Red Sox are not willing to pay Bogaerts and Devers

in Sports Talk
It is time to either fish or cut bait as this season if over for them.
Trade Devers and Bogaerts now and Martinez if they can find someone to take him..
They should get a boatload of young talent for them especially Devers.
Bring up the young talent they have now to make room for the new players.
Time to say "wait till next year " as my dad used to say.
They should be paying Devers and build around him, I don’t understand why they won’t.
When you have players turning down $440m for 15 years, you can see where all this is going. They all want the moon and more. Imagine being offered a guaranteed $29m per season/15, and saying, "nah, don't think so". Crazy money.
I don't think Martinez, Bogaerts and Devers will be home based in Fenway after this season. At some point they just have to rebuild with their minor league system and let others, unfortunately pick up talent such as these. I'm not a Bloom fan, but I do think for various reasons, his hands become tied at some point and he has to just shrug his shoulders and let them walk or be traded...better of course he endure the wrath of Red Sox Nation and make some blockbuster trades for multiple talented and hungry players than to let them just walk.
I’m not a fan of those stupid mega deals like the one Soto turned down so I get it.
MLB hopefully will bankrupt themselves when they run out of money to pay these guys, I mean the normal contract talk is in the hundreds of millions of dollars now and it’s not stopping
Soto should play golf on the LIV tour.
I say, "don't reward greed" , it really has reached the ridiculous stage.
Field the best team you can with what you have and let someone else pay for these guys.
Soto can see that the Nationals are going nowhere, so he wants to is that simple, and to do that, he is going to have to go somewhere else.....either by trade or free agency. So it was just not about the money.
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Let's see how much he signs for and then decide if it's about the money or not. It's usually at least a little bit about the money.
Money almost always talks.
These young guys and their agents want all they can get as soon as they can get it in most cases.
If they leave for greener pastures they better watch out for the cow flaps they may be stepping into with a new team.
I have always felt, and have posted many times about the obscene contracts MLB players get. However, to be fair, I can't say that if I were in their shoes I might be inclined to go for whatever I could, now matter how many millions more I could get with a savy agent. Keeping in mind that while the odds are low, any career ending injury on or off the field immediately limits your income. As for going to a new team, I suspect they blend in fairly quickly unless that act like a jerk.
Of course its the fan who gets it in the neck with higher ticket prices. I imagine taking a couple of kids and the wife to a game, hot dogs, drinks, penant, etc, not to mention parking, he's gonna dump around $2-300, or more denpending on seat location. The highly coveted Monster Seats at Fenway in Boston are astronomical, getting a front row there for a Yankee or playoff game has got to be 4 figures.
If I ever was stupid enough to pay that kind of money for tickets to watch a game I could watch for free and one of those big money player stunk up the park I would be some pissed off.
Can you imagine what those big comfortable seats cost at Yankee stadium.
I too would be inclined to say that in my younger days I would be inclined to want all I could get also.
Baseball is a bore. It’s the Yankees and the Dodgers, the best teams money can buy.
Let’s start the football season and put this farce out of its misery.
Actually the Mets payroll is $16M more than the Yankees. Red Sox one of 6 teams at over $200M payroll so they are definitely in with the 'haves' - and 'buying' JD Martinez was the reason the Sox won the 2018 WS. He definitely put them over the top that year.
Who gives a rat’s tail, @BaltimoreYankee? The Yankees have had more money than any other team for over 100 years. It started when the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees for $100,000 plus a loan. It’s one of the reasons why the game is not much fun. The Yankees never lose a player because of salary issues and can pretty much buy any player they want.
The late season “player to be named later” deals are especially gulling. The Yankees pay a few hundred thousand, which is nothing for them, and get an impact player for nothing.
The Tampa team did well with a small payroll, but the fans didn’t come partly because the stadium is poorly designed and is located in an inconvenient location for the fans to get to the games. I had to drive over an hour to get to a game, and I don’t live that far from Tampa. The politicians in Tampa and St. Petersburg have no genuine interest in building a new stadium here, so the team will be moving soon.
I can spend my time enjoying the history of baseball. The modern game is a bore.
Every time someone in a sport turns down $100 million I become just a little more disinterested. It’s not their fault or the owners fault, either, and I still don’t care. Sports is becoming less interesting each day….
Especially since half these guys should pickup their paychecks whilst wearing a ski mask.
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