'Biggest jerk in the league'

Never mind, already covered in another thread..........
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Never mind, already covered in another thread..........
Pretty Boy.............
yup, looks like a pretty big jerk to me
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I knew it! 😂😂😂
Going to look like Sam Elliot in 20 years.
Like Aaron or not, the writer who says no vote for Aaron for mvp because he's a jerk is weak in my opinion and another reason voting should be by peers instead of some butt hurt writer.
Hmm.... The guy let his team down by not getting vaxed and then getting covid and having to sit out. That, with being a prima donna that throws his team and coaches under the bus everytime he can, I am thinking that writer has some credibility. Butt Hurt? I doubt it..........................
Wrong shoes
I won't get into a debate over vaxxing since this is a sports forum. My point is the voting for mvp or whatever award it is should be by peers who play on the field with and against said player. As far as I know, football isn't a popularity contest, it's about on field results and the truth is this guy is an elite qb who delivers year in and year out like him or not. This writer letting his personal opinion (feelings) skew a vote for an on field performance award is just wrong in my opinion and why I strongly think this should be a peer based vote.
I lean this way myself, although there is some merit to leaning the other way since Rodgers is a selfish player who absolutely throws his guys under the bus.
Point taken and your view on this is respectable and altruistic, nothing wrong with that. But the world does not work that way and never has. Politics and personal behavior have always been a factor in any type of award. If we all took away the 'other' factors, there would be a whole bunch of baseball players we all know that would be in the HOF who are not....
Best, SH
As a Vikings fan, I usually just make a decision to dislike anything Packers.
I recently heard an interview with Rodgers on the radio where he was very articulate and went out of his way to complement Vikings safety Harrison Smith.
I must say, Rodgers didn't sound like a jerk to me AT ALL.
Regardless of him being a jerk or not, he sure looks like an MVP this year on the football field.
You don't know how much it hurt typing that.
Last I heard the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or transmitting covid.
Is this picture a scream for help or just hope that someone responds with the name of a good tailor?
edited to add... a visit to Brooks Bothers should fix this
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
I'd like to see him sign with Minnesota same as Farve.
Indeed, but not getting vaxxed, your quarantine time is going to be longer, your ability to transmit is higher, etc. etc., as established by many studies by now, so what is your point? It also speaks to ones humanity. But let's not go there........
When Favre, the hated Packer went to the Vikings, that is when I decided to no longer be a Vikings fan and only came back for the one year of Keenum. If Rodgers goes to the Vikings, even more reasons to root against them for me at least.
Best, SH
Very true
the jerk store called, they're running out of aaron rodgers matt nagy
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Funny you mention that. I used to work with a die hard Packer fan and we used to go back and forth quite a bit.
Often the conversation would end with me saying "I wouldn't mind seeing Favre in a Vikings uniform". as we all know it did happen and the Vikings got one terrific season out of Brett.
If it means getting a chance to go to the Super Bowl, I'll be the first to say;
"Aaron Rodgers would look great in a Minnesota Vikings uniform".
My point cannot be any clearer.
Rodgers will sign with Pittsburgh I’m betting
WFAN’s Boomer Esiason: Source says Aaron Rodgers will threaten to boycott the Super Bowl if Packers advance
I really doubt that Green Bay will let him go, but anything's possible.
My point cannot be any clearer as well..........
Actually you have no point here.
The shot doesn't stop you from getting covid so he misses a week either way. if he tests positive. Doesn't stop you from transmitting the illness either, so no difference here either.
The thought that the shot may make you have a milder case wasn't in play here either, it might have been had he gotten very ill and missed more than one game. In that case you certainly could have said he let his team down, but they were going to win the division anyway.
Lots of things you could fairly rip Rodgers on, I don't see this as one of them.
Have a great weekend!
The NFL system of testing, just like many other corporations, incentivizes covid vaccination by having different rules for the unvaccinated. So some people argue that players who don't get the vaccine are possibly costing their team. They are tested more. Quarantine longer. Separated. Etc.
This incentivzing of getting vaccinated for covid is prevalent. Cities paying money. Discounts. Concerts and events only for the vaccinated. So much else. And this is before talking about any mandates, and societal pressure that is coming from propaganda and brainwashed citizens. Sadly many people believe that the unvaccinated are selfish, or misguided, or evil, or dumb. This is all by intent, because getting everyone to take these specific mRNA vaccines was a big part of this all along.
