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A DDR worthy of sharing here for that is truly a first...

coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,432 ✭✭✭✭✭

Take close look at the image...PCGS has recognized the 1965 Churchill Double Die Reverse. Notice the doubling on the Portrait at the outer eye brow extending downward through the nose, lips and ending at the chin. It has its own PCGS number.

While this was discovered earlier either by Ken Potter or Alan Herbert, this is the first example acknowledged and graded by our host. This might be one of the most overlooked and underappreciated DDR coins of the second half of the twentieth century.

There was a somewhat famous comment made by a prominent British numismatist which I will paraphrase here... "The beauty of the Churchill Crown increases in direct proportion to the amount of wear it has sustained."

Seems that a photograph will have the last word and so many will never look at the Churchill Crown the same way again...

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