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I received more grades and true views! A truly Mixed batch and a bunch of them!

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,739 ✭✭✭✭✭

And this is one mixed up bunch. At least one fro each of you to like.....lol
A few I don't quite understand how they came to the conclusion but I'm making way for anyone that wants to submit.

If I made some mistakes regarding posting the right image with the description and grades I apologize.
Medicines are playing hell with me this week! Anyways hope you guys like at lest one or two of them

1892 Medal Eglit-224 Silvered AE Christopher Columbus MS64 Pretty cool, should not have waited all these years to submit


1964-65 Medal New York World's Fair Silver Medallic Art Co., NY 44mm SP64


Yes, there are 3, the 4th is in a huge slab by PCGS (gonna ask for traditional one) and the 6th in NGC.
With red boxes too
what can I say.....I like them :D The only MS65 out of the bunch is NGC. Personally the first one should be but,......what the hay
(c.1970s) SC$50 Jankovsky-740 Brass Facsimile Coca Cola Bottling 'Slug' MS64


(c.1970s) SC$50 Jankovsky-740 Brass Facsimile Coca Cola Bottling 'Slug' MS64


(c.1970s) SC$50 Jankovsky-740 Brass Facsimile Coca Cola Bottling 'Slug' MS64


No Date Token TC-52079 Brass John Wanamaker NY MS65


1901 Token Rulau Phi-116 Var Silvered AE John Wanamaker 1876-1901 MS62 Unbelievably hard to find higher than vf or maybe au. Much more toned but color is coming through on this one


No Date Token Rulau Ma-Bo-E95 Copper Rueter & Alley, BN AU55BN exactly what I expected


(1854-57) Token Miller Pa-327 Copper William W. Long, BN MS62BN
This one was from Pennsylvania's cabinet but forgot to show the provenance......oh well


No Date Token TC-626458 Brass Good Luck Token MS64 Who doesn't like a smiling moon face.


1935 Token TC-137696 Brass Prima Brewing Co. IA MS65 was hoping for a MS66


(C.1926) Token TC-329152 Brass The Butter and Egg Men NY MS64 I guess they are not designating DPL's cause this is a great example.
Either I don't look hard enough but I have never found this one or the next one without being messed up


(C.1926) Token TC-426462 Brass The Butter and Egg Men NY MS65


No Date Token TC-545651 Aluminum Stephen F. Austin TX MS65 Another example of not designating DPL's


1959 Token TC-7597 Brass 34mm Oregon 100th Anniv. Celebration OR MS65


1948 Token TC-13201 Brass 26mm K.M.T.R.G.S. Centennial OR MS64


1959 Token TC-16810 Brass 34mm The Oregon Caveman Inc. OR MS65


1939 Token Central States Aluminum 18mm Numismatic Conference MS65


1939 Token TC-543206 Aluminum 18mm The Lincoln Group of Chicago Genuine - UNC Details (82 - Filed Rims)
I have no idea as to way they are saying but Ill ask whome I bought it from and he'll tell me the truth AND it doesn't look like it to me.,


**1899 Token George Washington 16mm Death Centennial Genuine UNC Details (92 - Cleaned) I don't/ can't see it that way


1909 Token TC-45748 Aluminum John Wanamaker NY Genuine UNC Details (92 - Cleaned)
I honestly do not see how or where its been cleaned.


1909 Token TC-19620 WM 19mm Wanamaker Stores NY MS61 Again, I have never seen one without a complete flattened nose and messed up. This was quite a feat finding this one!


1911 Medal First American Coin Collector AE MS62 Awesome PCGS has stepped up their presence in the token and medal world.....very happy.


1911 Token Waldo C. Moore Copper 31mm, RD MS63RD A super cool Merchant token which when I posted it a while back no one wanted to guess what it said. I have to admit.....I hadn't a clue of what it says....lol



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