What will become of Bill Belichick?

in Sports Talk
Do you think he's done as a head coach in the NFL, or maybe a TV broadcaster? It's going to be weird not seeing him on the sidelines in 2024.
I think he is absolutely done
AsI said in another thread I believe no NFL owner will hire him due to his rude behavior during the Patriots 20 year reign of terror over the league
Another poster said he thinks it's more along the reasoning that Belichick wants to much control, that is possible but I think my reasoning is more accurate but who knows
Either way, I say he is done coaching
Or in other words he has been "put out to pasture" like a good old workhorse! He has seen his day in the sun.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the rumor that broke before the weekend that Andy Reid will retire after winning the Super Bowl and that Clark Hunt is targeting Belichick as the replacement. I'm not saying that I necessarily give any credence to it, but it's been floating around on the various sports news platforms, and considering how all things related to the Patriots are discussed here, I just figured someone would have already mentioned it.
I just heard of it but don't know if it's true or not
I think I could see him moving into the apartment with Charlie and Frank and eating cat food straight out of the can right before bed. Maybe play a little nightcrawlers when the urge arises...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Wow, Andy Reid retiring and Belichick taking over, that would be insane, Belichick would be sure to get more rings. Just imagine, Belichick was teamed up with the GOAT for 20 years, and now he's teamed up with the guy that's trying to catch the GOAT.
He wanted too much control in Atlanta. So much that the owners were put off. After his stint as a GM who can blame them.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
go ahead, hire Belichick. and give him the keys to the car while you're at it. you'll have the most unathletic roster in the NFL, you won't score points, and you'll win a championship a month from never.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
He will retire to his home in south Florida.
Retirement and entry into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in the near future.
Interesting point.
I think that's the logical scenario at this point.
Realizing that anything could change.
If Andy Reid were to retire Mahomes will have a massive say in who the next HC is. It would be wildly dumb for them to hire Bill and almost certainly will be a younger offensive minded guy. Theres no reason the Chiefs would be looking for anyone but a coach they think can be there for the next decade with Mahomes.
Bills name will be connected to any job that opens up but hes likely done as a HC in the NFL. Multiple teams have already passed on him this year including ones that interviewed him. Hes in his 70s and his style of dealing with players simply doesnt work anymore. If he wanted to go back to college he could but it wouldnt be a major program and hed likely be terrible at recruiting
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
BB"looking for an island in a boat upon the sea".
Start out soaring like an eagle and disappear like a Dodo bird !
JJ is the gift that keeps on giving
his team hasn't sniffed an SB in decades
they perennially underachieve
this season they said hold my beer and earned the 2 seed, then turned around and got summarily boat raced at home by a 7-point dog
and he keeps the coach
and now he's talking about another coach
no idea what he regularly smokes but i'd love to try it once to see if i like it
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I think Belichick is headed for retirement and the Hall of Fame.
If Reid retires, which I doubt will happen, and KC replaces him with Belichick, I think they are crazy. Belichick is where Tom Landy was when he reached the end of the trail. He just doesn't have what it takes to keep up with the NFL any more.
In my opinion, I think Jones is just saying this to light a fire under Mike McCarthy. Not that McCarthy really needs it. He already knows that if he doesn't win at least one playoff game, and even just that may not be good enough, then he is gone.
Jones hiring Belichick for the season after this upcoming season? I think it's a long shot. But I wouldn't completely rule out Jones signing Belichick to a one year contact and taking a flyer on him just for the yell of it.
Jones made his millions wildcatting for oil, and a move such as hiring Belichick could be considered similar to doing that.
I would bet that a bunch of the stars like Lamb, Dak, and Parsons arent really interested in being treated the way Bill is known to treat and coach players. JJ generally listens to players in coaching decisions and likes guys that will do what they say.
Id be surprised to see Bill there even if it was just for a year
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Don't tease me!
That's all Belichick has to do. Wear a red dress and padded bra for the interview with Jerry Jones, and he's hired. 😆
bills media bobo's trying to foam the runways foam the runaways for the impending crash of his career
adam shifty shefter tying himself in knots with these phony rumors
mahomes would veto the deal and that would be the end of that
Realistically, I think BB coaches again because it seems like he wants to coach - for the win record - and aside from the It Was All Tom Patriots fans (I have no problem with that take) I do think most people still believe he’s a pretty good head coach. And similar to Brady, he’s not going to go just anywhere but I think he’ll go somewhere that has a really good chance to win now. This off-season, I think the most attractive jobs have been filled but he’ll be a candidate for openings that are both expected and unexpected next off season, too.
