Not sure what I got here please help

I ended up with a 1942D MS68 Red penny wheat reverse .... The company that graded it was PCC Im clueless what it's worth if anything thanks in advance
I ended up with a 1942D MS68 Red penny wheat reverse .... The company that graded it was PCC Im clueless what it's worth if anything thanks in advance
We can't help you, but when you get promoted to "Member" please post a picture and we'll be able to help then. I understand it's been taking a couple of days to a couple of weeks.
Sorry it said I was promoted to member I guess there's a glitch I'll wait and try Again thanks
Any company other than PCGS, NGC, ICG, OR ANACS holds no really value in the marketplace. Unless you can cross it to one of the big 4, your coin is worth $1 or $2. Sorry.
Made me wonder what other grading companies are out there...I was really surprised to see so many...and I can't imagine what the standards for each are. Also surprised to see ICG fall into this list (this list only put the three PCGS, NGC, and ANACS on the top)
Lesser-Known, Off-Brand and Non-Mainstream Coin Grading Companies
ACC – American Certified Coins
ACCGS – American Coin Club Grading Service
ACGS – American Coin Grading Service
ASA or ACG – AccuGrade, Inc.
ANA – American Numismatic Association
ANI – American Numismatic Institute
Capitol Coin Grading Service
CCCS – Canadian Coin Certification Service
CCG – Colonial Grading Company
CGSOA – Coin Grading Service of America
CSI – Certified Silver Investments
DCGS – Digital Coin Grading Service
DGS – Dominion Grading Service
EAGC – Eastern American Grading Company
ENGS – Elite Numismatic Grading Service
FSC – Fiducial Select Capitol
GCS – Global Certification Service
GCGS – Global Coin Grading Service
Hallmark Coin Grading Service
ICCS – International Coin Certification Service
ICG – Independent Coin Grading Company
IGS – International Grading Service
INB – International Numismatic Bureau
INCS – International Numismatic Certification Service
INGS – International Numismatic Grading Service
INS Authentication Bureau
MCCS – Millenium Coin Certification Services
NAC – Numismatic Authentication Service
NAGC – Numismatic Assurance Grading Corp
NANC – North American Numismatic Certification
NCGS – National Coin Grading Service
NCI – Numismatic Certification Institute
NCS – Numismatic Conservation Service
NES – Numismatic Evaluation Service
NGS – NuGrade Service
NGS – Numismatic Grading Service
NNC – National Numismatic Certification
NPG – Numismatic Professional Grading
NSCGS – New Standard Coin Grading Service
NTC – NumisTrust Corporation
PCC – Premier Certified Coins
PCCI – Photo-Certified Coin Institue
PCGA – Premier Coin Grading and Authentication
PGS – Professional Grading Service
PIC – Paramount International Coin Corp
PICC – Pacific International Coin Collectable
PNCS – Professiona Numismatic Certification Service
PNGL – Professional Numismatic Grading Laboratory
SDGS – Silver Dollar Grading Service
SEGS – Sovereign Entities Grading Service
SGS – Star Grading Service
TCGS – Twenty-first Century Grading Service
TGS – TruGrade Service
UGS – Universal Grading Service
UNC – United Numismatic Company
USCG – US Coin Grading Service
WCG – World Coin Grading
It's a safe bet that it's over graded by at least 5 points.
@Lex2cent... Welcome aboard. You can post a link to your pictures. Make sure they are clear and of obverse and reverse. Cheers, RickO
ICG has a more complicated history than the other 3.
Didn't ICG & ANACS trade locations & staff several years ago. In essence, is the current ICG is the former ANACS?
have you looked up in the archives here (i recall at least one website as well) for threads dedicated to the off-brand holders, which are VAST? probably 100-200 i'd say. a former member, i think, conder101 did publish a book, i think it was him.
No, but I should have. There is so much information here I should have looked here first!!!!!
100-200 grading companies? Now that really surprises me, I had no idea there would be that many. Definitely vast!!
wasn't sure how dedicated or not to the cause you are so figured i'd mention it because i do recall seeing several lists and many images. stumble across the right threads and you'd probably hit pay dirt. just so i've said it as of late, when i recommend someone use the archives, i'm usually telling them to do so because i specifically remember seeing something that would be of use/interest if they so choose. for sure it isn't me being snarky or pawning work off onto others, like i'm saying, "go visit the archives, you **MAY **find something of use."
either way, enjoy the search and the entertainment/disdain that comes with looking these things up.
Some / most of those companies either no longer exist or they are now part of one of the big 4
Never thought you were being snarky @LanceNewmanOCC. This is interesting, and what @Che_Grapes says makes's all part of our coin's history. I should look for that book you mentioned earlier.