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10 Years 4 Months. 183 Coin Washington Quarter Variety Set Complete.

1tommy1tommy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭✭

I started this set at the ripe old age of 55 and had other collector friends say it was possible to complete this set in 10 years. Most of the varieties were picked off ebay and other venues raw and in holders over those ten years. 100 of those coins are varieties.

I have always considered a cherry pick to include all coins, varieties or not that you acquire for under price guide. This 1934 d was the last coin that I have been searching for and finally found this MS 66+ CAC coin to finish things up.

This coin will move me back into 2nd place and I can now start to concentrate on upgrading a few of my early on purchases. I have had a total blast in putting this set together and meeting so many other collectors along the way. The varieties did allow me to get certain coins that I would not have been able to afford or find by trading the tops pops as I found them.

There is NO 1935 DDO and pcgs just will NOT take the coin out of the set. The other coin missing is the 1964 SMS quarter which I doubt I will ever be able to afford or find. So the count is 183 coins.

I will always love the varieties as it made the set a lot more fun to complete. I have already been asked if I will do another series and I can say that the Washington Quarter Series will always be my favorite and I do already try to pick up other varieties in the other series and have no plans to do any other series. Thanks for the ride..........

Enjoy Tom

I used to be famous now I just collect coins.

Link to My Registry Set.


Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.


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