Feeder error?

But likliness resolve says A forms had been approached for a far AM type in 1994.
We'll see...WHAT? What brought your attention...?
But likliness resolve says A forms had been approached for a far AM type in 1994.
We'll see...WHAT? What brought your attention...?
How would the feeder finger scratch both sides?
PMD, try again.
I don't know anything about feeder fingers but they're shape. I thought the shape on the front reflected it along the bottom, and the oblong cud on the rim near the 4 supported it happening at the Mint.
We'll see...WHAT? What brought your attention...?
On second thought, don't
The A's on the reverse are incuse, but on the same side as what brought the raised images along the bottom multiple times on the obverse. It's hard to tell which ones are raised and which ones aren't, in photos, I understand.
We'll see...WHAT? What brought your attention...?
someone somehow squeezed 2 lincolns toether. the letters on the reverse rim are obviously incuse from that effort
Definitely post mint damage.
Kennedys are my quest...
What shape do you think the feeder fingers have?
Can you find an image of a feeder finger on the web? (hint: yes, you can)
Interesting effect on the obverse!
huh? Did I just lose my ability to comprehend English and no one told me?
I'm pretty sure you're having conversations with someone's personal AI project lol
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
You mean AU?
PMD and that is not a cud by the 4.... Cheers, RickO