Why did I buy this cull Draped Bust Large Cent (part 2)

About a week ago I came in with a thread about a coin I hadn’t received yet, a Draped Bust Large Cent marked as “dateless” that I bought for $25. I was advised to not post cherrypicks until I received the coin in hand (which is very good advice), so I deleted the thread.
I did just receive the coin in hand and took some better pictures.
Again, the coin was marked as “dateless” on the listing and sold as a BIN for $25. Can any of you figure out why I bought it? Shouldn’t be too hard with the new pictures - the old ones showed less detail.
I already told @pursuitofliberty and @Walkerguy21D, so I’d like to hear from some of the others on here and give some of the less EAC inclined guys a chance. Shouldn’t be too difficult if you know a bit about the series.
"You can't get just one gun." "You can't get just one tattoo." "You can't get just one 1796 Draped Bust Large Cent."
I do not know but now am curious.
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
2 leaves above stem on tight = Reverse of 1794?
which makes it a 1796?
FWIW I suggested that @Omegaraptor scrap his original thread as I didn't want something to go sideways until he had the coin in hand.
Nice Cherry Filip! Glad it worked out!
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
There were multiple years that used the 1794 reverse.
EDIT: 1796, 7, & 8. (with stems)
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
1804 doesn't have the 2 separate leaves, lower right
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Kinda looks like 1797 with 1794 reverse/with stems............???
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I’ll reveal it. The coin is a 1796 Draped Bust, Reverse of 1794, S-102 R-4. First identifying feature for me was the reverse ribbon. The small, flat loops indicate a reverse of 1794 or 1795. This reverse was only used on 1796, plus a few varieties of 1797 and 1798 which are easily ruled out. From there I used the ER and hair curl, as well as the leaf pointing to the last A in AMERICA (a characteristic of Reverse of 1794) to narrow it down to a specific variety.
Any 1796 Draped Bust cent for $25 is an absolute steal. At R-4 this is one of the more common varieties, but common is not the right term for any 1796 Bust cent. The most common varities are R-3 with most being R-5. Very excited to add this tough date to my collection.
"You can't get just one gun." "You can't get just one tattoo." "You can't get just one 1796 Draped Bust Large Cent."
A A+ for knowledge in your area of collecting, Very cool.
Hoard the keys.
An educational moment for me.
Thanks for today's lesson @Omegaraptor
Kennedys are my quest...
Knowledge is power. Congratulations on your cherry pick, Omegaraptor!
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein