First you say: "maybe a bored mint worker decided to try his hand at modifying the V.D.B. and in doing so put HIS signature on a few SVDB's that made it into the channels of commerce."
Then you say: "All Leach would have had to say to the SF mint superintendent who followed him would be, "Make a few S VDB's with a die you haven't yet used for S VDB's. Make sure these pieces have a faint V.D.B. Set the pieces free for future collectors to discover."
I am confused, was it a bored mint worker or Leach & the superintendent?
You seem to be getting your facts mixed up.
Are you able to back up either of these statements with any research or links or just your imagination?
This thread has deteriorated about as much as any I can remember. And that’s saying a lot. Hopefully, when there are other coins which merit reporting to eBay, they’ll be posted in a new thread.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
@MFeld said:
This thread has deteriorated about as much as any I can remember. And that’s saying a lot. Hopefully, when there are other coins which merit reporting to eBay, they’ll be posted in a new thread.
They will
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Now I see you are running around editing & deleting posts....
Yes, you impugned my integrity, sir, with that suggestion that I photoshopped my coin into a genuine PCGS holder. I removed images of my coin that I took myself (you were begging me for those, remember?) and posts here and in another thread. Those images are copyrighted just by my posting them so if you had the presence of mind to copy them for yourself, my suggestion to you is to be careful how you use them.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I wish Mr. Hall was still with PCGS. He might be helpful in me getting my FIFTH star back. And here I just signed up on the 30th December for a gold membership. I would love to visit with Mr. Hall about S VDB's. I really enjoy his commentary on those. Anyway, those four vouchers will be coming in handy this new year. I've got two 1909 V.D.B. DDO FS-1101's. One will stay in its ANACS holder but the other will be submitted to PCGS for encapsulation. I cherry picked that one at a show. Cost me $15. Also, I have an ANACS graded 1909-S (without V.D.B.) that is from Harsche obverse Die #6 for 1909-S. Interested in getting that one into a PCGS holder since I consider it a companion piece to my S V.D.B. That leaves two vouchers for me to use for other coins.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I'm being 100% nice with this post!
I don't mean to imply anything!
I joined my first forum around 2000 (22 years ago)
The forum had this color star prize deal, and there it was based on total post, GOLD being what some felt was the Elite class.
So, all was well for a VERY long time and then something changed, the concept of the rewards system was actually meant to be post that contributed useful or helpful content (on that forum)!
What started happening was some members stopped actually contributing real content but they would spend an hour or so a day searching through even threads they weren't interested in, posting stuff like,
WoW I bet that was FUN!,
Or, I wish I had thought of that,
and so on,
and they were finely spotted by forum staff that they were only working on getting that GOLD star with high number of comments. (Stars for total post)
It got so bad that the forum staff had to do away with the rewards system altogether.
Other forum's I was on had to dropped the STAR' reward for the same reasons, they just went to,
New Member,
Well Known Member,
to Senior Member,
Moderator, and
About the STARS here, there is way more that I don't know about where they come from then I know how to earn them, so I'll speak on the little that I do know.
It appears that I have three, and I've got something like 800 post! (that is what it is, no big deal) but I've recently seen members with 700 post that had four stars, so that person has done something better than I'm doing to gain that extra star other than total post!!!!
What ever the system is I'm pretty certain that the upper management of PCGS isn't personally handing out forum awards!
I feel safe in saying that the acquired star rewards is digital program running automatically based on maybe,
Received Likes,
Quoted by others,
but it don't seem to be based on total number of comments.
Personally I just look at the stars as its something that just happens over time, with forum contributions I make, and positive responses I may or may not get from other members! No one is coming down from the high ranking position of PCGS to give me an award.
When I first came here it was a TOTAL wreck, I really was an alien that crashed on a foreign planet! I still stayed in my primary threads, but I was called a "Counterfeiter" (really!) I understand why now but at the time I didn't. There were several members here that felt I was pulling some kind of a scam on the forum, I wasn't but the more I tried to defend myself just made my actions look more questionable.
Then thank God, they were maybe four members that jumped in in my defense, and I'm not going to mentions names but they know who they are!
