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Fairmont Newps - shallow end of the pool

burdellburdell Posts: 56 ✭✭✭✭

The day after the Fairmont Hendricks auction, SB's next session included a few unheralded Fairmont eagles dispersed among many other eagles. I watched the Fairmont Hendricks auction online/live, noted the rather deliberate pace of the auctioneers and decided to try for the first time SB's iBid LIVE for these lower cost items.

I have never bid live before. Was a bit nervous. I'm not good at video games.

My first targeted coin came to the block and when it was time to hit the bid button, I had trouble. You see, I just bought a fancy new computer, and the touch pad is really slick. My cursor went all over the place before I could land on the bid button. I swear I wasn't drinking.

The current bid was low to begin with and the increments were relatively small, so there were many competing bids - live, "prior bids", " the book" - lots of action! A bit of a blur! I prevailed with a somewhat steady cursor for a winning bid.

During all that action, I believe I managed to land a grand total of 2 bids. The auctioneer kindly looked into the camera and said, "thank you for hanging in there." I believe I kept getting preempted by "prior bid". The other guys are probably good at video games.

My second targeted coin was much less eventful. I only had to bid once. Whew!

I think SB's system is excellent all around. I phoned SB's auctioneer, Ben Orooji, the following week to compliment him. He is excellent. Makes you feel as if you are right there in the room with him.


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