Its just Daymond being Draymond...

...but this time he crossed that line by punching a teammate,Jordan Poole, who he has about 40 pounds on during practice. GS tried downplaying this but with this video out Green deserves a suspension,imho. Its one thing pushing a teammate out of your immediate personal space but to then get sucker punched is totally over the line.
Both players are heading into free agency and are looking to re-sign with the Warriors for max money. Poole has a better shot at that happening than Green does at this point.
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i've never liked him and this just reinforces that thought
what the hell was that all about?
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I haven't come across any details on what led to this but,at one point around the :18 mark, Green looks to be about 12-15ft away from Poole then went right over into his face leading to the push then sucker punch.
The Warriors GM tried downplaying it before the video came out saying he doesn't think Draymond will be suspended but now that we've all seen what really happened,he should be.
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what does lebron think of this?
Lebron would have hammed it up for as long as he could. 😉😉😉

edit: in what could only be some Poetic Irony, I did a search to see who it was that knocked Lebron down while blinding him for life and of course it was Draymond lol.
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Raise your hand if you play sports.
Now, raise it again if there was ever a fight in practice.
Now, raise it one more time if you were in that fight.
Man, my arm is tired.
No feigning outrage here; this is sports not etiquette classes.
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Anyone know what they were discussing beforehand?
Pretty sure it was what quality makes Miller Lite better; that it tastes great or that it is less filling….
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Its funny, I played lots of sports and never once got into a physical altercation during practice. I think Draymond is a disgrace. really any player who would physically attack a teammate. He is a grown man and a "professional" athlete. he should be able to control his emotions.
If I were the coach, I would cut him. no way to build a team.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I saw Larry Bird throw punches at many a player and then also saw players swing at him.
Fighting and sports go together. I don’t have interest in guys who are constantly fighting but tempers flare; it’s part of high level competitive sports.
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I agree that stuff like this used to happen more often than we expected during a practice but how many times did video of the incident show up a day later? This isn't the 1980's or 90's and when this stuff comes out now you eventually have to deal with the consequences.
Luckily for Draymond,whoever leaked this video will end up getting sent to Guantanamo once the Warriors find out who did it while Green gets to spend the last week of summer vacation with his family for some "personal time."
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Just trying to take out his competition for a place on GS. Pretty fast reaction for an old man -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Draymond Green was always a low ball player so not surprising. As known, he had a rep for kicking opponents between the legs:
This is why I am anti Golden State. Steve Kerr allowed this goon to play bush league............. True professional LOL.
Fights in practice and games do sometimes happen in the heat of battle, but the "punch" looks like it came out of nowhere. As for the kick in the "groin" of Adams, that is beyond the pale and probably the lowest thing one man can do to another. I don't care what the circumstances are, you just don't intentionally kick someone in the balls.
I agree that fights happen in sports, even among teammates. Things get heated in competition, emotions flare, etc. But that sucker punch looked extremely calculated and did not appear to be an "in the heat of battle" kind of thing. Looked like a cowardly attempt to do damage when the other person wasn't expecting it.
Here’s what it looks like to me:
Jordan Poole says something directed at Draymond Green who walks over and gets in his face. Poole then throws a dismissive, two handed shove at Green…
If you throw a hard two handed shove at someone while jawing back and forth, then you should expect something in return. If you don’t, then you look exactly like Poole looked in the video - like the victim of a sucker punch.
I don’t recall starting many fights but I was always prepared for them if (and really when) they happened. Back in college, there was a bigger guy in the league who thought it was ok to tackle people using their shirt collar from behind in flag football. We had flags but didn’t use them at all so it was more like football with no pads. First one was free, second one I told him ‘You can’t do that’ and he responded with words I can’t repeat. 😂 Third one was on me, so when I got up he got a football off the face and a tackle to the ground and a final warning that I also won’t repeat. There were no more horse collar tackles that game, I assure you, and we hashed it out over beers the next week and were very friendly thereafter.
Sports is sports and if it happens in the gym or on the field - to me - it’s all good as long as it stays there.
I want guys like that on my team - always have and always will.
Just my opinion - I fully respect anyone who disagrees.