My intentions here has ALWAYS been of good, I would stopped doing my 09SVDB threads in an instant if I and others didn't feel they contributed to the overall positive goals of the community. I get PM's sometimes from senior members with suggestions to which I always try to consider, but, in a community like this being considerate is a good thing, not a bad thing.
I'm NOT doing things or trying to do things for a programmed automated reward, I get that's its neat, I've got three but I've got no idea what I did to earn them, I do what I do, I work to get along, I try to share some good laughs along the way, I work to get some counterfeit coins off the market, I hope that doing that saves a BUNCH of people the heartache of being scammed, if that's a 3-Star Programming award then I'm perfectly fine with that, it is what it is.
To Everyone Here _Happy New Year _
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@mr1874 said:
I am getting notifications about me being promoted to an expert (4 stars) collector AND me being promoted to master collector (5 stars)??? Makes no sense since I have been a master for several years now. Apparently, the coin forum robot doesn't know what to do with me. I think I'll go to Walmart soon and visit with the robot there that travels the aisles checking shelf inventory. Maybe he, or she, knows what's up with our robot here who decides worthiness of a member for the coveted designation as expert collector.
My first question to the Walmart robot: What's your persuasion?
This is not the thread for a discussion about post count and stars from PCGS - perhaps they can help with such matters.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Confused about the meaning of 4 stars and 5 stars but not confused at all about the authenticity of my 1909-S VDB PCGS F15. You see, there was this Mint Director in Philadelphia by the name of Frank Leach who abruptly left, or was forced out, of his position in August,1909 soon after the first V.D.B. pennies became available to the public. What should have been a time of celebration for Mr. Leach and Mr. Brenner became a nightmare for these two....
to be continued....
I've learned this is not the thread for my thoughts about stars or thoughts about how my S VDB came to be.
how my S VDB
came to be.
Hey, that rhymes. I'm a poet and didn't even know it...hey...that rhymes too.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
@mr1874 said:
Confused about the meaning of 4 stars and 5 stars but not confused at all about the authenticity of my 1909-S VDB PCGS F15. You see, there was this Mint Director in Philadelphia by the name of Frank Leach who abruptly left, or was forced out, of his position in August,1909 soon after the first V.D.B. pennies became available to the public. What should have been a time of celebration for Mr. Leach and Mr. Brenner became a nightmare for these two....
to be continued....
I've learned this is not the thread for my thoughts about stars or thoughts about how my S VDB came to be.
how my S VDB
came to be.
Hey, that rhymes. I'm a poet and didn't even know it...hey...that rhymes too.
Me and the wife setup late the other night watching some OLD movies that's common to see this time of year, and when I saw this image
It reminded me of this very famous movie!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Serious question!
I've notice that we have the same number of STARS but a much wider spread in total post, so wherever these stars comes from its not total post or comments, maybe its for replies to other's post?
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
fyi, I encounter tu quoque a lot on another forum I participate in. I point out "you are doing tu quoque" and then explain what tu quoque is but nothing ever changes. It's very frustrating
What's next? Ad Hominem?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
@MsMorrisine said:
There’s going to be a lot of closed threads tomorrow
I just hope Hammer Heather isn’t hungover
I don't know her, but I've heard she has a pretty good sense of humor, but! she draws a hard line.
At this point wouldn't this thread really be the one in jeopardy? Well, there is one more of mine that got derailed, but it didn't go this far over the cliff.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@mr1874 said:
I believe that my coin is an authentic San Francisco mint product, mrjuniorauthenticator.
Your very own statement is the same collective conclusion the other forum members came to!
Its likely a Genuine 09-S that's been altered to include fake designers initials!
I never said such a thing MarkW63. But you suggested that I bust it out of its original PCGS holder and submit it raw for "reconsideration". My reply to you was, "Why on Earth would I do that?" Remember?
Where I'm at right now with my coin, a 1909-S VDB PCGS F15, is that the coin WILL REMAIN in its original holder as I bought it. One of the first people I will show it to is my dealer friend, the individual who sold me the coin. I'll ask him for his opinion. More opinions of dealers of Lincoln cents will follow. My coin is an important piece that the experts at PCGS have deemed to be authentic. Frankly, it amazes me that members here have such strong opinions about a piece that they have never held in their hands. I've felt for a long time, ever since I bought this S V.D.B., "this coin is special."
