Any social media coin seller recommendations? (Facebook, instagram, reddit)

Does anyone have any recommendations for good, reliable sellers to follow on social media platforms (ex: facebook, reddit, instagram, etc)? Open to all types of sellers of various U.S. coins.
I do not have any social media recommendations... but the BST right here can often provide some great opportunities. Cheers, RickO
Witter Coins. They are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
I don't follow any specific person perse, but there are many many Facebook buy/sell/auction groups I'm in. A ton more for education. I try to make sure they're closed groups as my normal Facebook profile / friends don't need to know my activity relating to coins. Some have occasional issues with buyers/sellers just like our BST, but as you learn who the good guys are, you can find decent stuff from time to time. Just a few I'm in:
Coin Collecting and Selling & Trading!
The ORIGINAL Tokens, Medals, Ephemera and Exonumia Group
Lincoln Cent Auctions
Coin, Currency & Token Collectors Club
Smittys Coins Currency, & Cards BST Group
Foreign Coin and Paper Money: Buy, Sell, Trade, Ask (United States based)
Variety and Error Coin Auctions
This one is full of overpriced stuff, not sure what guides bidders use or what they think they see in the pictures at times, but I look at it once a week, and maybe one or two times a year I can pick up something at a decent price - Now and then they have something kind of unique or rare - try not to laugh, but...
(Go to the Categories > collectibles > coins and paper money)
"You Suck Award" - February, 2015
Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101
Thanks for the suggestions thus far
Paradime Coins on Insta always has nice, higher end stuff
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I just had a look at that Goodwill site. Man, people are paying way over FMV for coins!
There's a web site for them around here some where
There are a lot of scams on social media listings.
Be aware of this.
I too recommend BST here.
Kennedys are my quest...
I want to put in a plug for the guys who do all those roll hunter type coin youtube videos, especially "BlueRidgeSiverHound"
and a real collector-educator (and dealer) Daniel at coinhelpyou at the Portsmouth Ohio coin shop.• Buy Coins BlueRidge is more of a roll hunter, finds lots of error and rare semi-key moderns which he also sells. Daniel has an extensive web site, and really is into sharing his knowledge of the coin markets and from both a collector and a dealers perspective.
You obviously can buy online at reputable dealers, then of course there are real LIVE auction houses. I remember seeing an estate auction with mostly old ladies buying antiques when all of a sudden a Carson City silver dollar collection came up and sold for pennies on the dollar relative to FMB (fair market value).
Hypothetical scenario: the guy who bought it sight unseen just took it in to a dealer and asked "what's it worth", the dealer would be suspicious and low ball them and get them for a few shekels more than the estate buyer. I've seen this play out before, (the dealer I used to buy from had these guys coming in once or twice a week, and almost refused to buy anything except for its silver or gold value.)
I of course was skeptical of the condition and potential grades of someone's cigar box silver collection enough to not make a bid, but later on saw the coins up close and kicked myself. This was a LIVE auction, with no internet bidding. That's where the true bargains (and scams) can be found.