Are Either Of These Considered A "Small Date" 1982

New to the forum so please be kind but are either one of these two pennies (the 1982D or 1982) considered "Small Date"?
Just got weights.
The 1982D weighs in at 3.1.
The 1982 weighed 2.4.
New to the forum so please be kind but are either one of these two pennies (the 1982D or 1982) considered "Small Date"?
Just got weights.
The 1982D weighs in at 3.1.
The 1982 weighed 2.4.
Welcome to the forum.
Edited: No, they look like large date examples and the only rare one from that year is the 1982-D small date bronze.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I believe they are both large date.
@BETHEAC08... Welcome aboard. Looks like large dates.... With the exception @MFeld noted above. Cheers, RickO
Both large date.
Everything you will need to know about small vs large date cents.
New here also and old. So how can we tell zink from copper and bronze?
Start with the weight, you will need a good scale that can provide a weight to two decimal places. A zinc cent will weigh 2.5 grams and a copper cent will weigh 3.1 grams. The weight can be off a few tenths each way for both types and still be within the mint tolerance.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Thank you and is there a bronze?
The terms “copper” and “bronze” are used synonymously.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Thank you MFeld and coinbuf. I have to buy a scale. I’ve been collecting since around 1955 but not seriously. Now that I’m almost 80 I’m trying to get everything in order. I’ll probably be asking a lot more questions but I really appreciate your response and knowledge, and Water Sport Posts for the link on small date v large date. Great website!
You are Welcome!
You are a bit loosey-goosey, though, with the term "rare."
Copper & Bronze are the same, copper Lincoln's weigh more than Zincoln's
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
This diagram is for both Philly and Denver minted 82 cents...........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I learned this evening the 1982-D small date in copper (bronze) truly is rare!
(As I wasn't aware.)
Welcome aboard.
You might want to do a search on prior threads on this subject.
Doing so will help you become more knowledgeable on the differences in 1982 small and large dates.
Kennedys are my quest...
I think whats a bit confusing here for some is it could sound like there is three different alloy's of the 1982 Lincoln cent, when there isn't, there is only two.
In 1982 all the Lincoln's where suppose to have been minted from the new Zinc core copper plated alloy.
But, there was a massive amount that got out that was minted using the pre-82 copper alloy. Some people refer to the pre-82 alloy as copper, some refer to it as being Bronze.
The reason for that is that the copper used was a blend of .950 copper .50 tin & zinc, (bronze).
The value in the metal of course is in the copper, so its commonly called copper cents.
To tell the difference in the two varieties you can weigh them, the copper (really bronze) are heavier than the Zinc counter part!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
True, zincs are 2.5g while "Coppers" are 3.1g - but Small dates and Large dates were made in each type. So if you find a 1982-D small date cent that weighs 3.1g then start contacting an auction house!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"