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Show Those Die Cracks - Any Coin With A Special Die Crack(s) or Just A Die Crack(s) That You Like?

lilolmelilolme Posts: 2,696 ✭✭✭✭✭

So does anyone have a coin with a special die crack or should I say one that you just like a little more maybe?

I had a decent 50c 1832 for the date set but when I viewed this one I kind of liked the thick die crack (die state book calls it a die break) on the reverse. So now I have another 1832. :) While I really like the half itself, the reverse die crack may have been the 'seller' for me. I know some don't like them. ;)

I tried to get a picture showing the depth (and width) of the die crack. Also the rough side-edge of it. Had to use the cell phone for this as the snap-o'matic doesn't like the extra close ups. :/ I think the one that is not as close up may be better as the closer one loses a little definition.

Used the snap-o'matic to try and get a decent picture of the obverse and reverse. Had to play around with the positioning of stuff a little. I think it came out okay and captures some of the coin features. :)
Oh, I was lazy again and no cropping. So some slab junk.

So any die cracked coins that others like?




https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwmUMvhy-lY - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed

RLJ 1958 - 2023



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