1946 KennedyHalf Dollar is this coin silver

Hi guys . thisi 1946 half dollar is this coin silver or steel?
Hi guys . thisi 1946 half dollar is this coin silver or steel?
Yes, your 1964 half is silver.
Tuff night , ?
The '64 Kennedy half is 90% silver.... 1965-70 are 40% silver. Cheers, RickO
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I would strongly recommend buying and reading A Guidebook of United States Coins. It's only about $15 and is filled with lots of great info for a newer collector.
I would say that almost every knowledgeable/expert member who started with US coins had a copy when they got started (and they probably still have it). Its the best $15 you'll ever spend on the hobby.
Steel? Seriously? Get yourself a Redbook and READ IT. You won't have to ask questions like this.
Welcome aboard and yes, the '64 is a 90% silver coin.
Kennedys are my quest...
Steel is magnetic, is your half attracted to a magnet? Try the magnet on your refrigerator.
If it is somehow magnetic then it's a counterfeit (which it isn't).
1946 Kennedy, No. 1964 Kennedy, Yes.
thank you all.
I am sorry for the typo in the currency number, instead of writing 1964, I wrote 1946.
Good news, there is a post edit feature

Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Don't think that the rest of us don't make mistakes. We just know how to fix them better.