Man won’t be sending any 1970s commons at that price. Maybe they can do one for like 8.00 50.00 max value. Maybe the low value could lesson the stress of the ai machines worries on giving high dollar grades.
I know it won’t happen.
Anybody see the preview of what the next special is going to be in the email that was sent? They showed what looked like "Wah" before the rest was hidden. Any ideas of what this might be? Last time, you could clearly see it was a 70's special, but not sure about this one.
@Statman said:
Anybody see the preview of what the next special is going to be in the email that was sent? They showed what looked like "Wah" before the rest was hidden. Any ideas of what this might be? Last time, you could clearly see it was a 70's special, but not sure about this one.
Hi Everyone. I'm an old collector with 150K cards from 1952 to 1982. I'm just looking at grading them. I did my first PSA submission a few months ago. Anyways, the question I have for the forum is. On the notes for some of the submissions--specifically the one in the holiday special above, its states "includes Standard Imaging of the front and back"....other submissions state this plus "graded card will be returned inside a fitted sleeve protector". My question is if it's just "imaging...." does that mean I don't get it put in a PSA protector? or is the "fitted sleeve protector the plastic thing they put over the PSA plastic protector. Thanks Guys! I'm looking forwared to chatting with everyone.
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
@12ydpunt said:
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
Estimated Turnaround Time: 65 Days
Learn more
That's true, but only for TCG, and not any sports (like the 70s Holiday Special).
@12ydpunt said:
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
@12ydpunt said:
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
That's true, but only for TCG, and not any sports (like the 70s Holiday Special).
Thanks BBB! So the Holiday special is good for those people not members or those people with non baseball cards they want to submit.
If you’re seasoned like I am, you may have thought that “TCG” stood for “Topps Chewing Gum” since that’s what it meant for about 500 years. Now, however, “TCG” apparently means “Trading Card Game”, whatever the heck that is.
@Mefer said:
Did I read it correctly on the 70s special:
No minimum
You need a CC membership?
10 card min, membership needed, and as expected, tallboys excluded.
Thank you for getting this into the thread!
@12ydpunt said:
Hi Everyone. I'm an old collector with 150K cards from 1952 to 1982. I'm just looking at grading them. I did my first PSA submission a few months ago. Anyways, the question I have for the forum is. On the notes for some of the submissions--specifically the one in the holiday special above, its states "includes Standard Imaging of the front and back"....other submissions state this plus "graded card will be returned inside a fitted sleeve protector". My question is if it's just "imaging...." does that mean I don't get it put in a PSA protector? or is the "fitted sleeve protector the plastic thing they put over the PSA plastic protector. Thanks Guys! I'm looking forwared to chatting with everyone.
So, here’s the two main answers, with the examples in the same photo. When you’re card is finished, PSA now includes a scan of the finished product:
Zoom into any corner and you’ll see a plastic insert inside the area where the card is located to stop it from sliding around within.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
@12ydpunt said:
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
Estimated Turnaround Time: 65 Days
Learn more
As stated, it's TCG only, but the other restriction is it is only for 1992 and NEWER, so you need this special for anything TCG from the 70's, however they are called non-sport as there wasn't really TCG back then..
@12ydpunt said:
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
Estimated Turnaround Time: 65 Days
Learn more
As stated, it's TCG only, but the other restriction is it is only for 1992 and NEWER, so you need this special for anything TCG from the 70's, however they are called non-sport as there wasn't really TCG back then..
Good point on the only for 1992 and Newer in my example. Thanks
@Harnessracing said:
With the poor grading, they could make it $5 a card and I still could not send anymore in
I dont know. I have a friend who just got back a 1986 Rice rookie in a 9. I recently received some 80s cards back that got 9's as well. perhaps it is just a small sample size.
I know for sure, they can’t accurately grade on a consistent level. Too many complete orders just crapped on. Doesn’t outweigh the couple of correctly graded cards
Don’t send in anything not 50-50 centering. If you do, 7 at best
If you’re seasoned like I am, you may have thought that “TCG” stood for “Topps Chewing Gum” since that’s what it meant for about 500 years. Now, however, “TCG” apparently means “Trading Card Game”, whatever the heck that is.
