Anyone else looking forward to the NY World Coin Signature Sale in January 2023 over at HA?

I know it is far enough away but that is my next purchasing cycle so I am excited. Saving up till then. Hopefully they have a nice selection of coins hoping to add a new coin to my collection.
Will be nice to see the online catalog once they post it.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I believe it will be January 9th, 17th & 18th 2023. Correct me if I am wrong.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Nothing posted yet I want to buy.
Same hoping to land 1 coin to add not asking for a miracle.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I have learned never to get my hopes up for any of these big auctions. Participating in them is like going to the dentist to have a root canal.
Indeed some times it is. But the coins I would be interested in normally fall into my price range (500$ - 1000$) hence why I am looking forward to this auction.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Something must be tempting you over at Stacks.
*Edit to clarify:
For the auction coming up in 3 weeks
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
You are correct.
I've got many in that sale on my watch list. It will ultimately come down to price, but I think I will be able to win at least one. The ones I want are overwhelmingly better than those I have seen previously, but most are "details" and those that aren't I think are mostly over graded.
I've sunk my teeth into two small bites over there, I hope to come away with them.
I agree, lots of details coins, the straight graded ones are typically on the lower end. What it shows me is that even with deep pockets, its hard to come up with nice examples of this material.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Of the series I have in mind, most of the nice ones I know are either from one collection or plate coins in a reference.
I've never tried to buy these coins privately, as I assume the ask price (especially now) would be too high and the minimum transaction price also too high to make it worthwhile for the dealer who will need to find it.
I presume this collector could have pursued more of these coins (all are cheaper than some he sold earlier this year), but it wasn't a priority.
Pat Johnson had more than deep pockets. He had inside access to good coins as a dealer in Latin American coins for decades.
I think the reason his coins aren’t nicer than they are is because he didn’t (appear to) upgrade when he found a better example.
I find that interesting. Do you happen to know why that was? Perhaps a business decision.
I'm not very familiar with Mr. Johnson but I assume that he had a passion for this coinage.
As a dealer in this area he would have had the perfect setup to funnel through material and continuously seek out the best coins available to save and turn over the coins being upgraded.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Why he didn’t keep upgrading? We can only speculate, but I think it’s as simple as old-school collecting. Why upgrade when you’ve got a perfectly good example? He wasn’t a slabber. The grading companies didn’t dictate his interest in a coin. He was a collector.
Besides, he had such a huge collecting interest (Spanish and Spanish-American half dollars) that he had so many coins to buy, so why bother with duplicates!
This explains a lot.
Even as "details" coins, his collection consists of far above quality for the content. I have been collecting my core interest diligently since about 2010. There are some coins I missed not being aware of it coming up for sale at the time, but I know the publicly better known ones now. I have no idea whether I missed coins from dealers like him, as I didn't know he was a dealer until now and a few of the dealers who I know who specialize in it don't have a website.
As a dealer with the collection he has and had, he must have come across some of the coins I have never seen, such as from Sellschopp. A few of these might be in the TPG counts, but I don't know for sure if a single one I want has come up for sale while I have been looking for it.
I am quite sure that PJ bought 99.8% of his coins before 2010.
He died in July 2011 so this seems about right
Latin American Collection
I tend to lean towards this one, though I am afraid that it’s successful TrueView will attract more bidders than I’d like. It has certainly attracted a lot of trackers so far.
1828, Greece, one Phoenix, PCGS MS63+
And this must be one of the ugliest 1850 Swiss francs that I have ever seen in my life for a superb gem. It looks dipped, no toning, rather dull looking in its photo, despite its lofty NGC MS67+ grade.
A look at previously sold PCGS MS67 examples, and in particular a piece in an OGH in 2019, shown in « previous sales » at Heritage’s page, will make you understand what I mean.
Give it another 2-3 weeks or so and my guess the auction will be posted. They are still accepting consignments till November 6th I believe.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I have bought one coin from Heritage this year, a duplicate to one I already have just in lower grade. That's all Heritage has offered in my primary collection that I wanted to buy the entire year.
Help me remember. Do you primarily collect Bolivian and Peruvian Spanish colonial?
Or, if not, what is it again, I'm sorry I don't remember.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Can get very slow as a buyer that is why my goal is only 2-3 coins per year and hopefully 4 on a great year. I try not to put my expectation to high and now after 2 years I kinda got use to it.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Yes, almost exclusively Bolivia and Peru pillar 1/2R, 1R, 2R, and 4R. No cobs or portrait coinage, silver or gold. I do own a low number of Guatemela and Mexico pillars but don't actively buy it.
Including the Bolivian 8Rs (I have the 1769), that's slightly over 100 coins for completion. I also have a small collection of the colonial quarter real Lion & Castle design (all mints).
Assuming I ever find the date/MM/denomination I don't own now, that's probably more than I'll ever spend as long as I am collecting, which is why I don't bother with much else. I'd rather buy duplicates anyway.
If I ever get to the point where I can't add anything else or it is outside my price range, I'd probably shift to Mexican pillars.
I don't buy random coins and whatever else I would consider (US or otherwise), I can buy most of it at any time because it's common and not hard to find.
I don't have any quota that I hope to reach. I just try to buy whatever shows up if it meets my criteria.
As an example, I bought the Peru 1759 NGC MS-62 1/2R back in 2007 and hadn't seen one near as nice since. This year, I bought the NGC AU-53 (the one Heritage coin) and another one ungraded (nicer than both) AU-MS. I could have bought a fourth one (ungraded) but passed.
I have also been outbid four times in the past 18 months on coins I really wanted but not enough to pay the price to buy it. That didn't happen before. I'm not postponing retirement or working the rest of my life to buy coins or complete a collection. It isn't that important.
I don't know if they have posted the full auction yet but I see they posted a bunch of coins. Nothing for me guess will continue saving up.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Stacks will have some nice affordable AU 8R's in the January sale. Lots have not been posted, yet.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Thanks will keep an eye there as well.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I haven't attempted to quantify it but Heritage's selection the last few years for Spanish colonial coinage seems to be slimmer than pre-COVID. This is also true for Peru and Bolivia generally.
Slightly less than 7500 lots for world coinage on their site but only 32 and 39 for these two countries.
Not any better elsewhere to my recollection, except when some large collection is sold, as in Stacks next week and earlier this year.
I have noticed the low amount of certain countries as well. Bolivia shows up even less than Peru in the series I collect for both countries. Only 1 Bolivia 8 reales in 2 years (in the grade range I collect) and I did not know one was for sale until it was to late. Better luck next time I guess.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers