Watson suspended for 6 games

in Sports Talk
I was thinking 8-10. Slap in the face to women everywhere that he is even allowed to play again, but at least make a bold statement about it. 6 games is not that bold statement. Glad H-town got rid of him, Cleveland will have to deal with his rep now.
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Cleveland won’t care as long as he wins games
I admit that I am not an expert on these matters, but the conversation around banning players and for how long is a bit convoluted and misleading. AFAIK, the new CBA put into place changes meant to mitigate the power of Goodell and the league to suspend players/ban them, etc. Goodell's "heavy handedness" and his lack of ability at setting appropriate punishments led to a new type of system. And within that new system, six games is where we are at for this. Yes, everything was done to make sure Watson did not suffer in any way financially. The structuring of his contract was done in a way that the six game suspension will cost him very little. There is lot going on here.
Edited to add: I'm pretty sure that the league will be on the record here as recommending a one year suspension. The sports media world will be rife with stories today comparing Watson to other players and breaking down the suspensions that they got for seemingly more trivial offenses. I expect many good arguments to be made for why this suspension should have been an "indefinite" one-which would actually mean for one season and then applying for reinstatement. In my opinion, this would have been the way to go.
There's also a clause in the suspension, according to NFL reporter Tom Pelissero, former federal judge Sue L. Robinson’s suspension decision also includes a mandate that Watson must get all his massage therapy from therapists who are employed by the Browns.
Are you joking or serious?
I thought he would get a full season, Goodell could appeal the decision and make the suspension longer, I thought for sure he would get more than 6 games
It is funny how the last decade has been consumed with "The Rule of Law" and yet so many are ready to crucify someone on unconfirmed allegations which two jurisdictions refused to prosecute. The media frenzy and public opinion put such a twist on this whole sordid affair that I don't believe anyone really knows what happened. What we're left with is our own biases and judgements.
I for one am glad the whole thing is drawing to a conclusion.
Serious, he can only get massages from Cleveland Browns massage therapists.
Here is another link to the clause story.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
i agree with Stephen A on this one
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Not to put you on the spot
could you elaborate on what part you agree with.
I did listen to the clip. If I may, I will try to flesh out his main point and see if that is what you are alluding to. I believe that he is saying that the NFL usually doles out punishment based on the findings of courts and of their own investigators, which essentially makes the league out to be doing the job of law enforcement. SAS would prefer it if the league made decisions based around how the actions of the players affects the teams, and the league etc. So in this case, even though Watson was technically not found guilty, there was "so much smoke", so much headache, so much negativity, so much nefariousness, etc, it should be an obviously much longer suspension period. Let me know if I am misunderstanding SAS in the clip.
Personally, I think that the NFL has a huge problem on their hands. They have punished players throughout these recent years in a fashion which many would describe as "willy-nilly". The way that they are now going about business, perhaps they are trying to re-establish the bar somewhat. From what I know of the CBA, Goodell has a few days to appeal this (and possibly get it closer to what the league requested) but it is very possible that he will not. Much like in our own, non-NFL, criminal justice system, there are often quite the disparities between crime and punishment, and these are exacerbated by issues such as wealth and influence,etc.
25 separate accusers, seems cut and dry here that he is guilty of some pretty icky things unless you want to believe that all of these folks colluded to squeeze him (LOL) for money........... My view is that sooner or later collusion amongst that many folks would break down and fall apart such that they are telling the truth as to what this guy did to them. Are you a Browns fan or what?
I think this is the key here - top 5 qb does icky things, but NFL loses more money the longer they suspend him for. So things get watered down, especially with the mentioned above CBA that took much of the power out of the front office and in particular Goodell's hands. This will back fire though, alot of women are NFL fans these days, they (as we all do) have to ask themselves whether they prefer watching folks like Watson knowing his background on the icky side, or prefer the cannabis oil smoking WNBA............
I for one will be rooting against this guy. I hope he puts up Sam Darnold numbers from hereon.
@spacehayduke said: 25 separate accusers, seems cut and dry here that he is guilty of some pretty icky things unless you want to believe that all of these folks colluded to squeeze him (LOL) for money.
I actually agree with much in the above statement. Sure, he probably did some things that are considered beyond the pale, but they just didn't rise to the level of being criminal. As for "colluding" by 25 different accusers, no, I don't think that took place, but once the story gained some traction I believe it's in the realm of probability that some women saw $$$ and jumped on the bandwagon. It wouldn't be the first time that has happened with a Celebrity.
I would just add that Deshaun Watson has only been accused of things and not proven guilty of anything.
As a Dodger fan I wonder aloud (and I do not know the answer) who did a worst act(s) - Deshaun Watson or Trevor Bauer!?
Doesn't need a Dogers fan to make sense. Watson seemed as a predator as 25 different women massueses? Trevor and his freaky girl were together and did their thing - untill he blew her off as a girlfriend then she started s*hit on social media that took off all the way to criminal complaints that found Trevor innocent of her charges. It's all about the money.
