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NEWPS How’d I do/feedback

CalifornianKingCalifornianKing Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭✭
edited August 22, 2022 8:38PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Well I did it again. I kind buy stuff impulsively which didn’t work out great last time. I tried picking better quality coins out this time instead of just basically filling holes and randomly buying coins.

I thought the coins were very nice and looked good, but then again I am Newish compared to you old dogs on here! The 87-O honestly looked too nice for a 63 but what do I know 🫠🤷🏻‍♂️
Just be honest please! Also payed $20 ontop w shipping. Got $45 back in cashback from my coinbase card for a total of like $1175 or so

MS63 NGC $552 1878-CC

PCGS OGH MS63 1887-O $360

PCGS 1898-O MS66 $280


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