CAC Grading Services

Ok! Let's start....What does everyone think of CAC opening up their Grading Services?!
Ok! Let's start....What does everyone think of CAC opening up their Grading Services?!
Ouch, welcome newbie, I hope you last by 6pm
edited for typo
Seriously? 😑
Founder- Peak Rarities
Newbie, I doubt that!
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Clearly slick, let it go everyone, don’t fall for this
Yes. I'm just curious on everyone's opinion.
Dude, relax. This is my very first post/thread. A quick web search shows me this is kind of the group that knows the most about coin collections. Heard about CAC Grading and was curious what everyone thought about them.
whoa ok, it was just pointed out to me by a friend (I just asked him why everyone is coming at me on this coin forum I joined) I had NO IDEA this was PCGS hosted. Totally my fault. Disregard. I'll find a different forum to see what people think. And for the record I prefer PCGS coins.
One of the forum trolls was being a nuisance over the weekend, that can make some here edgy, plus CAC has been a controversial topic here. I am happy to see another TPG in the marketplace, competition keeps the pencil sharper for all. I have a few coins ready to go once the submission process is open for current collector submitters.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Perhaps try the CAC Grading forums. Just for the record, pretty much every forum is hosted by a TPG, so know what toes to not tread on.
Coin Photographer.
Appreciate the clarity. Again, completely my fault. I didn't know that everyone was so defensive over what seems like a pretty fun hobby. Have a great evening everyone! I'm out of here!
Your username "secretsecrets" resembles a handle someone would use to troll the forum, and as others have mentioned CACG is an edgy topic here now and the mods have deleted recent threads about the subject. If the question is genuine, i would direct you to the CAC forum, or the CAC/CACG coins groups on facebook and mycollect. I am a moderator in those groups but we encourage thoughtful discussion there.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Secretsecrets is due to my profession. I work for the State Department. Nothing nefarious meant.Thank you for the recommendation though! I'll head over there and check it out.
Watch out buddy.

Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
Oh good: First CACG thread (without concomitant CAC discussion)!
I would recommend CoinTalk if the OP is serious. Their mods/site aren't tied to any particular flavor of Kool-Aid.
Philippians 4:4-7
I found that CoinTalk has really gone downhill over the years.
Coin Photographer.
Agree, but I think several coin forums have. My main point with CoinTalk is that they aren't tied to a specific TPG.
Philippians 4:4-7
I don’t find that true at all. I frequent 3 or 4 forums daily and they are a very friendly, informative and busy group there.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Ah, maybe I'm just not over there enough. Whenever I pop in, I always have trouble finding a thread that I'd be interested in, so I just never really go back. Their archives are great though.
Coin Photographer.
I pm'd you links to the Facebook and my collect groups. Last I heard, people were having trouble creating an account on the CAC forum because there was an issue with the captcha with regards to the domain change. Hopefully they fix it soon.
Founder- Peak Rarities
@SecretSecrets... Welcome aboard. Some topics are sensitive... And that topic has had a great deal of discussion here in months gone by. Do a search and you will find a great deal of information. Cheers, RickO
There are multiple knowledgeable posters on Cointalk (some of them also post here), but there are also a number of them that have no idea what they’re talking about but have a following based on post count and the naïveté of new posters. This can be said of any website. My point being the site is not free of Kool-Aid. It’s just different flavors of the same watered down drink.
Agreed and I never said that the posters on CoinTalk were non Kool-Aid drinkers. I said the site/mods weren't tied to any particular flavor. The point being this board is owned by PCGS, the NGC board is owned by NGC, the CAC board is owned by CAC, while CoinTalk is owned by Peter.
Philippians 4:4-7
For the most part I believe the mods here allow us to walk a pretty long leash. I have only been around a little over 4 years. I would love to have been a member when the traffic was supposedly much heavier. I have learned plenty here and appreciate PCGS hosting and members willing to take the time to offer experience and knowledge.
