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I hope all the Trade dollar collectors join in to this discussion. One member wrote this info and another member linked it: @alefzero published a "cherry picking" book. You can find a PDF of it as well as exhaustive research of each of the dies here -> http://registry.ssdcvams.com/Trade/

WOW. Some research!

With a new Trade dollar reference coming out sometime, I hope it is as complete as possible. In addition to each known variety as has been done (?) above I want some complete info about the Types. That's why I asked about a strange (to me) 1876 Trade dollar a while back. As a start, what are the experts going to call the Types since according to the Gobrecht Journal there are more than 2 obverses and reverses in the series. In the past, the author of each new book gets to make the call. I've seen images of different Types that are twenty years old. How about some updates with all the differences here and in the new book.


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