I still think 'Trading Card Guild' when I see that. I remember that being on some Topps items (vending boxes?) in the '70's.
If you’re seasoned like I am, you may have thought that “TCG” stood for “Topps Chewing Gum” since that’s what it meant for about 500 years. Now, however, “TCG” apparently means “Trading Card Game”, whatever the heck that is.
I still think 'Trading Card Guild' when I see that. I remember that being on some Topps items (vending boxes?) in the '70's.
I could see Trading Card Guild, but T.C.G. was on every Topps Card produced from 1952 through 1974, at which point they spelled out Topps Chewing Gum. Stared at too many backs for too long when I was young :-).
@Mefer said:
Did I read it correctly on the 70s special:
No minimum
You need a CC membership?
10 card min, membership needed, and as expected, tallboys excluded.
Jeez, sure would have been nice if they could have extended this offer past the long holiday weekend
With it expiring 11/26, you have to get your items actually scanned into possession of the post office by close of business this Saturday. Kind of a bit much for most people to pull together considering which days are valid for the offer. Oh well.
@Mefer said:
Did I read it correctly on the 70s special:
No minimum
You need a CC membership?
10 card min, membership needed, and as expected, tallboys excluded.
Jeez, sure would have been nice if they could have extended this offer past the long holiday weekend
With it expiring 11/26, you have to get your items actually scanned into possession of the post office by close of business this Saturday. Kind of a bit much for most people to pull together considering which days are valid for the offer. Oh well.
It does say on the order form (after you complete it) that you have 30 days to submit it before it expires. I always thought that means as long as you completely fill out the order you'll have more time to actually get it there. That will give you more time to get it to them.
At least that's how it's worked for me on past submissions.
@Mefer said:
Did I read it correctly on the 70s special:
No minimum
You need a CC membership?
10 card min, membership needed, and as expected, tallboys excluded.
Jeez, sure would have been nice if they could have extended this offer past the long holiday weekend
With it expiring 11/26, you have to get your items actually scanned into possession of the post office by close of business this Saturday. Kind of a bit much for most people to pull together considering which days are valid for the offer. Oh well.
In reality it is never a postmark thing, it is just that the "special" won't be a selectable option in the submission center after this date. You can't have an expiry date on a Sunday when every single carrier is closed if it was supposed actually be shipped by that date!
So was not sure about the best place to put this but was thinking here with the 70s Special still active for???? Check your watch.
I feel like I got a make-up call and it was in the 70s space. I mean label it what you want or dont label it anything. But feels like many have taken a beating and expectations were badly missed on many a card by many an experienced collector. This felt much more in line with what I used to expect. Even that feeling I have had at times where you get that one nice surprise under the tree that you felt Santa was not going to get you. Like a hey, we appreciate you being a customer, this may be borderline and it is subjective so we can throw you a bone.
The 72 Bradshaw was the one I felt was like that. I have seen 8s in holders look like this but was thinking in late 2023 I would see my card as an 8. Very happy about the Nolan too. I feel like it is deserving but with this one and others was concerned they could be two grades lower and then I would be grumbling and telling a different story. Maybe posting in the PSA to SGC thread about how they improved. But dont see doing that with any of the 70s cards from this batch. For the 72s I had
wishful daydreams about a 9 but I'm cool with the 8s. As mentioned, fear was it could go a lot lower.
Who knows if it was just I got the happy grader and grader of death started vacation early or if there is an overall recognition that cards seemed undergraded. Time may tell if we see customer satisfaction shift. Whatever the case, very pleased that these met expectations. But continue to feel I dont have a clue on 50s raw cards so will continue to just stick with certain decades.
Best of luck to anybody who runs with the 70s special. Will be interested to hear the results. In two months. 😁
@Mefer said:
Did I read it correctly on the 70s special:
No minimum
You need a CC membership?
10 card min, membership needed, and as expected, tallboys excluded.
