, but they have come via private treaty. As usual I've been beaten up at the auctions. I have a great talent for coming in second.
Here's my 1855/54 back from PCGS as an 1855 normal date, with the ink still fresh on the erroneous label.
Even with obscuring toning, this is an obvious overdate.

Can you do an overlay of the 4?

I see something there but could it maybe a wishful thinking stretch to see 55/54?
That 4 is awfully wide for a 5 to cover?
Buying in 2024 has been great. I have gone over my budget
. I had to stretch to get the quality I desire. Bought this beautiful 1805 $5 at ANA in Chicago. Wasn't planning on spending anymore, then on Friday I found this beautiful 1805 $2.5. Great matching pair. Both CAC.

I was very close to pulling the trigger on the 2.5 at the same price you paid honestly. Such an excellent pair of coins, you’ve done very well this year.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Portions of the 4 may have been polished off the die. Here are two strong overdates showing portions of the underlying date.
2024 has been a very strange year for me. I spent the first 4 months in a medical lock down.
During that time I found 2 coins for my very small Reeded Edge Half set, but nothing for my primary Seated sets. I was out of funds by May, ( self employed so no work/no money).
I was just about resolved to sell some coins so I could complete a few projects when 3 different windfalls came my way. unfortunately, any coins worth having dried up. Until August.
Then I got the exact CH-45 Seated New Orleans quarter from the 1840-s I had been looking for. Right after that I found 3 coins on my Seated Dime bucket list. !837 Sm Stars DDR, 1843/1843 and 1847 f-101 Date on base. I also landed 3 other dimes.
I am in a holding pattern right now. Again self employed so must work. fortunately have had busiest summer in 20 years. Great Collections has a massive Seated Dime variety collection coming up in the future. I just haven't won a coin there in months so who knows how 2024 ends. James
Oh muh gurd!!!!! That’s one hell of a bella Bella. Stunning. Amazing. Tip of the hat to you sir.
Having fun while switching things up and focusing on a next level PCGS slabbed 1950+ type set, while still looking for great examples for the 7070.
Meh year for me, but I did upgrade one coin.
Care to share?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Slow year. my sets are all 100% complete. Hard to find upgrades in my favorite series as most are single digit population and the $$$ just aren't there.
My coin buying has definitely slowed the last couple of years. Much more picky now than I once was and it has been a good thing. I did find a D Carr Merlin that I really like a few days after the ball dropped on NYE....and I picked up a 10 oz 2014 Perth Lunar Silver Horse for not much over spot price when silver was around $25. Very happy with both of those. A couple of GC auctions I was bidding on. One wasn't even close and the other was the under bidder.