From now on why don't these gals find thier dates at a grocery store or a church? OH, because those kind of guys don't have Multi millions of dollars .
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
while i agree, Watson is probably an "icky" person, am I mistaken in the fact there not only no criminal conviction, but not even charges? until there is solid proof, an admission or a conviction are these not simply allegations?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Ever hear of a town called Skidmore Missouri?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
My thoughts are that Bauer is a very unusual guy. You could see he was strange just watching his behavior on the baseball field. He had a strange consensual affair that went sideways, I don't really see the problem.
Watson seems to be a guy who loves his "happy endings" and pushes way to hard to get them. If he wants that, there should be no shortage of women who would be willing to do that consensually.
Big difference here IMO.
This is true, but taken individually, the cases are going to be his word against theirs, so very hard to prove any wrongdoing. The difference (to me) is that 24 different women (more?) all made similar complaints and lots of money was paid to make this go away.
I tend to believe the women accusing Watson, but as you correctly point out, no charges were actually filed, if I am not mistaken. Once you agree not to pursue a matter because of a settlement, that closes the door.
I do believe there are at least 4 lawsuits still pending, but my gut feeling is he sexually assaulted/harassed these women and got away with it.
Sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees...........
Watson's punishment is not the six game suspension. His punishment was being sentenced to 3 years as the Brown's QB.......What could be worse than that? The 6 game suspension is a sentence reduction........ Instead of serving the full 51 game stretch he will only serve time for 45 games.......Personally, I think the judge is going a bit easy by taking 6 games off the sentence before any time served.....Oh, Well......
I thought I read where he had consensual sex with a couple of the masseuses'. So how does he go from getting "just a massage" to the full monty with a couple.
As I went through
I am not sure if you are being serious or not...but I will attempt to answer this with the information I believe to be true.
Watson intentionally went out of his way to find women who give only legitimate massages, not the happy ending type, while also having the intent of making it into that type of scenario each time. This, in a nutshell, was the crux of the matter. He was seeking out a specific scenario, over and over, attempting to make it a reality. It was his fetish.
If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
I agree that there was probably some bad stuff going on between watson and some or all of those women. I guess my problem with the whole scenario is that he will have missed a year and a half of his prime based on allegations with no proof, evidence or criminal charges.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
This sounds like a very good theory to me. Unfortunately no one has any evidence to prove it.
What you are saying is legally correct. People commit crimes and get away with them often and people are often hurt by being accused when innocent.
The situation is not quite completed.
Well there could have been some bandwagoning we will never know, but probably most of the allegations are legit. It is a sad testimony to the state of legal matters in this country that very rich people will always purchase a get of jail free card so they can be in denial and we have to use only the word 'accused' for what they did.
No, do tell.
@spacehayduke said: Well there could have been some bandwagoning we will never know, but probably most of the allegations are legit. It is a sad testimony to the state of legal matters in this country that very rich people will always purchase a get of jail free card so they can be in denial and we have to use only the word 'accused' for what they did.
Here, I fixed it for you: Well there probably was some bandwagoning, but we might never know if any of the allegations are legit. It is a sad testimony to the state of legal matters in this country that so many presume "guilty until proven innocent" by any evidence in a Court of Law.
I was serious and I think we are saying the same thing. He hired actual massagers and wanted to go to the several levels higher than a massage. It was the way he went about finding the ones how would go 'all out".
There is so much NFL preseason news about the work- up to the regular season and yet so much time devoted here to some pervert QB's goings on antics at the "Happy Ending Massage Joint", I don't get it!....😵......I understand that salacious sells.....But come on boys!.......Watson's after hours weird activities are between him and his maker!.....Maybe I'm the weird one....but.....I don't give a rats as* about any of it!😵😵😵😵😵😵
As The Lovely Mrs.Hydrant said this morning, "WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT HE DOES?"......She said some other choice things about the gals involved......... But.......none of it's fit for print!.......The girls know the score!........

Bet you're bottom dollar they do!......HELLO?
you had mentioned in an earlier post that if it were collusion between the 25 women, someone would eventually cave and spill the beans. it doesn't always happen that way.
in 1980 in the town of skidmore, the town bully was shot and killed on main street with at least 50-60 witnesses and at least 3 shooters. in the last 42 years, no one has spoken a word to either local police or the FBI when they were called in to investigate. no one has ever been charged with the murder. people can toe the line and keep quiet if they choose.
there is a fantastic 6 episode documentary about Skidmore called "no one saw a thing"
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Here I fixed it for you: Well there could have been some bandwagoning we will never know, but probably most of the allegations are legit. It is a sad testimony to the state of legal matters in this country that very rich people will always purchase a get of jail free card so they can be in denial and we have to use only the word 'accused' for what they did.
Don't forget the ones who were forced to participate in his weird activities against their wills......... I'll start another thread on something else NFL to support your point about pre-season interest.
