New Mexico portrait 8R pickup

Just picked this one up from Tauler y Fau. If you guess what attracted me to it in 10 seconds or less without checking comments - I'll buy you a beer at the next USMEX show. 🍺 🍻
Auction description:
Charles IV (1788-1808). 8 reales. 1803. Mexico. FT. (Cal-977). Ag. 26,82 g. Soft tone. VF/Choice VF. Est...100,00.
Cool coin! Was the 8 in 8R punched upside down then corrected?
I think it was the tooling on the portrait
Latin American Collection
Is it the 0 above the M?
I have no idea about the series but cool pick up 2K
It has to be the 1/something
I have to agree with threefifty, as I don't see anything else that jumps out at me.
No discernable overdate or over assayer, at least that I can tell in 10 seconds.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
@JohnnyCache you do not see the 1/something on the date? Looks like 1/0
Not sure you care about the cud in the column? I want my beer, so I better be right.
It looks like the 1 maybe took a small hit at one point.
Perhaps, maybe I could speculate, due to the appearance of some sloppiness in the numeral, that it was recut but that would be the extent of it.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Just to compare...

Appears to have something below:

Probably the roundness under 1 in the date - yet no other trace?
Roman, this one is almost veering into VAM territory...
Wow, you guys took it way too far - love it!
But @threefifty got it - it was the 8 over an upside-down 8 in the denomination. There are a number of other die issues, but all likely due to normal wear and tear vs an error by the die sinker, as with the denomination.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Very cool! Took me a while to see it, there is an 1818 Zacatecas 8R variety with the upside down 8 (uncorrected) that it reminded me of.
Hey, all you have to do is show up and you got one
8 Reales Madness Collection
Nice, i'll see if i can find an example of that one.
Here's a post i made a few years back about an 1822 Potosi 8R with the upside-down 8. What's neat about that Potosi date is that there are 3 varieties associated with it - inverted, normal, and a repaired. The kicker? Repaired variety was from a whole different die, altogether.
8 Reales Madness Collection
@TwoKopeiki interesting.
@ELuis I think we are right.
Have you booked your trip for this year already?
For the group at large.... Are there others of you out there who are considering going?
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Yup, i'm all booked. JC, you should definitely come. It's a great show to make connections with dealers and specialists in the Mexican / LatAm numismatics.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Just curious, do you need to be a member? or in other words it is just for members?
Planning on finally making it this year, it doesn't conflict with Baltimore or Manchester this year!
Justin Meunier
Boardwalk Numismatics
You do have to be a member, but the fees start at $30 a year and you get some great perks, like the journal and access to their extensive digital and physical library.
8 Reales Madness Collection
It would be great to see you there, Justin!
8 Reales Madness Collection