Is Cock Fighting A Sport?

Or even just bird fights in general?.... If it is, I have a front row seat! Vicious aerial warfare..... It's got the NFL beat by a country mile!.....I need to know.....thinking about setting up bleachers and selling tickets....
Yes, it is a sport, I was priveliged enough to fly to Malaysia and watch Sugar Ray Reynolds fight, he was the best ounce for ounce fighter ever!
Dragon Master,.....why do you have to wreck all the threads I start???...... I'm being serious,..... for once!......Why?
O.K., Your post IS funny, but we gotta get serious around here. It's like forum training for the upcoming NFL season. We need to get into shape.... FOCUS!!!!
Absolutely not.
What makes you the expert?..... That is NOT the answer I wanted to hear.....O.K., I did ask, but now I'm disappointed.
Among uncivilized morons, yes.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Are you referring to the birds?.....
I agreed with you. I don't consider it to be. There are cultures, times, people, who have been and are involved with this type of thing. And I do not want to judge, because I believe that they do not see it as wrong. Depending on when and where you were born, your relationship with certain animals, and your idea of sport, can be quite different.
When I moved to Texas in 2006, I was thirty years old. And I honestly had never given much thought to this kind of thing. But I did (through work) run into someone who was selling birds for just that thing.
Rewind a few years from that, and we are back to my seven years living in New York City, the last six in the Bronx. There was a halal chicken butcher place near where I lived, and if I walked past it early enough in the day, I would have to leave the sidewalk for about twenty feet and walk on the street. The reason was that, every day very early, they had their chickens dropped off and they just stayed their on the sidewalk for I don't know how much time until the place opened. They were all stacked up in these cages, taking up the entire sidewalk. And they were really crammed in. And let's just say that, looking back on it, I guess they were fighting. With each other, for their lives, whatever.
I can answer this.
It is because we all have jobs around here, but the duties are not always well-defined or followed.
@doubledragon is a comedian, but we know him enough and for long enough that we see his serious side sometimes and also respect it.
You, @hydrant, started as more of a straight man. But you've delved into comedy as of late, and done it quite well in my opinion.
Hope this helps!
Yeah Show as an animal lover I just see this as unnecessary animal cruelty in my opinion.
Thanks, Showboat....... It's time to come clean..... There is no Hydrant.... I don't exist......Hydrant is Double Dragon's alt. Yes, he is the comedian and I play the straight man...but I'm tired of it....I've had enough!..... I want to be the star!......Up until now it's been one big psycho drama in Dragon Master's head.....split Grasshopper is breaking free!.....
..well, thanks for letting us know, and I guess I was on the right track.
Is that why one of you believes in climate change, and the other thinks it's a scam? This is all making a lot of sense (unlike the guy who got fired from the penny factory on his first day).
Yes, many clues add up now. DD has mentioned before that he was here on the boards before under different names. Hydrant joined in 2015, but didn't make a post until 2020 I think. Don't know about comments. There is of course a lot more, but I don't necessarily have time to go into it all right now.
You say that Hydrant is DoubleDs alt, but isn't it really the other way around? 🤔🤷 Chicken or egg type of thing?
Please, can we all just focus on how great Sugar Ray Reynolds was!
Grasshopper laser beam! How could not be..... sat at knee, not to mention twirling in the head, of Dragon Master!...we are one Master......You taught me all.....Lowly Grasshopper is now hop in wind....... Adios Amigo!
So Hydrant is leaving? I thought he would stay around just be funny too?
I was just consulting with my online therapist, and he said that there is less than zero percent chance that you two are the same people. I think he said that it's more likely for the Bears to win the next SB. So what I'm saying is,.. I guess you can both stay 🤷
I see no sport in it.
It’s the same as dog fighting although I hold dogs in a much higher regard.
They are both tasteless and disgusting in my opinion
I am not Hydrant, Hydrant is not me, there is a better chance of the Detroit Lions winning 4 straight Super Bowls!
no, cockfighting is not a sport, neither is dog fighting or the gladiatorial "games" for that matter.
any time man or beast is forced into combat against their wills for their lives, it is not sport, but a very cruel form of slavery.
athletes are not compelled but compete by choice.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Ok. I slept on it and I believe you. But it would have been a great surprise reveal. All time classic long con! Lol
It is in Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
Are these the only places it's officially recognized as a sport, because obviously it takes place elsewhere as well.
You can include horse fighting as well.
I don't know. I'm not a cock fighting connoisseur.
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
I wasn't saying you were. My apologies. 🤷🤣 I just thought by the way you listed those four places that perhaps you had looked it up or something.
No need to apologies. I just looked it up here.
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
Man, I thought for sure this would be a Jake Paul thread…
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
I actually attended a cock fighting was a small gathering.....just a bunch of local drunks out back of some shack. I was probably 7/8 years old.....My best friend suggested that we we did! that time of my development, one of my evening chores was to cut off chicken heads to get them ready for dinner........ It was gross but us boys always got a kick out of watching chickens fly around with their heads cut, it wasn't so much the brutality of the cock fight that impressed me........I saw that on a daily basis......what really made an impression on me was the crowd!....... Looking back......The only thing I can compare it to was like being at a Raider game when they were in L.A. REALLY! There's a reason they left town...🍻

