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Great Coin Pictures Thread - Identify the Photographer

CatbertCatbert Posts: 7,350 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 18, 2022 5:13PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Here's a thread where you can honor a photographer(s) who accurately captured the spirit, character, toning, etc of a coin, preferably of a coin you own. The goal of the thread is avoid glamor shots that really don't reflect what the coin looks like.

Bob Campbell @robec

Todd Pollock @blu62vette

Tom Bush @TomB (this coin I no longer own)

Please post a photo of a coin you own (preferably) that you feel meets the thread's objectives! And if you took it yourself, bravo!

Seated Half Society member #38
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"


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