It's a personal decision. There are legitimate reasons to reject the vaccine. My wife and myself are in our seventies. There can be bad reactions or side effects that we would probably not survive if they happened to us. We did not get vaccinated when it was made available to us. After quite a bit of time and advise from our doctors we felt that our odds were better if we were vaccinated so we took the shots. Now they want us to get a booster. We feel we survived the vaccine so why push our luck by getting another shot. I try to be logical. I think the most protection you can get is to survive having the virus. I'm sure our doctors will roll their eyes and try to convince us that is not logical and we should get the booster. I usually follow docs advise and sooner or later will probably get the booster. I don't know why someone vaccinated need fear anyone not vaccinated unless the vaccine is absolutely worthless.
I agree with Brick above. Its a personal decision, and, IMO, there's + and - to both sides of the equation. I live in a retirement community where the grapevine shares every ill known to man is it flutters through here. Many have had the shot and booster and still got covid (assuming it was diagnosed correctly). My next door neighbor got boosted, he has serious heart issues, and after the booster, he felt completely different, to the point he had to undergo a heart procedure that the doctor could not complete for whatever reason. He swears the booster did him more harm than good. His wife, who has both the shot and booster, just tested positive for covid last week. She's had a tough go for about a week now. Hard to figure!!
So, in my case, my wife and I decided NOT to get the shot, but have now turned the corner and decided to make an appointment to get it done. We have two cruises scheduled this year on Celebrity, one in April to the Eastern Caribbean, and the other in September to the Greek Islands. Simply put, no shot, no cruise. I prefer not to lose $14k+, as I've been emphatically told by my cruise coordinator that will be the end result.
As for the booster, I think the jury is still out...too many mixed messages between all the talking heads. Its all a leap of faith, but we'll soon take.
My next door neighbor and his wife stopped by the other day. He (in his 70's) had been fighting cancer and was beating it. Immediately after getting his shot, his "numbers" went way up and is being told he hasn't much time left.
I am starting a new job soon and will be getting the shots in a week or so even though I survived a mild case of Covid about a year ago.
I am almost as concerned about the shot as I am about Covid. I don't think a vaccine that neither prevents one from getting the disease nor prevents the spreading of the sickness is anything to "brag about" or try to force people to get.
Dude. I do have a point, you don't. Unvaxxed folk are destroying humanity and they are mostly to be despised (except the 0.1% who can't take the vax for health reasons), like this jerk Rodgers and all of his unvaxxed prima donna brethren in pro sports. Have a great week!
Sadly many people believe that the unvaccinated are selfish, or misguided, or evil, or dumb.
They are. They are hurting humanity by not doing their part for being part of the human team. Selfish prima donnas. We are IN a pandemic. Period.
It is not a personal decision, you are either in the human race or not (except for the 0.1% who can't take it for health reasons), humanity is going to continue to have issues of **all **humanity does not play ball. When I was a kid, they lined us up for small pox and polio vaxxes in school, NO ONE, NO PARENTS, NO KIDS refused bc it was the right thing to do to snuff out the disease. We were, and all part of the team called humanity, personal decisions are selfish when you say no in this. GET REAL FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You obviously don't understand vaccines. Everyone should be doing this to be part of humanity, to protect others as well as themselves. Get real.
My oh my, please get back on your medications, we are concerned.
spacehayduke. I assume you are vaccinated. You are safe. Only unvaccinated people need worry about unvaccinated people. The worse that can happen is you may get a very mild case and afterwards you will be the same as super vaccinated. Or do you have a sense of humor and we don't recognize good sarcasm?
Arron Rogers manages to out do Michael Brown, which takes some doing. Since Brown is probably finished for good, Rogers is the undisputed champion.
Hey your man Zinner was fired today. And if standing up for humanity means I am off my 'meds' as you call it, so be it. But more to the point, you are stooping to derogatory statements against me to back up your arguments which cannot be defended.
You need help. Please seek it out, we all hope it's not too late.
Your are missing the point, which I interpret that you don't understand vaccines, viruses, and pandemics. Neither does Aaron Rodgers and the rest of his ilk understand. Too bad for all.
It must be very lonely in that big empty room.
I think we've covered it.....Let's move on....
I've had to be away from work and the forums recently for family matters, but regardless, you all know that vax talk is not allowed on this forum as it has become a political lightning rod. Please do not let it happen again, or I will start banning members.