New variety discovery? (Not Mexico)

I mean, may not be Mexico City Mint, but obviously still an 8 Reales
I think it's a new variety discovery, but if it's documented somewhere - please let me know. I checked the usual suspects and didn't see any mention of this 1822 Bolivia Potosi 8 Reales with an upside-down or inverted digit 8 in denomination "8R" on the reverse.
What's also neat about this one is that the inverted digit seems to have been struck over a correctly placed one.
Additional searches through various archives netted another variety with the inverted 8 corrected again back into the proper orientation. Note that this is yet another die, so the same error happened at least twice that year and was caught / corrected at least once.
Very cool variety!!
Latin American Collection
Thanks Brian. Updated the original post with the repaired example, which seems to be another reverse die, altogether.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Congrats on the cool find. The second example that's repaired is even more interesting. It's fun to speculate what might have happened to have two of the same error occur twice in the same year. Perhaps a new die sinker missed that day of training?