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
mr1874, You've worked your way through other members threads,
You've went WAY out of the way to redirect others threads,
You've went on derailments for DAYS, trolling threads, some thought you maybe had some sense of humor that we couldn't figured out???
You've said many things, just to later delete countless numbers of your post in an attempt to sweep away your own footprints.
In other member's threads the OP sent you polite PM's asking you to not post in that thread, but you didn't listen, you derailed it, like the several others before it.
You told me in one of your own threads to basically move on that I was "Out Of My League"
So, I moved on, I listened!
You've taken many things FAR out of context that other members had stated!
Me and a couple of other members spent our entire Holidays working & researching information and making contacts to experts about what details that could be gathered up about your coin, we ran it down every road we could, we concluded as a general consensus that the likely best option for your coin would be to resubmit it for grading to PCGS.
From there your post and thread derailments got crazy! I referred to your actions in my own thread (this thread) as the "Twilight Zone"
I tried to end this thread, but you didn't like that!
I tried to bring it back around on topic!
This very thread should have been archived within one page,
Look at it, its three pages long, and what is in the last two pages that has any value to anyone searching the internet for helpful information in the first page?
Scroll up and look at the thread! look where it went wrong?
No one can figure out just what it is your after?
And now your back here, revisiting your own Twilight Zone?
I moved on, I gave you your requested space, yet we're still here?
I have no idea what its going to take to resolve this, I know of other members that have stated they're done with this forum if something isn't done about this. No, I will not name names! they told those to whom they feel needed to know.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Once this issue is settled I don't see any reason on my side to keep anything in this thread past the #7 post from the top!
I understand that's not my say, I know that any content posted on this forum belongs to PCGS being the host of the forum.
So, I'm not making a request, but if the bottom 2-1/2 pages were to vanish, I wouldn't be looking for (expecting) any messages as to the WHY either, with all of mr1874's deletes even the off topic stuff makes no sense now.
Thank You!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@MarkW63 said: @PCGS_Moderator
Once this issue is settled I don't see any reason on my side to keep anything in this thread past the #7 post from the top!
I understand that's not my say, I know that any content posted on this forum belongs to PCGS being the host of the forum.
So, I'm not making a request, but if the bottom 2-1/2 pages were to vanish, I wouldn't be looking for (expecting) any messages as to the WHY either, with all of mr1874's deletes even the off topic stuff makes no sense now.
Thank You!
Does this mean you won't be giving me a Valentine's Day card this year?
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
@Metal said:
I'm becoming of the opinion this 1909 S VDB only exists in your mind.
Oh, no! he has a coin! but its hard to tell now after mr1874 went though all the threads he derailed and deleted dozens of his own comments & images, (his foot prints) I guess he had the idea that with all his deletes no one could see his wrong, I mean to him it looks like he never said much of anything other than "Delete" beats the heck out of me.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
His wrong? Give me and sober readers here a break.
One thing that was happening is that my words in the post were often being taken out of context, having me appear to be saying things that I didn't say. It's easy to do word doctoring. I found whole sentences left off when I was quoted, sentences that established clear meaning to a reasonable person of what I was really saying. I grew weary of that kind of distortion of my posts so decided to delete many of my posts for that reason. If interested in restoring what I wrote that I decided to delete, contact PCGS for help. I wouldn't be upset in the least if all my deleted posts were restored in their entirety. It would be another feather in your cap if you could have that done.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
@Metal said:
I'm becoming of the opinion this 1909 S VDB only exists in your mind.
My SVDB is a real thing. I check it daily to make sure it's crazily leaning to the right far out 'S' hasn't fallen off from it's position under the date.
With a little luck, in a few days you'll be able to see the last picture show of my SVDB's date and mm area in the Lucky Penny thread.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
@mr1874, you say I'm wrong
Please take note how this Twilight Zone all started!
Also, take note how much time in the beginning (days) was invested by the members here to what we thought was helping you!
You were going to resubmit it, then you wasn't,
Then days turned into weeks,
You came up with Twilight ZONE "Plausible" ways your one of a kind "Whispering VDB" came to be,
With all that going on, it still wasn't enough.
Then the members here ran out of road helping you with your coin.
It should have ended there, but you wouldn't let it die, NOPE!
