Tarnish is tarnish..... It differs to purist collectors only by intent and method. These are not defined, and even should they be, if the process is well done, it will be undetectable. The real issue is, why is environmental damage so collectible? Collectors pay incredible premiums for tarnish. That is why coin doctors flourish - both good and bad. Some glaring examples of AT still garner high premiums. My recommendation is, for those who like this damage to a coins surface, make them yourselves and save money. Cheers, RickO
Tarnish is tarnish..... It differs to purist collectors only by intent and method. These are not defined, and even should they be, if the process is well done, it will be undetectable. The real issue is, why is environmental damage so collectible? Collectors pay incredible premiums for tarnish. That is why coin doctors flourish - both good and bad. Some glaring examples of AT still garner high premiums. My recommendation is, for those who like this damage to a coins surface, make them yourselves and save money. Cheers, RickO
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