Honestly, I could see it being Dallas; remember that Jerry Jones hired Parcells and has to feel that was one of the few people he’d turn the keys over to acquire. I’m not saying it would be a great move but it’s sort of exactly what both guys need. Jerry has long needed someone else in the organization to push back on him and Bellichek needs someone else drafting and a team that can win now. Each brings a level of prestige, which has lost some of it’s shine and Mike McCarthy coaching seat may as well be on the Sun for the 2024-25 Season.
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He’s gotten a job as a carnival roller coaster ride operator. His surly, disgruntled workplace demeanor is perfect for keeping unruly teenagers under control when in line for the ride.
Tom Brady's dad reveals Bill Belichick's 'horrible' trait that ended Patriots' glory days
i can't read it a giant banner pops up saying i need to allow ads
whats the cliff notes version?
that Bill runs a military-like system and has terrible interpersonal skills that do not relate to modern-day players.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
wow these journalists really earn their paychecks
It's interesting that Kraft seems to have hired a guy for head coach who is sort of the exact opposite of Belichick. A guy who seems like he will comfort his players like a compassionate psychiatrist. We shall see how that works out.
Frankly, I don't think that Belichick's "military-like system" had anything to do with his losing record of the past few years. I believe it was his cognitive decline because of old age, perhaps not doing the hard work and smart work that he used to do in analyzing players for the draft, and developing superior game plans, etc, that led to his firing.
I say it all has to do with his devaluing players, and would rather have a full roster of $2 players as opposed to a few $100, $50, and a bunch of $10 players.
His mentality is that his scheming and coaching is far more important than having star players that are actually very good.
Kraft being cheap adds to it immensely
Mayo has a lot of work to do, let's see how the draft goes, I have more faith in Mayo than I would have with Bill but either way I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling about the positive outlook of this team anytime soon
I just think the Mayo supposed approach works in a game such as MLB. Perhaps also in the NBA to a degree.
I can't see it working in the NFL. The violent nature of the game, the intricacies of the game, etc, are more like the military in planning and preparation. As they're basically competing to conquer territory. Same as an army, minus the dying.
An army without strict discipline and proper obeying of commands is a defeated army, same as a football team. I'm not saying that Mayo won't try to do that. I'm just not sure if mixing in the buddy-buddy thing with the players is a good idea for a new head coach starting out.
Andy Reid seems to now be doing the buddy-buddy thing with success. However Andy is old school and just toned it down a bit, which perhaps Belichick should have done.
Andy Reid already had the respect of his players. Mayo is a rookie head coach, and if he does the buddy-buddy thing right away, I just don't think it would get the best performance out of professional football players. We shall see.
Many coaches are going to be looking over their shoulders. Be listening for those BB footsteps as well.
The military style only works if you have a dynasty and people are willing to overlook it and put up with it to win. Top players now are millionaires already if not miltimillionaires when they reach the NFL. Players dont want to play for Bill and it shows. He basically didnt talk to Mac Jones all year and didnt even have the professionalism to tell him he was benched, Jones found out when he checked the roster. Jones had agents and trainers telling him he should demand a trade after his rookie season. Being so petty you cant even bother to tell your starting QB youre benching him does not go well with grown men, that wouldnt even go well in college.
There are agents out there that were actively trying to steer their players away from Bill whether they are free agents or the draft. His attitude was only tolerated because of winning and people wanting to play with Brady. The more Bill won the worse his attitude got. Even Saban knew when to turn it on and off and he was one of the more intense college coaches that had the respect of players
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I think a year off will do his ego some good.
Looking back on it all, the Patriots were at their best when Scott Paoli (sp?) was drafting, Robert Kraft was spending, Bellichek was coaching and Brady was quarterbacking. The Patriots had a brilliant and hard working guy filling arguably the four most important positions in the organization each of whom was all in on winning. The ability to replenish talent annually, sign key free agents, out scheme your opponents and have the QB take less money, continue to improve each season and deliver time and time again in big moments allowed the Patriots to achieve dynastic success.
Each of those pillars fell in one way or the other and it was a slow process that saw the overall talent level in decline as quality players departed, weren’t replaced or even addressed in some cases.
