Theft at Long Beach
So, I heard a dealer had his case broken into on Friday night or Saturday morning at the show. Has anyone else heard the details as to how this happened?
So, I heard a dealer had his case broken into on Friday night or Saturday morning at the show. Has anyone else heard the details as to how this happened?
If so that’s not right and don’t they have cameras and security.
Hoard the keys.
Something just doesn't sound right
From the CRO Road Report
"A dealer on the other side of the room came into the show Saturday morning and discovered that someone had smashed the glass on one of the bourse cases on his back table and stolen a bunch of expensive watches and jewelry sometime during the night. I’ve never heard of that happening in 20+ years on the coin circuit, and would hope that show security would make such a thing impossible. That’s disconcerting, to put it mildly."
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Robbery involves person-to-person and is much more threatening than what is described, which is theft
Additionally, it seems many dealers on the circuit gossip like children. So, I’d need some firm confirmation before spreading the “news.”
[edit: the above and this were written at the same time. The above posted just before this posted. Humor results.]
I know its a lot different for national show circuits , and probably lot safer coins left in the show than in a motel room at night for traveling dealers, but at our local home show., I have always taken out my coins of the case and brought them back the following am, (the coins that count anyway) not the cheap junk.
Many years ago, one of the local shows had a robbery, when the dealer came in, security guy was tied up and cases emptied out.
My OH My this really happened!
I don't understand how that happened if security was in place!
That is absolutely appalling. What kind of a monster walks by cases and cases of beautiful coins to steal some jewelry?
I personally witnessed an incident around noon on Friday. A dealer was running down an aisle saying “stop that guy! Someone call security. Security! Security!” It was near the entrance to the bourse floor on the right side of the room. Security was there quickly and located a guy in a hoodie. They led him away from the dealer for obvious reasons. I never heard anymore about it.
With so many wearing masks I guess that could embolden some thiefs.
Agree. Also, they no longer fear being prosecuted in many jurisdictions.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Perhaps I picked a good time in life to scale back on doing shows!
Very strange occurrence at such a large show. At our annual South Carolina State show, we have armed security walking the bourse floor 24 x 7 (I should know, as Treasurer of the SCNA, I pay the bills for this level of security).
From the description of the event above, and the limited theft (watches/jewelry), I would say it was targeted, by a thief who had little to no interest or knowledge of coins, but knew he could pawn/sell the watches and jewelry. He better have a good outlet though, because those items can usually be quickly identified. Cheers, RickO
How does the security work at these big shows? I don't get how someone can even get in to do this (there has to be literally tens or hundreds of millions of dollars worth of inventory left there).
I read somewhere that some security companies release attack dogs in the bourse area after hours.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Serious question… what are the theft statutes like there? Would they even prosecute? That’s scary for coin dealers.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Only if he didn’t have a mask on.
Hoard the keys.
Sad day when your a dealer and think your inventory, is in safe hands, after you leave the show at the end of the day.
Most shows (including major jewelry shows) use PPI as the standard security company. CU has long used off-duty or retired Long Beach police officers. They've always been fine, but with the new location of the show, it's brought about a lot of security concerns for dealers attending.
I like the idea of attack dogs on premise.

It would definitely deter a would be crook.
Kennedys are my quest...
I think who ever is in charge of security there has some explaining to do.
I guess this is why I see so many safes in booths at shows.
Insurance actually requires that in some cases.
As I recall, when we put on the Greater Houston show, we locked dogs in the bourse at night. With patrols. Never had an incident while I was involved.
I remember years ago I used to do a small show in the N Ga. Mountains. All us dealers would sleep on the floor in the bourse room locked and loaded. We were loaded by the time we laid down from drinking and playing poker half the night! Fun Times!!! I wouldn't want to be the guy who tried to break in and I sure wouldn't stand up if any one did!
My show is my living room..... If I actually did do the "show circuit" I'd be a paranoid mess.
Insurance actually requires that in some cases.
Several years ago, our church instituted security patrols during Sunday morning services - not by our choice but it was a demand by the church's insurance company.
I would expect any large show to have full security, both day and night, for the entire event. There is something weird about this theft..... Of course, all we have is the information posted... I would love to see the full, official report and details. I avoid jumping to conclusions or hypothesizing when the only information is anecdotal. Cheers, RickO
That drunk? The safest place to be would likely be where all y'all were aiming.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Charmy's post had a bit about this, she talked with security and conveyed their puzzlement. Definitely more than the simple story.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")