Jeez, sure would have been nice if they could have extended this offer past the long holiday weekend
With it expiring 11/26, you have to get your items actually scanned into possession of the post office by close of business this Saturday. Kind of a bit much for most people to pull together considering which days are valid for the offer. Oh well.
I posted earlier on this thread, a head up this special was coming, so hopefully people got a jump start at getting things ready.
I completed my submission form on 11/21/23 and it's already shipped. (Hoping it comes back before spring training. LOL)
I'm only sending in 11 cards this time. I had more in my stack, but pulled some for fear of not getting the grades I expect, so I just subbed some low pop oddballs and PC cards.
On my submission form it shows the sub is good for 30 days, 12/21/23 in my case.
But not sure about the actual package postmark date requirement though.
The form only mentioned quarterly specials.
@UlyssesExtravaganza said:
So was not sure about the best place to put this but was thinking here with the 70s Special still active for???? Check your watch.
I feel like I got a make-up call and it was in the 70s space. I mean label it what you want or dont label it anything. But feels like many have taken a beating and expectations were badly missed on many a card by many an experienced collector. This felt much more in line with what I used to expect. Even that feeling I have had at times where you get that one nice surprise under the tree that you felt Santa was not going to get you. Like a hey, we appreciate you being a customer, this may be borderline and it is subjective so we can throw you a bone.
The 72 Bradshaw was the one I felt was like that. I have seen 8s in holders look like this but was thinking in late 2023 I would see my card as an 8. Very happy about the Nolan too. I feel like it is deserving but with this one and others was concerned they could be two grades lower and then I would be grumbling and telling a different story. Maybe posting in the PSA to SGC thread about how they improved. But dont see doing that with any of the 70s cards from this batch. For the 72s I had
wishful daydreams about a 9 but I'm cool with the 8s. As mentioned, fear was it could go a lot lower.
Who knows if it was just I got the happy grader and grader of death started vacation early or if there is an overall recognition that cards seemed undergraded. Time may tell if we see customer satisfaction shift. Whatever the case, very pleased that these met expectations. But continue to feel I dont have a clue on 50s raw cards so will continue to just stick with certain decades.
Best of luck to anybody who runs with the 70s special. Will be interested to hear the results. In two months. 😁
Based on you Pic's many of those look like pre-2022 grading. Congrats on the anomalous receipt of grades the cards actually deserve according to PSA's published definitions.
@GoTigers said:
$13.99 on the TCG. I know it’s only a dollar but it’s nice to see there is some hope for the prices to trickle down a bit more
This TCG special is bunk.... the max DV is only $100, so for saving a buck you lose half the DV... Even lamer is that they say the regular price is $25, which should mean $499 DV... Now if there was no min, it would make more sense, but if you need to send 20 cards, unless you know they aren't worth over $100, I'd pay the extra buck and not rush to send in.... But they do offer a 50 day turn vs 65.
@12ydpunt said:
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
That's true, but only for TCG, and not any sports (like the 70s Holiday Special).
Thanks BBB! So the Holiday special is good for those people not members or those people with non baseball cards they want to submit.
If you’re seasoned like I am, you may have thought that “TCG” stood for “Topps Chewing Gum” since that’s what it meant for about 500 years. Now, however, “TCG” apparently means “Trading Card Game”, whatever the heck that is.
Try spending an hour putting a sub together for the first time, wondering why cards weren't coming up in the auto-fill and then figuring out TCG meant "Trading Card Game".
The email is misleading, making it appear that you can combine 80s and 90s cards for the 10 card minimum in one order.
But when you start the submission, there are 2 separate lines, 1 for 80s and 1 for 90s, which would mean it would require 10 card minimum for each, in 2 separate orders.
That's funny, one of my other ten hobbies is audio and I post over there occasionally. The music side is a bit much, Hardware is pretty well behaved.
Love it when my Express five day special is at 10
That's probably until you start talking about digital vs. analog and make it so one sided on whatever you like on that ... make way for the door.
Fourth Special
1970’s Sport and Non Sport $14.99
$199 max value
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Man won’t be sending any 1970s commons at that price. Maybe they can do one for like 8.00 50.00 max value. Maybe the low value could lesson the stress of the ai machines worries on giving high dollar grades.