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wheaties if i didn't know any better i'd say you're not only condoning what Draymond did, but you're also defending him and -- incredulously -- making Poole out to be the instigator. the irony is so thick you could carve it up with a knife -- one of the biggest mouths in all the NBA not being able to hold his water when someone does the same to him. so does that mean that everyone who has a problem with DG now has the green light to get in his face and unload on him? believe you me, dude would become unrecognizable in no time. he has been a bush league punk his entire career, and now his toxicity has infiltrated his own team with one of his own brothers. i, under no circumstance, want guys like that on my team -- never have and never will.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Tim, Under any other circumstances I would agree that I would love a player that brings that type of fire to the team I'm rooting for but not if it leads to a situation like this.
I've rooted for Rodney Harrison,Lawyer Milloy & Marcus Smart on my favorite local teams that brought the same type of intensity but I would never condone cold-cocking a teammate in practice. Do that and you deserve any repercussions that come your way, I'd include Michael Jordan's punch of Steve Kerr back in the day as well. I know that was a different time,different end result (no video the next day) but its all the same in my book. If Brady punched a teammate tomorrow then sit his ass too.
Watch that video again, not only is Draymond pretty far away from Poole while this all going down but it was Green who went into Poole's personal space and bumped chests before getting pushed away by Poole. Any person in Poole's place would have done the exact same thing, push him away from you but to expect a punch in the face in return isn't normal.
You'll see players push other players like that everynight in NBA games but we only see punches thrown maybe a handful of times in 1000+ games.
I think the irony in all of this is Green lost his marbles over some words and nothing more. He let words from another grown hurt him. 🤣
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I’m not condoning it just saying that it is rather common place and I’m not one who is bothered more by actually seeing it. And sometimes, it’s necessary. Whatever was said, the way Green walked over should have alerted Poole that a shove was not the correct response. And if you are going to shove someone, you better get your hands up. Whether I see it on the sidelines or in the stands, it’s the same thing - if you are going to run your mouth, you should expect consequences. I agree most of the time they won’t come but I also don’t go around running my mouth. 😉
By the way, Bill Bellichek used to actually pay players to start fights in practice.
You didn’t see it but it was reported on and no one cared. But scuffles, throwing hands, dust ups, intensity spilling over? Those are euphemisms for fights and they happen all the time on sports teams.
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Are you of the belief that Green walked over to Poole for no reason and bumped him?
I can’t think of any physical conflict I ever saw that didn’t involve choice words first and a subsequent change in body language and posture. Also, these are co-workers competing for money -physically - as much as they are teammates.
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I'm fully aware of Bill's tactics over the years but I wouldn't remotely consider that the same as Green's punch.
Getting into a "scuffle" with a teammate while wearing a helmet and pads is usually nothing more than a shoving match unless one dumbass is stupid enough to throw a punch at a guy wearing a helmet. In that situation the guy taking the swing is likely to hurt himself more than the other player.
There was a time in Rodney Harrison's first training camp in NE when he poked Troy Brown in the eye during practice which led to a "fight."
I thought that this video would show it but it just shows what some of these scuffles really looked like,including BB enjoying it. I wouldn't consider this anywhere close to comparable to what Green did.
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Here's Draymond telling a story about Jordan Poole and former GS teammate Glenn Robinson III going at each other in training camp one year and Robinson asks Green to get Poole to shut up.
His response: "I'm not gonna tell him to shut up, if you can't handle him talking shiat thats on you."
WARNING: NSFW there are a few swear words!
Apparently Green couldn't handle Poole talking shiat lol. How ironic. 😉
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
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Yes, I am aware that Jordan Poole has a reputation for running his mouth and I’d be curious to know if he’s still running it now? And still in Green’s direction?
Care to hazard a guess?
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I'd say probably not seeing that Green's actions have his ass sitting at home right now while Poole and the rest of the team are getting ready to defend their title.
Poole might still be running his mouth but it would have to be into a cell phone to fully reach Green's direction. 😎
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A fine and no suspension - possibly returning Thursday.
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Golden State be like...

Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
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Dayum! Can I get punched next? 😎
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
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GS is handing out 100M deals like candy today...
