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Ten reasons why I scratched #3 off my numismatic bucket list.

DocBenjaminDocBenjamin Posts: 1,054 ✭✭✭✭✭

Always wanted to acquire a million Lincoln cents. After some thought, that is not practical so it is off the list!

  1. If I pick up 20 rolls twice a week, the bank will not be thrilled and it will take a bit over 9 and a half years.

  2. Have no basement. Not something that you would store in the billiard room.

  3. Mining is not without consequence. Don't need the footprint.

  4. Got to have a long and straggly beard to do this. Don't look too good with a beard.

  5. Costs a couple cents to produce a cent. Don't want to burden the Mint.

  6. I would probably start searching the damn things. That should be reason number one!

  7. No end game. PITA to dispose of such a hoard.

8 9 and 10...help me out with those. ;)


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