Brother, with all due respect,.... I doubt very seriously that anyone was " forced participate in his weird activities against their wills"...........the same door they walked into was still there to walk out of at any time.........Oh, Brother!......
Before this thread gets closed.....one more thing.
The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ is reading this thread.
She's laughing.......
She wants me to ask a question......
"Do you think if a homeless guy walked in and asked those girls to **©π=• # they would?"
Her answer to her own question was....
"Hell NO they would be out of there.........they knew it was Watson......Its all about the MONEY!"
This is getting better and better........Just a minute ago, I'm out in the yard planting sunflower seeds....... The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant is on the phone......I'm listening........When she hung up I asked her what that was all about?.......She says, "We got a call from the Kardashian Compound. Yea, those Kardashians. Somebody set off an alarm and they need it shut off......I was telling the guys to go do the job and DON'T TALK TO ANY WOMAN THERE!!!!!.....We don't need any trouble...... Only talk to maintenance!"
Cut stem just below the flower.......hang to dry.......shake seeds into bowl after drying.......put seeds into pan with Wesson oil.....heat and stir......BASEBALL FOOD!!.......You'll never buy these again.......
So you have been in that situation, eh? As usual, folks with power over others are ok in their wrong deeds. Again, put yourself in that position and see how you react. It is not easy I am sure.......... Oh Sister!
I’m not ashamed to admit it but I have been to these type of establishments > @Alfonz24 said:
Yeah it’s called a fetish
It’s abundantly clear to me that this kid wanted “Those types of massages” but the fetish was to seek out professionals and try to get them to do more, I mean there are so many ways to get massages with “Extras” but he chose to not go that route.
Trust me I know all about it and how to find them, it’s not difficult.
You really don't know where to find a legitimate deep tissue massage?
I never gave it any thought. Anyway, just the idea of a massage seems gross to me....deep tissue or otherwise......yuk!
Oh! And actually, the wife of a friend of mine is in that line of work. She's even Swedish! She has offered her services for FREE! Thanks but no thanks.......Hey, different strokes for different folks.
I resemble this opinion. i know lots of people love getting massage, but it just seems weird and gross to me. no desire
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Let's please keep this thing above board, folks... Thank you.
I agree it is likely many of these gals knew what the game was. However, I will guess that not all of them knew. I have a friend who is a legitimate massage therapist with a number of pro athlete clients. I won't name drop but very high level household names in a variety of sports. She explained she has been in those situations and it's pretty intimidating when an extremely strong guy propositions you inside of a small closed room. As she said to me she is not a small woman but it can be very scary and it doesn't come across as a request but feels like a mandate. The other thing is these guys get a lot of massages! She has clients who she gives 2+ hour massages to 5 days a week. They get massages about as often as I take dumps! There was one group, of new/young aspiring pro athletes, where she said the request for sex was well over half of the guys! After being turned down most followed up with a d-pic later that day! These guys are on a different planet!
I missed this but my above post replies to this. It's not as easy as you describe in every situation.
From this it looks like this scenario plays out alot, not just Watson.
Here is today's news on this issue:
Alot of quotes from Buzbee in the article.
Best, SH
Well looks like the NFL is going to appeal the 6 game suspension so who knows where this goes now. I think the NFL wanted a indefinite suspension so the 6 games was a slap in Goodell's ego I'm sure
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
They can appeal, but I don't think they will win, the power is in the players union now.........
The examples from that are based on a player with ONE instance not over 24-30 instances from the SAME player
Here is an excerpt from the ESPN article about it today:
"Robinson issued the six-game suspension Monday, writing in her 16-page report that "the NFL carried its burden to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Mr. Watson engaged in sexual assault (as defined by the NFL) against the four therapists identified in the Report."
She also found that Watson engaged in conduct that posed "a genuine danger to the safety and well-being of another person, and conduct that undermines or puts at risk the integrity of the NFL."
I read into that, that the disciplinary officer finds Watson guilty of the accusations by at least some of the women victims. Also the article notes that Goodell is the one who appoints who will hear the appeal. So this is going to be drawn out when Watson's suspended time increases.
The word "preponderance" is an interesting one to use, common for Lawyer-speak. To my way of thinking it needs to be viewed from both sides of the argument. Just to use some made up numbers as an example, the arbitrator seems to have ruled that six out of the 30 accusers are to be believed, so the preponderance of the evidence says that Watson is guilty. That also means that 24 accusers are doubtful and not to be believed, so what about the preponderance of that evidence??
I look at this whole thing and the integrity of the NFL argument in the same way as things that happened to me as a child in school or young adult while I still lived with my parents --- whatever I had done wasn't the real issue, I had embarrassed my parents, especially my Father. In the end that's what I was punished for. The NFL and Roger Goodell are tired of the negative media coverage so they want their pound of flesh from Watson.
I n a strange way, that insistence to punish him to the max is what's stringing this out, keeping it in the media and hurting the NFL "brand" in Goodell's mind. I think it's about time the owners band together and show him the door.