The birds were NOT the main attraction.... Not for me at least....
The fights are dusturbing when I really think about it. They equip them with razor sharp blades.
I took the above picture from a forum thread from 2008. It's a different forum than this one obviously. I found it in a search just now. Apparently, from what I can tell, a new member joins, starts a thread, and wants to know and confirm the best way to sharpen such a blade to use in the Philippines for these fights. The forum is intended to talk about knives/sharpening but not not for this type of thing, and there is a little discussion. You guys might find it interesting. It honestly plays out quite a bit like our thread did in some ways. Let me know what you think ...
Animal cruelty
I understand where you're coming from, Mickey, and I can't disagree with you. But, from personal experience, I know that you shouldn't put two Roosters (A Rooster is a male chicken, i.e., A cock) together in any enclosed space. Especially if there are Hens around ( A Hen is a female chicken). If you do put two Roosters together they will engage in the same behavior that they do in a cock other words, they fight to the death. So they don't need any human encouragement. They do it on their own.......So, I got to thinking...... Yes, it's animal cruelty. But it's animal to animal cruelty. And is it any different from human to human cruelty?..... Like the sport of BOXING? And boxers do it on their own too....they don't need any Rooster help to get them going.......They just need a crowd of paying customers.....Like Roosters need Hens. Maybe two humans shouldn't be placed together in an enclosed space..... especially when a crowd of other humans is paying to watch them hurt each that Human Cruelty????

Why is it wrong, I think it is, to watch animals make a bloody pulp out of each other and yet humans pay big bucks and idolize other humans that beat the sh*t out of humans??????......What's the difference?.... Man, I'm confused!

@hydrant I can take the macro view of this argument and see where you are coming from. But let me try to steer you into some different vantage points.
I know that you, based on what I think I know about you, believe in and recognize the difference between humans and animals. And don't go giving me some textbook definition of the word "animal". You know what I'm talking about. You also know and understand that some humans are either born in a way, or eventually come to live in a way, that they cannot make decisions for themselves. But outside of this, humans have freewill.
Freewill comes from God. Some might ask how there can be an omnicient God, all-knowing, if we also have freewill. Well, the answer is that yes, we have freewill while God simultaneously knows everything that will happen. How is this possible? I don't know exactly. Ask God. But I digress, somewhere within what I just wrote is my rebuttal to your points.
NO, people are sick if they go to those things!
How would you like to be on the receiving end of those claws or whatever they use.
@hydrant this is the kind of stuff that made me, just for a second, think that you might actually be @doubledragon 's alt. Because you come in with arguments that are diametrically opposed to DD on big issues. Climate change. Boxing. Hunting. And yet you say you are learning from him as well. So it's easy to see how you both could be one person just working out your issues, in front of all of us, in realtime on Sports Talk .
Showman,.....As far as Climate Change is concerned? I'm A believer! At 5:30 this morning it was 60° here. Now, at 3:30 it's 105°.......Talk About Climate Change!?!?!?!?!
Here guys, enjoy and I'll see you tomorrow!
Yes, there is climate change, always has been and always will be, but you know what I'm talking about.
Oh, I'm a bit obtuse, I now get your joke. Thank you. I'll leave my last comment for the sake of posterity.
Delivered as promised, thank you DD
Joke if you will, but climate change is real. If people would actually take the time to watch the documentaries about it and read the studies, you could see. Scientists that have dedicated their life to the subject, but don't take their word for it.
Well, here I am. Just went through processing and now settled in. My cell mate seems like an o.k. Bird......time will tell.

I concur
Just got back to the cell after my first chow.

Man, this is going to be a tough stretch.....
I've only been here for less than an hour and already there have been two escape attempts..... Something tells me the inmates want out of this joint......

Just asked my cellie why all the slips? He said it's because the C.O.'s are a bunch of jerks.....real Bugs.

Here, I can't stand to see you locked up.
The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ took this photo of me in front of my new home, the facility, just moments before my voluntary surrender.....

My suspicion is that she and all the Hydrant Girls are on a mega-shopping spree right now.....