1794 Large Cent, Which "head"; 1793, 1794, or 1795??
Since I can't determine which "head" this well-worn 1794 cent displays, may I appeal to you large cent experts out there for an opinion, please? I can't see the shape of the bottom curl (worn away) on my coin. I don't see any indication of a "pole" as in the 1794 head variety, the 1 in the date seems to be touching the bottom of the hair which I also don't see in either "head" in the link below. Are there any other indicators that I am overlooking that would make this project less confusing?
Once I know which head I'm looking at, maybe I can find a variety that has a curl pointing up to the middle of the "opening" of the cap. This is fun, but sometimes I burn out my little brain trying to figure it out. Currently, I'm smelling smoke! 😮 (Wait till I try the reverse!) The coin is an AG at best according to PCGS grading standards with the wreath and a lot of lettering visible on the reverse but faintly so.
I cannot answer your question but love the coin!
Well it’s not head of 93…
Head of ‘94.
CoinFacts is your friend:
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Head of 1794. Looks like it could be a Sheldon-22(bent 6th lock).
Check out some of my 1794 Large Cents on www.coingallery.org
I would just be happy to have a 1794 cent...
Would not matter which 'head' I had... Just so long as it was visible. Just the way I feel about those old coins. Cheers, RickO
@ricko here is one I picked out for you. Head of 1794. Plenty of detail and nice and smooth. I know you would want it raw...feel the history in your fingers. Damn...I might have to get one myself!

@RLSnapper ... That is a nice one indeed.... Where was that one?? Cheers, RickO
Wow...so many great replies to my inquiry about the 1794 cent. You all are the best. as always, thanks! Now, being one that loves Rarity scales, (I have a lot of resource books here and managed to find rarity numbers, where appropriate for most of my early U.S. type set. Unfortunately, I sold my Penny Whimsey years ago (found it too difficult for my little head). Fully trusting the opinions shared on this topic, may I ask where I can find a listing of Sheldon varieties Rarity Scale ratings... or is there even such a thing? I'd like just to know for my small collection of type cents as only 1 ANACS slab that I have indicates
this. The coin I posted here is not from my type set but from a box of minor stuff I bought and I think it is worthy of better attention and care. Not sure of its next destination yet.
RLSnapper. I sincerely hope you get a 1794. I am fully on board with loving the feel of history in my hands...but for my collection, I jumped on the "slab wagon" many years ago. I don't trust my grading skills THAT much and knowing a coin is authentic is certainly a good thing. Sure is hard to read the date on the 1794 cent you posted but a wonderful coin indeed. Fascinating stuff. I can see the 9 (which almost looks like an 8) but the rest looks alien to me. 🙄
Thank you all!!!! Piano1
@ricko quick search of Ebay should turn it up. I will save you the time..here's the link.
@RLSnapper.... OK, thanks. Looked at it.... I like the obverse, but there is virtually NO detail left on the reverse. I would like a bit more there. Thanks again, Cheers, RickO
Why not turn this into a Liberty Cap large cent thread.
This one is pretty toasty, but it is quite rare. 
1795 lettered edge.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
@Piano1 - worth it to buy a book. This one is a handy reference:
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Hello, Ownerofawheatiehorde. As a type coin lover and long-time collector, I must admit to your skills of detection as to recognizing what the 1795 lettered edge cent in your photo even was! Congratulations on your sharp eyes. On first glance, I thought it was either a badly corroded "something" or a large cent on an extremely poor-quality planchet. (I believe that the British were very good about shipping crappy planchets over to the new U.S.A. For some odd reason, Birmingham, England rings a bell as a source of those planchets.) I'm probably wrong but again...great recognition work! Now that I know what it is, I can see the design but I would have had to study it for quite a while before I could have made the connection.
Piano 1, your S-22 is R-1 on the rarity scale.
Check out some of my 1794 Large Cents on www.coingallery.org
BigMoose, thanks for identifying the Rarity level of the Sheldon 22 1794 cent, and thanks also to Bill Jones a first identifying this as a Head of 1794 and matching the S-22 "diagnosis". All comments on my thread have been much appreciated.
I am fascinated with Large Cents but at age 72, am sticking to my U.S. type type set which already has a large cent of the same type as the 1794. I think the one I posted here will wind up on E-Bay. Again, thanks for the help! I wish I was 50 years younger (and rich!). I could really get into the large cents. Also love early half dollars but not like Overton did! 😄
BigMoose, I tried to get a look at your large cents at www.coingallery.org but I was told that the site can't be reached.
Thank you all.