Once again, I agree. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but it almost feels like I'm being gaslighted. I am not here to defend the honor of CoinTalk (although I am a member there), and for the record PCGS is my preferred message board.
FlyingAl made a comment that most coin forums are hosted by a TPG. I was pointing out one that is not.
Philippians 4:4-7
I understand your point. I probably shouldn't have specifically quoted you... just making a general comment about THIS forum.
Mark, thanks for the clarification, and you are right, this is a great forum.
Philippians 4:4-7
I chuckled when I read the title and OP of this one. Seems like it would have to be a fairly narrow and neutral discussion to stay within rule 4:
"Posts promoting or bashing other grading companies or services are not allowed." - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
what secrets do you know? then we'll answer your questions
I don’t mind answering the question. I think CAC will be helpful. The incumbents seem to have gone a bit astray, and competition from a capable newcomer will be helpful to everyone. Especially to the incumbents, who have the most to lose. Hopefully we’ll all be better off once the dust settles.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Are you at liberty to share how you feel the incumbents have gone astray?
I agree and have my ideas, but I’m interested in hearing yours.
I can’t tell you anything that hasn’t been covered here many times before.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
How many might want to cross the other way if/when CAC starts a crossover service.
Coins like that will be worth a lot at this stage; but give it a year or so, it won't be "rare" anymore.
They haven’t opened up anything lol. None of their slabs in market place unless u count sample slabs - I don’t.
Pcgs / NGC dominate marketplace and will continue to do so.
Do you count bullion? Plenty of those on the marketplace already
Founder- Peak Rarities
You are correct, they will continue to dominate.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Where - seen some really pricey Pre sales. That’s not diddly do dah.
No, it was a guy on Facebook that had a bunch of gold buffalo $50 bullion. He was charging normal prices
Founder- Peak Rarities
I bet they will do good, I'm pretty sure they will all be following the same books 📚.
Fyi I will not start topics like these nor will I change my name,, lol I'd hate to see a real troll in here, I mean the way you all hand out that title.
Jesus, they just opened. There are 2023 peace and Morgan slabs for pre-sale on ebay. There will be many more by the end of the year.
OK......... Where do we send coins NOW to be get a sticker ? Lets see.... CAC can send to ELG Sticker Company. Then ELG will open up a grading company . My opinion , this is so ridiculous. Never sent a coin to CAC, never needed to.. My coins are graded by PCGS and NGC no need for an third party to confirm the grades, no reason to comment on the grades , no reason to pay. The CAC plan I will guess was to open a grading firm once everyone jumped on the CAC wagon when they found they had a nitch. CAC was hatched and PCGS, ANACS and NGC made the company a competitor, not directly but it happened. Anyway I am looking for investors to open the ELG Sticker Company we can fallow the CAC model...
ELG Sticker = Everything Looks Good then Sticker ELRG = Everything Looks Really Good
Basically what CAC sticker did was identify if a coin was what they consider an A, B, or C graded coin. IIRC they only stickered A and B coins. Average, C coins, did not get a sticker. So it was a way for someone to say look! My coin is graded MS65, but it is also an above average for the grade! Unless you are spot on in your coin photography, it can be very difficult to show off a coin well as a seller. The sticker can conceivably make up for some of that.
I agree that you may not need a second opinion on your coin, but I've seen many examples of coins that grade one way, and get resent in or to another tpg and get a different grade. The bean is a simple way to tell if the current grade is good for the grade. And yes, it is just another opinion, but JA has earned high regards for his opinions, therefore he created a marketplace for those secondary opinions.
It's fine if you don't like it or don't want it or don't need it... don't use it. But they have clearly created a marketplace and are now entering an existing one with the slabbing. In all honesty I wouldn't be so sure this was always JA's plan. I think it grew naturally out of the desire to expand, and it seems to be a natural expansion for his business. It's a risky business to get into with 2 giants already in the ring... success isn't guaranteed! Just look at all the others that have come and gone before...