Just saying goodbye to this section of the forum

Thanks to those that were nice with me I appreciate it!!! But seems like this place is mostly a small click and seems they don't want me here. So it is time for me to move on. I think I am just going to give up on collecting coins from Latin America and find a new nitch were people in general are more warm and kind. I never thought I would give up but here I am done with this stage in my collecting life.
Will forgo collecting all Latin American coins. Not like I own many coins anyways it truly is not a collection.
Most likely just start collecting hockey cards since hockey is huge passion of mine. PSA graded cards only for sure.
I will stay on the sports discussion section of this forum for the NHL and NFL discussions.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Will donate all my Latin American coin books to The National Library of Canada so if people want to read them they will always have access to them here in Canada. My little part of giving back.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Will your user name change again to reflect the new reality? It has been my observation that folks who announce they are leaving these boards don’t actually leave; they’re typically angry or hurt and can’t let go. Regardless, good luck on the next endeavor.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Can't change it so no. But I am for sure leaving Latin American coins behind me. I am moving on to new things. I will be in the sports section talking NHL & NFL when the seasons start. No hard feelings and I don't expect to be cuddled I am ready to move on. Did not lose much and learned a lot over the years will bag it as part of my collecting journey. No regrets simply turning a page.
I will get back into collecting sports cards since the market crashed it would be a great time to pick up some RC cards for a fraction of what they were not long ago. Maybe start with a Bobby Orr 1966 Topps rookie card always wanted one of those. Then go after a 1958 Topps Bobby Hull rookie and move on from there. I will see in what direction I get pulled towards. Sports cards are fun with new boxes coming out every year and new players joining the NHL as well. It would be hockey cards if I go down that path since I am Canadian that is my favorite sport.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
This thread belongs on the Trading Cards & Memorabilia Forum and not here. Move along please.
Just saying goodbye to those that have been kind with me over the last few years. And I wish them well!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
When people are really nasty, I've found the "ignore" feature to be quite helpful. I did that with a couple people, and they are almost totally out of sight and out of mind. The only way you see them is when they start with the opening post.
Sorry to see you go. Hope things go better with the hockey crowd.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
Good luck with your collecting interests
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
All my coins have been sold thank you to the buyer that sent me a PM for a smooth and easy sale (this sale will remain private since that was the request from the buyer). Your coins will be shipped out ASAP. Will help me start a much more serious rookie card collection and start a set I always wanted to build when younger the 1951 Parkhurst. And also get a Bobby Orr rookie that was only in my dreams as a teenager. It is a great way to start my new hobby!!!
Anyways thanks again to the people that treated me with respect will no be moving on to the sport section once the seasons start.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Contacted them today. They were very happy to add all my books to their collection. Do not know when they will become available to the public. They already had some of the books but will be glad to add some more.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Hope it’s not my fault for suggesting you consolidate the 4-5 posts you made in another post into one single one.
Latin American Collection
Wow, that was quick, somebody is really good in buying/selling, well done! All the best in your future collecting adventures!
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
No you were always OK with me.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Thanks. Simply PM me and asked what coins I had and graded by whom and to send images and that was that. Within a few hours the deal was done.
Will be easier collecting hockey cards since I am in Canada. I will also be able to attend some of the large sport card shows. I am looking forward to it!!! Buying some boxes a few times a year will also be fun. Mostly Upper Deck series 1 & 2 since they are affordable and I like the young guns rookies.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Good luck in your future collecting adventures.
it's been a waste for anyone who replied to your numerous posts
Will miss you to!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Hope it had nothing to do with me stating that maybe I might buy a nice 1733 Mexico real at the USMEX show if I found one
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
No. You collect the highest grades and I collected lower grades so even if you got one it would have not changed anything in the realm of what I wanted. They are not that rare compared to many other coins as you know. You were one that was always OK with me here I have no problems with you. Just moving on to something that is more easily collectible and since I am in Canada been able to attend sport card shows will be awesome!!! And I enjoy opening boxes at least I use to for the thrill of the hunt. I watch almost every game Edmonton plays so it keeps me active on almost a daily basis just with them. I follow other teams as well. Have been since the early 1990's. Collect cards when I was a kid and teenager so I know a lot about them. Anyways take care bidask.
Just want to get into a hobby that is active in my area and country so I can enjoy it almost daily. And find social groups that collect and enjoy hockey as well.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Sorry to see you go
I found a 1733 that you’d probably like, too late I guess.
Good luck with it, I hope Hockey cards end up being your thing! Things will be less active around here with you gone that’s for sure.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
Yeah I will pass on the coin. Will now just focus on hockey cards. Take care.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
on general principle, switching from Latin American coins to hockey cards deserves a public flogging
The sale of your coins and books should give you a good jump towards the purchase of the hockey cards you may desire. I don't know much about the card market but from a quick search it appears they don't come cheap.
Best of luck in your new endeavors
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
The 1966 Topps Orr rookie is ''like'' the 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle for hockey. Of course the 1951 Parkhurst Gordie Howe is still more important than the Orr. For now anyways will see over time but it should stay like that. Time will tell if it does stay that way. That PSA 4 is not well centered. I will wait for the perfect one for the grade before buying one. But will get one this summer enough come up for sale that one like I want will be available. I am thinking PSA 5. I may collect the earlier series as well the C55 & C56 from the early 1910's.
Thing with hockey cards none are that rare to were you can't just wait for the right one to come up and buy. I mean anything after 1951.
