*ANSWERED* PCGS won't pick up my Express Mail submission from the Post Office

This was shipped last week and has been at the Newport Beach P.O. since Thursday. The USPS is now going to return it to me. What can I do? I've been on hold with PCGS most of the morning. They simply don't answer. Thanks for any advice.
Latest Update
This is a reminder to pick up your item before March 19, 2024 or your item will be returned on March 20, 2024. Please pick up the item at the NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 Post Office.
I've a feeling I should have used FedEx..
They must get mountains of mail every day. I wonder if the PO is failing to hand it to them when they pick up their mail.
Try calling the Newport Beach post office.
That sucks!
"The mailbox of the person you are calling is currently full, and cannot accept new messages."
Thanks anyway, it was worth trying!
I'm still on hold with PCGS, my third call of the day.
I realize that USPS says that your package has not been delivered to PCGS.
Notwithstanding, what does PCGS say about receipt?
Find My Package
I can't find any such link on the Android app.
Aww crap, I'm five years too late!
This (below) was my previous call. Unfortunately I had to give up because of something urgent here. I'm at 37 minutes on my current call but I'm not holding out much hope. The only time I ever reached anyone there it was near closing time. I can try that again today but it'll be too late to send anyone to the p.o. (not that they would)....
Well, I appreciate the advice, and commiseration.
Use the PCGS callback feature.
Good luck.
Thanks, I tried that this morning. Of course it probably stands to reason that if they're not taking calls they won't be doing callbacks either. The idea being that the former take precedence over the latter.
ETA: I just wish the USPS would hold on to the package an extra day or two. It cost me over $60 to send (express + insurance) making this an expensive lesson, not to mention the time wasted.
Call early in the morning. PCGS quits taking calls when they can no longer return them that same day. If you get in line they will call you back, just make sure you are by the phone until they call. If you miss the call get back in-line the next day.
I'm no business genius or whatever but maybe hiring another person to answer the phone would help
Get in-line tomorrow morning 1st thing,,,,, they will call you back. Stay by the phone,,,, if you miss the call get back in-line the next day.
did you use the correct PO Box?
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You can consider calling the post office and asking about the status.
I once had PCGS refuse a submission shipment, which means Return To Sender (USPS tracking said Delivered and two days later it changed to Refused). When it came back, the Priority Mail Medium box had been opened and re-sealed by the USPS with their special tape and one of the inside envelopes (which contained one of my submissions) was missing. I sincerely hope all is in good order but a call to the Post Office may shed some light on your situation, which I hope ends better than mine.
I do not use the Android app. So, I cannot provide any insight about it.
Yep. The Boyd announcement is 5 years old. However, I checked for this feature on my computer before posting about it. In short, it is there when I 'sign in' to my account via computer.
From 30 seconds ago:

In any event, I appreciate that you took the time to check, and wish you luck.
Edited for clarity.
That was my first worry, so I double checked it.
Guess who is my favorite person on collectors.com now?
Since the five-year-old post said the functionality would be on the android app the following week, I erroneously assumed it wasn't working anywhere. And since usps.com said the package had not been picked up, I erroneously assumed it had not been picked up. Turns out they picked it up yesterday. A few days late, but (much) better late than never.
Thanks for your advice; I went on my computer and found it.
And you are clearly a true gentleman as well.
I could learn a thing or two from you.
Thanks again.
I have an Android type phone (Samsung). Don't use the App much but logged into MyAccount. I first tried the menu icon (triple stacked dashes) and not there. Then I paged down the screen a little and there it was. Here is a screenshot of what I see. Maybe it might come in handy some other time if it is the same for all.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwmUMvhy-lY - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed
RLJ 1958 - 2023
I am truly humbled by your kind words.
Thank you for investigating further, and for taking the time to post.
I am glad that your package arrived safely. Best of luck with your grades.
I love happy ending
Not enough lately..........
My Indians
Danco Set
Exhibit A for why one should use reinforced water tape and registered mail for PCGS submissions. The tape is very difficult to pilfer.
I wonder if they sell tamper seals one could put over the edge of the package? Not that it would stop a thief but maybe deter a little?
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me too, very pleased how this turned out, but secretly I thought this was heading to 6-7 pages with a full on character buffet.
A submission I had last year, took 3 weeks and 4 days to make it to the P.O. and then sat there for 8 days before finally picked up. I will never send anything express mail nor registered mail again. This year I used regular mail insured and it made it in 5 days and was still there for 6 days before picked up.
If you send raw coins, how in the world do you set value for insurance purposes that would matter to an insurance company? Just curious.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
PCGS will refuse delivery of any package that appears to have been damaged or breached. Happened to me once. Sucked, but no coins were missing or damaged. I'd do the same.
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