Super Bowl 57 2023 February 12th starting time 6h30PM Eastern time

See you guys on game day in 2 weeks.
Philadelphia versus Kansas City
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
See you guys on game day in 2 weeks.
Philadelphia versus Kansas City
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I want to see the Chiefs in it. Then Andy Reid can remind the Eagles who they kicked to the curb in 2014.
You get your wish. Will be a great game plus he the QB will get 2 weeks to rest up.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Will be taking for KC as well. Hope he gets another Super Bowl ring!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Andy Reid didn’t get the job done in Philadelphia. He was their coach for a long time. The change has done him good. One, or perhaps two, successors have gotten the job done.
So tells us what you are going to have for diner on Super Bowl day. I am going to order a lot of Chinese food (100$ that is a lot for just me alone) that should be some tasty stuff. Taste even better in the morning after been in the fridge all night for whatever leftovers there will be.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
My wife makes her "special" nachos every Super Bowl! They are the best! I so look forward to it every year!
Dude where were you all season???
Your like turning into one of my favorite posters all of a sudden with your game threads!
You BEST stick around!
Too early for me to report food plans just yet but I will sound off once I get the venue situated
Never crossed my mind to post games here. I will try posting regular season games next season not all of them of course but maybe get opinions on say 6 teams people like the most here that would be easier on Sundays. Mondays and Thursdays are easier only 1 game each day.
I am Canadian so I follow hockey almost every evening (I follow all Canadian teams and a few US teams) but can arrange something for the next NFL season as mentioned. I don't have a home team as you would know but I do have teams I prefer. I have been a fan of the NFL since the early 1990's.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Glad to have you bud, we got a bunch of good people here, it's slow after NFL but we all keep the sports talk going, the more the merrier!
Ironically I'm in Florida and love hockey. It always interested me from a young age even though growing up pre Florida Panthers down here there wasn't much public interest in this area. So at a young age I made the Habs my team and have been with them ever since. I have Center Ice and try to catch as many of their games as my work schedule allows. They are in a rough rebuilding patch right now but I see glimmers of hope.
As a Canadian I am happy we have McDavid makes all the other bad teams we have bearable. Toronto has a great team but they just cannot get it done at least not yet. My favorite team has always been Pittsburgh so I got lucky with them but Crosby will retire in a few years so McDavid is my main focus hopefully for the next decade.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Won't be watching, not my teams and too much fluff on the TV for the game that makes it tedious unless I have a team to root for. Good luck to KC and the best qb in the NFL................
As an Oil fan since l986 (my first time in Edmonton during the glory years), and as a Golden Bear alumni, I am very glad we have McDavid, the Oil has momentum right now, ifn the goal tenders can perform, Kane back, they have their lines clicking right now. Who knows I might have a Cup Finals to watch this year.

Were ordering Canadian.
Why don't they keep the score in Roman Numerals for Super Bowl LVII?
Must see TV for me. Last game for some months. The Wings are waiting. Not the Eagle type, but the chicken type.
Cheese Steaks if your an Eagle hatched from an egg.

They even take on the shape of a football, if prepared properly.
It should compliment the chips.
It's a Philly Thang ! GO EAGLES !
P.S. Let us also not forget, The NFL Draft.
Philadelphia has multiple first and second round picks.



Tic Toc Tic Toc we are getting very close to game day folks!!! Looking forward to my Chinese food and a great game!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Poutine? Not much more Canadian than that and super tasty. Taste great with a club sandwich.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Game day countdown 3 1/2 hours till kick off. Will take for KC but will be hard to beat Philly.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Getting the beers iced up and nachos prepped!
Should be a great game, I actually didn't even bet on either team just a bunch of prop bets to keep it extra interesting
I've been watching the pre-game show for a couple of hours, great stuff, I love listening to football talk!
It's a bittersweet day though, all the hype for the big game but after it ends we got to wait till September to get our fixe in again 🙁
I'm actually taking a different approach (as opposed to consuming pregame media). I'm planning on turning it on for the Anthem.
This is why we need to come together and brainstorm and make the most of the pinned countdown thread.
Agreed, so far @MCMLVTopps is doing a fantastic job!
A little over 1 hour till kickoff.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Terry, Howie, Michael and Jimmy all picked the Eagles to win!
KC 30
Philly 24
This is my prediction
I will throw out a guess:
KC 24
Philly 17
I am most likely not going to be right but whatever.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
KC 34, Eagles 20
I am thinking we both believe it will be a one score game though!
Enjoy the game my friend!
Hopefully that's the kiss of death for the Eagles.
I enjoyed that National anthem one of the better ones I have seen.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Wow that was quick Philly leads 7-0.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Boom 7-7 all tied up.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
that #15 dude looks Fantastic...
I wanna type a bad word, but i can't...
14-7 Philly leads.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Wow, the Eagles look good out there so far.
Indeed they sure seem on a mission to win.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Wow, touchdown Chiefs!