I know it won’t happen.
I think it will be a long time before we see sub $10 common sub prices.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I needed this one badly. Been hoarding a bunch of stuff from the 70s and need them all slabbed.
Did I read it correctly on the 70s special:
You do need a membership and there is a ten card min.
Anybody see the preview of what the next special is going to be in the email that was sent? They showed what looked like "Wah" before the rest was hidden. Any ideas of what this might be? Last time, you could clearly see it was a 70's special, but not sure about this one.
I'm guessing "Walk through" service.
10 card min, membership needed, and as expected, tallboys excluded.
I scraped together 17 cards, including several 1975 SSPC puzzle backs that look decent...hope I can break even after I sell them...LOL
Hi Everyone. I'm an old collector with 150K cards from 1952 to 1982. I'm just looking at grading them. I did my first PSA submission a few months ago. Anyways, the question I have for the forum is. On the notes for some of the submissions--specifically the one in the holiday special above, its states "includes Standard Imaging of the front and back"....other submissions state this plus "graded card will be returned inside a fitted sleeve protector". My question is if it's just "imaging...." does that mean I don't get it put in a PSA protector? or is the "fitted sleeve protector the plastic thing they put over the PSA plastic protector. Thanks Guys! I'm looking forwared to chatting with everyone.
Another thing. This recent special of $14.99 per card. You can get the same thing if you are a PSA Collector's Club Member for $15 per card (see below). So this holiday special saves me a penny? What am I missing here?
$15 /card
Card must have a declared value of $199 or less
Estimated Turnaround Time: 65 Days
Learn more
That's true, but only for TCG, and not any sports (like the 70s Holiday Special).
Thanks BBB! So the Holiday special is good for those people not members or those people with non baseball cards they want to submit.
Thanks all. Appreciate it. Plan to rejoin as I have 20 to 30 70s cards I would like to get graded. Happy Holidays All!
If you’re seasoned like I am, you may have thought that “TCG” stood for “Topps Chewing Gum” since that’s what it meant for about 500 years. Now, however, “TCG” apparently means “Trading Card Game”, whatever the heck that is.
Thank you for getting this into the thread!
So, here’s the two main answers, with the examples in the same photo. When you’re card is finished, PSA now includes a scan of the finished product:
Zoom into any corner and you’ll see a plastic insert inside the area where the card is located to stop it from sliding around within.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
As stated, it's TCG only, but the other restriction is it is only for 1992 and NEWER, so you need this special for anything TCG from the 70's, however they are called non-sport as there wasn't really TCG back then..
Good point on the only for 1992 and Newer in my example. Thanks
With the poor grading, they could make it $5 a card and I still could not send anymore in
I dont know. I have a friend who just got back a 1986 Rice rookie in a 9. I recently received some 80s cards back that got 9's as well. perhaps it is just a small sample size.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I know for sure, they can’t accurately grade on a consistent level. Too many complete orders just crapped on. Doesn’t outweigh the couple of correctly graded cards
Don’t send in anything not 50-50 centering. If you do, 7 at best
I still think 'Trading Card Guild' when I see that. I remember that being on some Topps items (vending boxes?) in the '70's.
I could see Trading Card Guild, but T.C.G. was on every Topps Card produced from 1952 through 1974, at which point they spelled out Topps Chewing Gum. Stared at too many backs for too long when I was young :-).
Jeez, sure would have been nice if they could have extended this offer past the long holiday weekend
With it expiring 11/26, you have to get your items actually scanned into possession of the post office by close of business this Saturday. Kind of a bit much for most people to pull together considering which days are valid for the offer. Oh well.
It does say on the order form (after you complete it) that you have 30 days to submit it before it expires. I always thought that means as long as you completely fill out the order you'll have more time to actually get it there. That will give you more time to get it to them.
At least that's how it's worked for me on past submissions.
In reality it is never a postmark thing, it is just that the "special" won't be a selectable option in the submission center after this date. You can't have an expiry date on a Sunday when every single carrier is closed if it was supposed actually be shipped by that date!
