WOW now that's cool~! I've been searching for that die chip hat, but you've scored the "double hat" look!! Great find, made me laugh-it's so funny looking! (Should post this in in the humor thread!)
100th pint of blood donated 7/19/2022 . Transactions with WilliamF, Relaxn, LukeMarshal, jclovescoins, braddick, JWP, Weather11am, Fairlaneman, Dscoins, lordmarcovan, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, JimW. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
WOW now that's cool~! I've been searching for that die chip hat, but you've scored the "double hat" look!! Great find, made me laugh-it's so funny looking! (Should post this in in the humor thread!)
Wow, looks like a flying elephant flew over and dropped a pile in his hat
Hoard the keys.
Now that is a die chip!
Successful BST deals with mustangt and jesbroken. Now EVERYTHING is for sale.
Or a buffalo chip... Or perhaps both...
Wow.... Now that one is interesting.... Major die 'hunk'... at that size, more than a chip...
Cheers, RickO
Just the one?
Hoard the keys.
Great find.
There will be many of us here keeping a better eye out for these.
Kennedys are my quest...