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Feuchtwanger Cent Variety sources

Many years ago, I purchased an 1837 Feuchtwanger cent and sent it off to ANACS where it came back as XF 40. Interesting piece and history but I didn't pay much attention to it until today. I found a variety guide online and my piece is definitely 3-G based on a very good article NGC offering (I'm new here and don't know if I am allowed to attach a link). Anyway, I was able to determine (it took about an hour) that I clearly have the 3-G. Variety. The article refers to Koutsoure and HT as sources for identification. Can anyone send me a connection to these sources, please or to what they refer?

Also, I have found 2 "Rarity" numbers for this piece. The NGC article says it is Rarity 6 but a second source I found lists it as R-8. I like to include variety numbers on my slabs. Again, help would be appreciated. I am so sorry that I can't provide a photo as I don't yet have the skill (in progress) but just to clarify, my coin shows the extra berry on the stem to the right of the bow on the reverse.

Thanks SO much!!! Alan


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