1914-D Lincoln Cent, Sunday Afternoon Special, Link Included!

I want to write off a bunch of stuff about this coin and call it pixelated problems, but there is just to much going on.
The loop of the 9 in the date is incomplete.
The mint mark is out of shape and in the wrong location.
It doesn't look worn or corroded in some way that would effect its details.
I'm calling this one 'Fake'...
Seller has one feedback and no other items listed.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
That one is definitely bad. No mint product would ever have that surface texture leaving the door. Reported.
Coin Photographer.
Altered then whizzed with a wire brush to try to hide the alteration.
100% sure it's altered. Just by the 'look".
Kinda a bad job, too.
Well, I can see that as possible, but the shape of the mint mark with that arm sticking up off the left top looks fake, then its center looks almost round, then there is that other leg on the tail of the 9 sticking up???
One thing for sure, it ain't a genuine 14-D
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Whizzing will move & remove metal so any number of anomalies can occur.
Kennedys are my quest...
Very good point!!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Altered coin and then damaged in an attempt to conceal it.... Cheers, RickO
And that's a good thing!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!