Next year's payroll will have:
Curry 52M
Klay 43M
Poole 31M
Draymond player option @27M
Wiggins 24M
Plus another 36-38M for the rest of roster
That team will likely set a new record for highest total salaries ever along with highest tax paid. Green can opt-out then re-sign but seeing how much Poole & Wiggins just signed for doesn't look good for draymond's future in GS.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
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I don't see them re-signing him.
kinda disgusting how he is able to get away with this with a slap on the wrist. the way kerr was talking abuot it in presser too. was all so bizarre if you think this is assault on the street and dismissal from any other job.
Welcome to Sports Talk @Terryoyo2
Draymond is washed up. Seems like the Warriors realize that and plan to move on without him.
This guy is such a dirty dirty player. He got an ejection for this but he deserves a suspension. There's another angle of this play where he not only stomps Sabonis in the midsection WWE-Style, but he also uses Sabonis stomach as a springboard to try jumping over him.
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Draymond should have taken it outside and then I have no problem with it. 2 people agreeing to settle their squabbles is between them. I don't think violence is a good way to settle differences but I've had to up my level of aggressive play many times to where it seemed I was upset because it was a different style for me. Only once was I challenged to a fight but I was playing pickup ball on a long lunch at the company rec center.
When I was 15 my dad told me that no matter how tough you are, there is always someone willing to prove you're not, and it stuck with me. Draymond likely is going to be the victim of his own behavior one day and it still won't solve a thing.
Draymond seems like it's him vs the world. Unfortunately he's missing out on opportunities to grow personally and professionally.
Our local bar had amateur fight night and many fights were people who disliked each other but wanted to ensure there was a fair fight.
Why did Sabonis grab his leg though?
this is constant with him. such an easy player to dislike. i am really surprised no one has really retaliated against him.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Maybe to make sure he wasn't going to get kicked in the face? Look where Green's right foot is when Sabonis "grabbed" his leg,it looked more like a normal reaction to prevent getting that foot right in the face before the play was over. Sabonis was on the ground,face inches away from Green's right foot.
They didn't show it in that clip but this was only game two and was like the 4-5th time that Green somehow got Sabonis on the ground. One play in the first game he held him down while both teams ran off to the other end,
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I was asking, not defending
Sorry,I didn't take it that way. I think he was just on the ground knowing with Green's foot ready to take out half his face and what a crapbag the guy is,he was just trying to prevent it.
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Yea I just dont follow the NBA and didn't know much about this guys history, I just watched the video real quick
All good 🍻
He's one of the best defensive players in history but alot of his game is intimidation. He has a history of kicking players in the cojones, causing altercations where he and the opposing player fall down and he'll hold them down for no reason at all.
In the Celtics-Warriors finals we just saw he played a huge part in that series overturning,there was one game where he got into it with four different C's players that should have led to an ejection but didn't. The dude is totes cray-cray,as most great defensive players seem to be, this thread alone shows he had no respect for his own teammate when he punched him in the face during practice.
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There is one thing that seriously bothers me watching Draymond through the years in the playoffs. It has to do with officiating.
As far as I see it, his game involves crossing he line. He is allowed to cross it, and will then sometimes get a T. But then he can go the rest of the game getting away with things that other players can't because the refs just aren't willing to hit him with the second T.
Why did Sabonis grab his leg though?
He grabbed him because he is also a dirty player, total bush league move on his part. Still doesn't excuse Green's stomp. I think Green should be suspended but I bet Sabonis thinks twice before grabbing someone's leg again just because he can't keep himself off the floor.
Hopefully, the Warriors get rid of Green this summer but I have a feeling they are going to give him a huge contract even though his best days are way behind him. Green is one of the most overrated players in the NBA. Any other team than the Warriors and he would be called a cancer, but since the Warriors have Curry and win championships with him, Green gets all sorts of undeserved accolades.
Green reminds me of Rodman, great defender, no offense, a lot of loose screws.
I'd at least say that Sabonis deserves the benefit of the doubt here when he's on the ground and the last thing that any player in that spot would want is Green's feet inches from his face. This screenshot isn't perfect but if Sabonis doesn't hold his leg then that foot is going to attempt to step over him with his face right there. Sabonis earned the Tech,Green deserves a suspension for the stomp/jump step.

Green reminds me of Rodman, great defender, no offense, a lot of loose screws.
