2c Small motto?

This looks like a small motto to me, I don't have a large motto to compare it to. I got it with a collection of largely low grade cents with problems, I would guess Good 4-6 on this:
This looks like a small motto to me, I don't have a large motto to compare it to. I got it with a collection of largely low grade cents with problems, I would guess Good 4-6 on this:
It looks like a Large Motto to me. If you can't read enough of the motto to tell the difference, look at the distance between the scroll and the rim. If it is really close to the rim it's the Small Motto. If it further away, it's the Large Motto.
Small Motto

Large Motto

I agree with @BillJones - Large Motto.
PCGS CoinFacts photo comparison
great photo from an older thread on this forum
There are many die markers for the Small Motto (on top in above photo):
long upper leaf under GOD (helpful when the coin is very worn; yours is not too worn)
scroll with IN GOD about equal distance from dentils and leaves under GOD (vs. Large Motto, scroll farther from dentils), as @BillJones noted
There has been a photo comparison of the two in the Red Book for decades, where most of us learned about it. You should get a copy of this book if you don't have it.
OP's coin is a lg motto
Thanks for the accurate analysis here. I don't know why it might be a small motto since every other coin in the collection was either problem or low grade. I did look at some pictures on Coinfacts, not sure how I missed it. I'll put on a dunce cap and sit in the corner for a little while....
I feel you. I have a large motto and a small motto. I spent two nights trying to convince myself the large one was a small, also. I even recruited my wife. I tried my best but it was still a large.
A guy at a flea market is selling all this large motto 2c pieces as the much rarer small motto. The small mottos I have had had the "we" worn off so I was thinking of that as a diagnostic and the motto looked smaller to me.
You don't have to look at the motto to tell.
Arrow feathers to the right of the 4 in 1864.
Large M: 3 feathers
Small M: 4 feathers.
Use this to cherry pick of worn coins.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Thanks for posting this.
It makes telling the difference so much easier.
Kennedys are my quest...