Anyone want to get medieval with me? LOL

I know this is a US Forum, but I just thought it would be fun to share, to see if anyone else here has something like this in their collection. This is the only medieval coin I have left in my collection. For some reason I just couldn’t part with it. Had many other British hammered which were much more costly than this, but just couldn’t let this go.
Nice coin, but no. Wrong forum.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Thank you.
Nice coin. I have a number of Medieval and earlier coins.
My medieval coins are from the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. All of them
with dates prior to 1501 A.D.
My medieval coins are all British, starting Alfred the Great.
Here’s one I wish I had back. Obverse: Henry I Reverse: Saric on Safte (Shaftesbury) in retrograde. Extremely rare.
All of mine were British also except for the French coin I posted. But that coin is of English King Henry VI, issued for his claim to the French throne also. But I’m sure you already know that. Is the Alfred the Great a portrait coin? London monogram?
Thank you jmlanzaf.
I have no medieval coins, but have always marveled at their survival. And when I read about a hoard being dug up, I wonder how many more treasures are buried out there. Cheers, RickO
An Alfred the Great portrait coin? Not on my budget. I was lucky to get this one, which has been clipped. Despite that, it's got sharp lettering. It came from a London dealer who was at the Winter FUN show just before the pandemic. Those were the days!
To put the age of this coin into context, Alfred ruled from 871 to 899. And yes, he deserved to be called "The Great." He was a superb leader who was ahead of his time.
Very nice coin nonetheless! Moneyer Eadberht in retrograde. Nice! I didn’t have an Alfred the Great unfortunately. And yes, he was called the Great for a reason. King of Wessex and later King of all Anglo-Saxons who decisively defeated the Vikings/Danes. Did you purchase the coin from AMR or Mike Vosper?
Since you got pushed over to the world forum now, here are a few I agree these are fascinating.
My current "Box of 20"
Really beautiful coins Bob. The fact that my post was pushed over here though, I can technically understand, but at the same time it really rubs me the wrong way. I no longer collect medieval hammered. I collect US coins. I just thought it was a nice change up for some of the members, but someone had to have a problem with it. Just seems really petty to me. If they didn’t want to post anything or have anything to do with it they could’ve just ignored it like they do with other posts. I’ve noticed there are some older members in the US forum that can be quite unpleasant. And there’s really no need for it. Hmph.
Generally not necessary to wear a flame-retardant suit in this forum. Glad you paid a visit, intentional or not.
I've wanted to get one of those coins for a little while. It's on my list.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
I don’t think coin collectors are known for their social graces!
I try to slip in some world coins here and there on the US side. Who knows, maybe like me someone there will follow the path to the dark side here!
My current "Box of 20"
Thank you Bailathacl.
Are you referring to my Henry VI? It was on my list too for quite a while, and it took me a fair amount of time to locate a nicely centered full flan coin. When I did locate this piece, there was no indecisiveness. I just knew I had to have it, lol.
Yes. I'm slowly trying to pick up french and european medieval coins of similar size.
This is my latest pick-up:

IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Sometimes it’s fun to take a walk on the wild side, LOL
Very nice coin Neil! Any coin with a sword on it is a sure-fire winner to me! Lol
My small collection of late medieval Goldgulden from the German States and France.
The large coin in the middle is a Rose Noble or Flemish Noble from Gorinchem in the Netherlands.
Quite impressive group, Eddi! And all are well centered and well struck coins. My favorite is the Ecu d’ Or of Charles VII? at 12 o clock. Something about the fleur-de-lis that I really like.