A Herd of Buffalo

Maybe 10 years ago I purchased these from a safe deposit box auction. I broughtthem home and never really got to them. There are 400 - 500, along with a few Liberty nickels and some silver Jefferson nickels. Just a quick check only about a third have dates. Are the ones without dates worth more than 5 cents? What should I be looking for as far as varieties or errors. A few were in flips. Would the 15 cent price indicate when this stash was from? The 1934 D is one of the better condition ones. Any other thoughts or comments? Thanks.
Well, that looks like quite a herd for sure!
Of course the biggies are the 36-d 3- 1/2 legs and 37-d- 3- Leggers and the 16 ddo and then the 14/13 overdate, the 1916 ddo and perhaps the 35 double die reverse- which you may have a shot at with seemingly a lot of those dates visible in the pics. There's a bunch of minor varieties as well if you want to hunt for them. Could be fun!
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
I would Nic-a-date the dateless ones
@nwcoast Thanks, nothing that I've found in the teens but a number of 35, 36, and 37. The hunt is on.
@vulcanize Thanks, I had to look that up, sounds like an option.
Check for the "2 Feather" variety.
Those old 'hoards' can be fun to go through...and sometimes yield a treasure. I have one large group of Buffs I picked up years ago, and still have not searched it... I know it is unlikely that I will find a special one... but it will be fun when I get to it.... big snow storm coming on Friday...maybe then... Cheers, RickO
Just so you know, a 1916 DDO can be identified without the date, so screen them for that before doing any nic-a-date
Collector, occasional seller
The red #15 looks like it may have been a lot # from an auction, it's always fun to look through Buffs never know what you will find, Good luck on your hunt!
A nice looking herd that will be fun to go through! Not sure about the Nic-a-date though, the resulting mark always bothered me but that might just be me...if it is a less common date it might be worth it but at any rate the dateless ones can be sold for more than a nickel as lot of folks use them for hobby and craft items.
I bought a 500+ bag a while back and spent a couple weeks pawing through them, A lot of inexpensive fun and quite a few holes filled in...

Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
I too have a stash of buffalos.
I have not found where I put them 40+ years ago.
They will turn up someday, I hope. lol
Kennedys are my quest...
@ChrisH821 None of the dated ones are before 1924 but what would I look for to indicate the 1916DDO?
@Tibor would you tell me more about that please?
@WAYNEAS That's what happened with these, glad to hear I'm not the only one.
Absolutely. The Native Americans (politically correct) love them for jewelry and stuff.
Loved those buffalo nickels since I was a kid. Used to get one in change once in a while but usually couldn't read the date.
The feathers and ribbon will show doubling
Collector, occasional seller
Maybe these guys are posing for a future coin?