So was not sure about the best place to put this but was thinking here with the 70s Special still active for???? Check your watch.
I feel like I got a make-up call and it was in the 70s space. I mean label it what you want or dont label it anything. But feels like many have taken a beating and expectations were badly missed on many a card by many an experienced collector. This felt much more in line with what I used to expect. Even that feeling I have had at times where you get that one nice surprise under the tree that you felt Santa was not going to get you. Like a hey, we appreciate you being a customer, this may be borderline and it is subjective so we can throw you a bone.
The 72 Bradshaw was the one I felt was like that. I have seen 8s in holders look like this but was thinking in late 2023 I would see my card as an 8. Very happy about the Nolan too. I feel like it is deserving but with this one and others was concerned they could be two grades lower and then I would be grumbling and telling a different story. Maybe posting in the PSA to SGC thread about how they improved. But dont see doing that with any of the 70s cards from this batch. For the 72s I had
wishful daydreams about a 9 but I'm cool with the 8s. As mentioned, fear was it could go a lot lower.
Who knows if it was just I got the happy grader and grader of death started vacation early or if there is an overall recognition that cards seemed undergraded. Time may tell if we see customer satisfaction shift. Whatever the case, very pleased that these met expectations. But continue to feel I dont have a clue on 50s raw cards so will continue to just stick with certain decades.
Best of luck to anybody who runs with the 70s special. Will be interested to hear the results. In two months. 😁
I posted earlier on this thread, a head up this special was coming, so hopefully people got a jump start at getting things ready.
I completed my submission form on 11/21/23 and it's already shipped. (Hoping it comes back before spring training. LOL)
I'm only sending in 11 cards this time. I had more in my stack, but pulled some for fear of not getting the grades I expect, so I just subbed some low pop oddballs and PC cards.
On my submission form it shows the sub is good for 30 days, 12/21/23 in my case.
But not sure about the actual package postmark date requirement though.
The form only mentioned quarterly specials.
I'm clearing the decks on my 70s and sending in quite a few spread over several different orders.
Call it delusion, wishful thinking, Holiday haze or whatever, but I'm putting all the eggs in one basket!
What could ever go wrong with that strategy?
Just noticed a new holiday special: TCG Holiday Special... still not sure what this means -- any help is appreciated.
Based on you Pic's many of those look like pre-2022 grading. Congrats on the anomalous receipt of grades the cards actually deserve according to PSA's published definitions.
One dropped today…a TCG, or trading card game special which is cards like Magic the Gathering, Pokémon, etc.
I hope that help you, @dwills1955
The Easter egg seems to tip an upcoming 1980’s special:


Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Is that an 80s special coming? Looks like it.
$13.99 on the TCG. I know it’s only a dollar but it’s nice to see there is some hope for the prices to trickle down a bit more
This TCG special is bunk.... the max DV is only $100, so for saving a buck you lose half the DV... Even lamer is that they say the regular price is $25, which should mean $499 DV... Now if there was no min, it would make more sense, but if you need to send 20 cards, unless you know they aren't worth over $100, I'd pay the extra buck and not rush to send in.... But they do offer a 50 day turn vs 65.
Thats a decent price on TCG. Gotta think a sports special around 12 bucks is coming.
??? It's $1.01 off the regular price and the DV is cut in half from $199 to $100! I mean if you like to collect pennies.....
Take it up with PSA, they have the reg price as 25, discounted to 13.
Try spending an hour putting a sub together for the first time, wondering why cards weren't coming up in the auto-fill and then figuring out TCG meant "Trading Card Game".
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
What the max value on the 80s?
Also this: botth are $299 value and under
More info:
Packs are next…

Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
The email is misleading, making it appear that you can combine 80s and 90s cards for the 10 card minimum in one order.
But when you start the submission, there are 2 separate lines, 1 for 80s and 1 for 90s, which would mean it would require 10 card minimum for each, in 2 separate orders.
We are fixing this. You will be able to submit a mix of 80s and 90s under one submission. Should be resolved later this evening.
Ryan Hoge - PSA President, IG: @maysmantle
See the response above.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?