1945 Lincoln Wheat penny missing Amer in America

So what’s everyone’s thought’s on this I’m back and still new to the hobby. So I got a roll of pennies a few months ago and just got around to opening them. And I found this gem would it be worth sending it in to get graded, or just keep it because it looks cool?
Better photo's would help. Could be a struck thru. Or grease filled die.
It appears to be a struck through... but close examination would be required for confirmation. Does not appear to be evidence of a severe hit, which should show on the obverse. Cheers, RickO
Probably post mint damage ... by someone with the initials ICA.
Lincolns head seems to be a bit flat in the same area of the reverse damage - so I'll go pmd also......
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I state with confidence that you have a minor struck-through error. Do NOT have it encapsulated as the value is at best a couple bucks.
The OP asked, "would it be worth sending it in to get graded".
I'd turn that around to the original poster:
"Worth" is a matter of personal opinion. Those questions would help you understand whether it's worth it to you to send it in to get graded.
Thank you everyone I dont get on here much. I’m just super jazzed to find something like this. No wonder this is so addicting it’s like a scavenger hunt 24/7 and a great deal of satisfaction when you find something so unique and different.
I'd save it for research data.
Photos, as said, should be closer to view its obverse and reverse. Look for its patina to be smooth and even first.
When was the Drummel put on the market ?