National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum 2021 Uncirculated $5 Gold Coin Sold out

Although the modern guys didn't pass on this coin the public in general kinda passed this coin, its mintage is fairly low. 1777 sold as of December 26 according to the US Mint site. It may up when final numbers are published. I just found it kinda interesting no ulterior motive here..
The whole set went dark last night. Must have been the scheduled end of the program. But I did notice that several of the Law Enforcement offerings were dark before the cut off, at least a day or two early.
It is typical for the commemorative legislation to say these are to be on sale inside the given year.
Actually, compared to previous years, these remained up late in Dec.
Well, I am big supporter of our law enforcement community, the proceeds here went to the museum I think, but those officer's deserve all the support they can get and all the funding they can get..
As with modern commemorative issues these days, there is a surcharge that goes to the honoree
It is typical that no money goes if the mint does not recoup costs. The most recent issue where this happened is the Girl Scouts issue.
Last year the basketball HOF $5 gold coin barely sold over 3,000 coins and almost no one even mentioned it... sub 2,500 mintage gold coins are getting more and more plentiful. I'd love to see a complete set of the $5 gold coins in person some day!
Sales of commemoratives closed at midnight Dec 27. They all show sold out. This is standard for USM.
Glad that's over. (The year, that is).
Notice the ase’s are unavailable but as pointed out the commemoratives going sold out 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I like the design and the theme, but just not buying gold. And by the time this becomes a 'sought after rarity'... I will likely be a distant memory....
Cheers, RickO
The Mint sent an email on Dec. 29 stating that these coins would be on sale until Dec. 29 at 11:59 pm Eastern time. They lied, the Unc. coin was off sale when I checked at about 6 pm.
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
The silver dollar and half will also clock in with much lower than in previous records
Look at last year’s basketball coins. Talk about low mintage 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
1997’s Jackie Robinson $5 gold UNC was a key for a long time — almost 20 years before barely being nudged out by the 2016 National Parks commemorative. Jackie’s mintage was 5,174. This new law enforcement gold coin is just a little bit over a third of that
i’m guessing long-term, these are going to be pretty hard to price. There’s not many coins and they’re going to fall into deep hands holding for the long-haul. Do an eBay search for any burnished 2008 platinum coin and you’ll see what I mean. The market is paperthin because no coins are trading
Here are the totals after the December 29 sale deadline. Now the only adjustments should be downward for returns right? The overall mintages are pretty small.

I think that’s a new low for modern mintages? I don’t even think the least popular first spouse did that poorly.
A slight change in numbers. Must be a return or two.

At some point Congress needs to be told many of their recent commemorative selections are no longer popular with the coin buying public. However, they might be popular with their voters so I doubt this situation will change.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I think part of the problem is like what happened to stamps. Too many options. You can't keep up with everything, it is either money or space. It takes up a lot of physical space to store the mint offerings and the premiums on metals are very high. Once a person gets past the feeling of having to own one of everything it is easier to pick and choose what interests them.
The United States Mint Lost approximately $700,000 in FY2021 on the two commemorative coins, National Law Enforcement and Christa McAuliffe.
The United States Mint is holding $1,375,000 in surcharges for the National Law Enforcement and Christa McAuliffe coins.
The question is "Did the United States Mint sell enough coins in the last 3 months of CY2021 for one of the two coins to be profitable or will the United States Mint pocket the entire $1,375,000"?
My reaction is "ho-hum." I have never cared for the look of most of the Uncirculated $5 commemorative coins, and this one is no exception. As a collector it does nothing for me. The Proof coin is okay, but it's not one of the better designs in the series IMO.
Seems like another in the “ angry look” series. The new Washington quarter has the “angry George “ look.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I like that! "Angry Look". Nice. That Law Enforcement Coin leaves me wanting as do most others. The Negro League $5 is also ugly.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Please stop doing that granulated, sandblast effect on human skin! These are people, not lizards
So true,
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