Green,Rodman,Marcus Smart,Dillon Brooks,Kevin Garnett,Dwight Howard,Gary Payton,Ben Wallace,Rudy Gobert,Bam Adebayo,Ron-whatever his new name is-Artest,Patrick Beverly,Rasheed Wallace,Rick Mahorn... Its almost like a prerequisite to becoming a great defender.
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It’s part of the game of basketball. I was an excellent defender in my prime and had more than one person take offense to it. Basketball is a lot more physical than people give it credit for being. There’s high speed and high impact contact on just about every play. There’s one, two or three refs and they can’t see it all and you are allowed five fouls. A smart defender should commit four a game. Sometimes it’s for a physical edge or a mental edge and sometimes both. The old adage is guard people the way you don’t like to be guarded.
Whenever I guarded a great outside shooter, I usually attempted to block their shot on a jumper early in the game without any fear of fouling them, often getting the blocked shot but subsequently crashing into them as a result and being called for the foul. However, guess how many of those guys had an off shooting night after? I had thrown off their timing with the blocked shot and sense of safety for a while (and sometimes the game) every time I would be in a position to ‘close out’ on them on a shot.
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This is the type of thing Sabonis was trying to prevent. You never know when Green will decide to kick a leg out or stomp on you.
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I'd at least say that Sabonis deserves the benefit of the doubt here when he's on the ground
Being on the ground and shoes near your face happens multiple times every game. Rarely does the player on the ground grab their opponents leg to prevent them from running up court. It was a bush league play regardless of whose leg is being grabbed. He got a flagrant 1 which basically proves my case. This doesn't in any way exonerate Green, he is simply a dirty player and will only get worse as he gets older and slower. IMO, if the Warriors get knocked out in Round 1 it will all stem from the preseason sucker punch Green threw.
Being on the ground and shoes near your face happens multiple times every game.
This all comes down to whose shoes those were,imo. Sabonis holding his leg was worthy of a tech not a foot stomp then Green using his stomach/chest to jump off.
Sabonis did not get a flagrant 1,he got a plain old technical foul. Green got the Flagrant 2-ejection.
Sabonis stayed down for a few minutes as officials reviewed the play. He was called for a technical foul for grabbing Green's leg, and Green was given a flagrant foul 2 that led to an automatic ejection.
We both agree that it was definitely dirty on Green's end. With Sabonis I'd cut him some slack for where he was and who was standing over him. He rightfully deserved the tech.
I wouldn't go as far as to say if they're knocked out its due to Green's punch many months ago. The core of this team is very experienced in big games,if I had to point to why they were so bad this year I'd say it had more to do with all of the players after Curry & Klay didn't perform to the levels that they did last year.
Lots of missed games due to injury/rest in that first half of the season,Wiggins missed over half of the season,Curry over a quarter and they never really found someone to take up some of the scoring slack. Not to mention they were putrid on the road all season especially on defense.
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i've never liked Draymond. he's a punk and an underhandedly filthy player.
that said, i think Sabonis deserves some type of theatrical award. i'm sure having your midsection stepped on doesn't feel good, but come on bro, you're writhing around on the ground for minutes like you just got shot in the groin. to my eye, Draymond could have unloaded much more force had he wanted to. you could practically read his mind. "oh, you're gonna grab my leg? cool, now i can do this and get away with it." or so he thought.
as for a reason why GS is down 0-2, look no further than the recipient of said preseason sucker punch, Jordan Poole. he was horrendous last night. hard to overcome the loss off 20 ppg on the road in the playoffs.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
The vaunted GS defense has been putrid this season but they've actually been worse in the playoffs. They went from giving up 117ppg,ranked 22nd, to an average of 120ppg in these two Kings games,which would have them ranked 29th in the NBA.
Even with all of their problems is still hard to count them out yet.
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Green ruined the team's chemistry with his preseason sucker punch. Team chemistry shows up on the road and in tough games. No coincidence, IMO, that they have been awful on the road.
I don't think the series is over. Winning a couple of games at home and having some positive momentum going back to Sacramento could definitely happen. That said, if they don't turn it around I think the blame lies squarely on Green (whether its the chemistry destroying sucker punch or being suspended for a critical game for the Warriors). Hopefully, the Dubs aren't dumb enough to resign him this summer.
I saw some video that said it was a flagrant 1 but yeah looks like just a tech on Sabonis.