I did not sell my books sending them to the Canadian National Library as a donation so they can keep them ''forever''. They are not allowed to sell books. They basically belong to all Canadians once they are there just like museums. If anyone else here in Canada decides to collect Latin American coins they will have a huge advantage I did not have. They have already some very rare ones but not all of them.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
The most expensive card in the series I will be collecting C55, C56 & 1951 Parkhurts is the C55 George Vezina for that one will have to lower my standards but there are some in lower grades with nice eye appeal I have seen some over the years. Then comes the Gordie Howe rookie. The Maurice Richard rookie is not cheap either from the same set as the Howe rookie. But most commons are pretty cheap in all 3 sets.
The C56 (1st hockey card set ever issued) is a tough set and some are expensive like the Art Ross rookie card.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Anyways take care gentlemen don't want to make this about cards to much in a coin forum out of respect for all.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Petition the mods to increase the limit.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
If you would accept a bit of constructive advice, it might make your adventure on the card forum easier and happier.
You asked for collecting advice on starting your collection.
(For example, it was suggested by multiple members that you buy quality coins and not problem ones so that you would have stronger demand for them if and when you decided to sell. You didn’t take that advice. (You did buy problem coins that there will never be as much demand for as those you were urged to buy.
You complained about the advice given, writing that you didn’t care.
Yes, maybe you could only buy 1 or 2 coins a month and not a larger number, but in the long run that would have probably worked out better.
Then you wonder why you didn’t make friends here.
I sincerely hope you will be happier on the card side. I urge you to ask for advice from senior members of that community and listen to what they have to offer.
Don’t give up.
I am a fan and dealer in slabbed world coins especially Mexico and Latin America. Graded coins from these countries a super deal vs US - am aggressive bidder. They have super investment potential!
But your "constructive advice" turned out to be wrong, didn't it? @PillarDollarCollector had no trouble selling his collection. The demand was more than sufficient to achieve a quick sale at a satisfactory price.
Sometimes the common wisdom of the experts isn't right. "Buy the best that you can afford" is a good example. Nonsense! I wouldn't pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for common coins just because they are "top pop" or highest graded. Most experienced collectors prefer real rarity to condition rarity.
Us experienced "experts" must be careful to impart knowledge without a condescending attitude. At least that's how I see my role here. And, of course, I'm here to learn, too.
No need to battle on gentlemen. I was simply saying goodbye to those that were good people here. But I agree personally I prefer rarity over condition rarity and if you can afford rare coins that are in high grade then by all means buy them when you can. Some of us cannot afford such luxuries. We have bills to pay each month and live on fixed incomes.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Sell it store-
Most people tried to offer KingoftheMorgamDollar/ PillarDollarCollector
Advice when he asked for it, then he complained when it wasn’t what he wanted to hear from the beginning and ignored it anyway, boasting he was ignoring it.
That is the problem I had with him and why I stopped trying to help.
No one here claimed he couldn’t sell the coins, just that he would have an easier time if they didn’t have problems ( and that he could enjoy them more if they didn’t have problems.)
Remember the old saying “I like this coin but….”
The problem never goes away so don’t settle.
P$C - you said you were leaving this forum because no one gave you respect.
Yet, you’re still here commenting…
With all due respect, it looks like your “goodbyes” weren’t really that but now seem to be seeking attention. You have gotten that in spades during and after your search for advice.
If you want to move on from coins, good luck to you sincerely but stop hanging on to the group you’ve said you no longer need or like just to stay in the conversation.
It’s not a good look.
Plus no one here ever suggested you spend money you didn’t have or need for living on coins.
The advice was buy 1,2, or 3 good coins instead of 8-10 that had been cleaned or damaged.
If you had listened months ago, you would be happier with you collection, this forum, and life.
I’m through commenting here.
Good luck moving ahead.
It’s like the blind advising the blinder
Latin American Collection
Goodbye lets end this here.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
That wasn’t very nice.
PillarDollarCollector, we didn't know each other but i know that you are good expert and it's silly that you have finished with the coins. Every collector has descents and ascents in own motivation. It's normal. And everybody needs to rest sometimes. And it's normal to change the theme of the collection. I have sold my collection twice and collect again. You collected the cards in your childhood and i collected the coins, so sometimes it seems to me that life is a constant appeal to childhood. Don't hold a grudge against others and be happy with another hobby
I appreciate it. But will stick with hockey card collecting. I live in Canada so it is more fun and much more active as a hobby. I have no anger I am OK and at peace. Anyways we should let this topic come to a close as I stated previously.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
pro tip: keep your uncertified hockey cards away from open tins of maple syrup
I’m new to this forum , but ain’t new to other coin forums or collecting I’ve been collecting for over 30+ years …. I don’t understand why someone would make a post “I’m leaving” looks like they want pity party ? Why should this forums (or any forums) determine what coins you collect ? I often say it and I’ll say it again …
Collecting numismatic (coins , Exonumia, tokens) is a passion that turns into a life long obsession! So no matter what you collect this forum should not decide how you collect I guess you were just not passionate enough ? You expected forums members to agree and show “warm” love and conditions to you ? It ain’t all cup cakes and rainbows everyday …. Just way it is! I don’t get why you’re leaving and stepping out of collecting and selling off all your coins and book and so on over a few forum members mistreating you? I you Wish well !
well, he found a fast buyer, sooo
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
Let this thread diiiiiiiiiiie!!!!!!
Latin American Collection
And buried 12 feet down!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
@HeatherBoyd can we get this one locked please?