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Another reason Agents probably steered their clients away from Camp Belichick was because the fine line that existed, one game you have a career game then you could be benched the following Sunday
Bill ruined a few players careers and cost a few games because of his hard attitude
"that wouldnt even go well in college."
You do realize that scene in the movie "Rudy", where the team's players come into the coach's office and lay their jerseys on his desk, never actually happened. In reality It was Dan Devine's idea to dress Rudy for that game.
Most college football players are financially broke and badly need their scholarship. They ain't gonna say chit about how they are being coached. With a few exceptions if they are a star QB or other key position player.
I'm well aware it never happened. Players in college can transfer at will now after a federal court ruling that came on the back of a 9-0 Supreme Court ruling in 2021 that made NIL legal.
Youre living in the past with that view of the college world unless you mean in general. I dont overly focus on small programs where yes that would be the case, but good luck trying to act like Bill at a major program. Recruits take that into account too. They are making 6 figures or more for top players from not only NIL but their social media revenue. Quinn Ewers drives an Aston Martin, countless other players at power programs as in the same situation.
They dont need their scholarships and if they are actually good and dont like the coach they will just leave and someone else will give them one
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
The big thing for me is just the lack of professionalism over pettiness. If you want to bench someone fine even if its dumb but to not even be professional enough to tell them is just absurd for a professional coach. Its just an insane attitude he has that for sure ruined some guys and once someone is acting that way I dont see how any team could hire him as a HC at a high level
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Understood, but there's only so many local auto commercials and other chit they can do.
As far as being a draft choice from a GM perspective, I'd much rather draft a player who stayed in one place his entire college career, than some crybaby who jumped around because his coach yelled at him or forgot his birthday.
That perception could cause a player to drop down in the draft, and wind-up costing him a lot more money than he made with the NIL thing.
McCarthy has one year left on his contract and hasn’t been extended.
Bill takes this year off and after the Cowboys 12-5 season and early exit from the playoffs JJ hires BB knowing it’s only for a few years.
Mark this post now becomes the Swami sees the future
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Its not just local things, its national things as well. Caleb has Dr Pepper, Livy Dunne a gymnast is making millions a year from social media and some athletic clothing companies. They make money off of IG, Twitter, Facebook etc as well now too.
Transferring really doesnt mean its a cry baby. Sometimes it can, but if its not a good fit or you arent playing staying is a dumb decision. Pennix and Nix were terrible at their first schools and left for Oregon and Washington where they were now in a conference that doesnt play as much defense and had better WR cores. Many of the top players transfer at least once now. Bond just left Alabama to go be a WR at Texas and play with Ewers, Ewers started at Ohio State and got a million or so dollars and left to go back to Texas where he was from, Proctor left Bama to go back to Iowa where he was from when Saban retired, Daniels started at Arizona State, Dart started at USC, the list of transfers is very very very long especially for skill positions. The one you really dont see a lot for top players is linemen, those are usually guys that just couldnt get playing time which is smart for them to go somewhere they can.
Coaches move all the time and bring players with them. A lot of guys leave when the guy that recruited them leaves as well
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I understand Randolph and Mortimer Duke are looking for a new partner at Duke & Duke.
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Count me in the group that thinks Belichick will wait in the wings until the right situation comes calling. He's too close to that wins record to give up on it and from all reports the guy still loves coaching football. I think he likely takes a part time broadcasting gig until the right team comes calling and there will be teams calling at some point.
If you've got a team with a capable QB that has a solid offense already in place then BB might be a great hire. He'll improve your defense immediately and could possibly do the same for the offense if he brought Josh McDaniels with him to be the OC.
Just don't give him,alone, final say on roster decisions.
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I wonder if a mid season firing/opening were to present itself if he would jump in. If the circumstances/conditions were acceptable.
Perhaps Belichick is thinking about running for mayor of Boston? Perhaps governor? Or dare I say President of the United States? 😉
this. it was more important for BB that everyone thought he could film watch and scheme players up and still win. Its why he sat Butler in the 2nd Philly SB. It is why he constantly traded down in every draft for quantity over quality and the overall athleticism of our team gradually decreased over time. the Patriots have been a slow team for a long time now. I remember in bradys last year, 19, the receiving corp was just terrible. zero seperation. at all. it has been really frustrating. BB drafting N'Keal Harry over Metcalf that season was insane, but just one example of his priorities.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.