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How does this coin straight grade???

Che_GrapesChe_Grapes Posts: 1,884 ✭✭✭✭✭

I’m a collector of Liberty Peace dollars and I have spent years collecting raw and graded coins - and have sent several in for grading (and for those out there that understand; you know that sending coins in for grading can provide a lot of education!) - what I normally find on peace dollars that are still raw today is that they have hairlines and/or cleaned (which is why they are still raw today) and those airlines will prevent a straight grade. However meanwhile I see many coins that were graded in the past that have these airlines yet still have a straight grade! I understand polishing lines and I know what those are and that those are not hairlines, but this looks like clear hairlines to me and yet somehow this straight grades...! No VAM is available to identify these as true polishing lines! I left the serial number out because I didn’t want to call out the person who owns this going because I am not the owner - it is currently for sale on a website at auction.
Again, I’m not coming after the seller I’m just making a comment to our fellow coin collectors and their expertise on this forum to see what you guys think about this, how is it that hairlines can be on one hand a straight grade and on the other hand a big “no- grade”?
Thoughts? I’m particularly interested in fellow graders on this forum:


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