I posted another 09SVDB counterfeit thread, you invaded it with your "Whispering VDB" derailing it over the cliff.
Then another forum member who had went trough a great deal of trouble doing 09SVDB research & started his own thread and sent you a PM asking you to not post in the thread, you derailed it anyway.
Weeks of this nonsense, and you claim your "weary" Really?
mr1874 let me ask you this!
What If I started a thread and titled it "Who's Weary Of mr1874's Whispering VDB" (not that I would do that) what would be the total results I would get?
Now, I concur with you in your weariness, but its not caused by the members here, you've just worn yourself out without ending with that coin of yours!, you've made the Eveready Bunny look really bad for a total run time comparison.
You've turned your coin into a Legend,
you've coined the phrase "Whispering VDB" that by now is on its way to standup comedians world wide.
You've beat yourself to death with your own coin and your own reiterate.
Now your upset and in some vindictive attempt your trying to draw attention of certain forum members to forum oversight because you don't want to go down alone? These are good standing members who tried to help you, they (we) thought you were serious in the beginning.
Lets note this as well!
You've basically ask (gave permission) for the forum staff to go back and replace your edits and deletes to prove what your saying NOW is true! So, your trying to say at this point that if your deleted information would reappear that it would prove there is a GIANT conspiracy going on against you, what's bad is I think you believe that, its obvious MUCH later on that there was a push towards getting to to stop with your coin.
The information you deleted is just that, deleted, you didn't delete it from some carbon copy and the forum oversight still has a master copy, or as I understand it they don't.
No one here started out against you, look back for yourself and you can see where things for you went south, it would be a lot easier to do if it wasn't for your dozens of deletes. You're smart enough to know you needed to sweep away your own footprints. You erased your own records before you went on the attack in making everyone else here the villains seeking your demise.
you've went WAY out of the way to make it difficult for the forum oversight to tell what really happened didn't you?
I've been on several other internet forums before this one, and on ALL of them long ago had to deal with the power of the edit option!!
All of them has a limited time for members to edit their own post, its rare to find one that allows an edit after 24 hours! and some were 30 minutes, some not at ALL!
Yes, mr1874 you've made a mess of this for sure, you've abuse the liberties of the provided "Edit Options" which will likely lead to a negative fall out for everyone here, thanks alot!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
@mr1874 said:
His wrong? Give me and sober readers here a break.
One thing that was happening is that my words in the post were often being taken out of context, having me appear to be saying things that I didn't say. It's easy to do word doctoring. I found whole sentences left off when I was quoted, sentences that established clear meaning to a reasonable person of what I was really saying. I grew weary of that kind of distortion of my posts so decided to delete many of my posts for that reason. If interested in restoring what I wrote that I decided to delete, contact PCGS for help. I wouldn't be upset in the least if all my deleted posts were restored in their entirety. It would be another feather in your cap if you could have that done.
just saving history!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
You are giving Attention Deficit Disorder a whole new meaning.
You aren't getting enough attention and it's causing a disorder.
Here is a big hug for you.
First you say:
"maybe a bored mint worker decided to try his hand at modifying the V.D.B. and in doing so put HIS signature on a few SVDB's that made it into the channels of commerce."
Then you say:
"All Leach would have had to say to the SF mint superintendent who followed him would be, "Make a few S VDB's with a die you haven't yet used for S VDB's. Make sure these pieces have a faint V.D.B. Set the pieces free for future collectors to discover."
I am confused, was it a bored mint worker or Leach & the superintendent?
You seem to be getting your facts mixed up.
Are you able to back up either of these statements with any research or links or just your imagination?
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Nothing is more fun than putting a target on your back and running out on the firing range.
Now I see you are running around editing & deleting posts....
It's kinda hard to put a bandage on all those self inflected bullet holes.
This thread has deteriorated about as much as any I can remember. And that’s saying a lot. Hopefully, when there are other coins which merit reporting to eBay, they’ll be posted in a new thread.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
They will
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Now I see you are running around editing & deleting posts....
Yes, you impugned my integrity, sir, with that suggestion that I photoshopped my coin into a genuine PCGS holder. I removed images of my coin that I took myself (you were begging me for those, remember?) and posts here and in another thread. Those images are copyrighted just by my posting them so if you had the presence of mind to copy them for yourself, my suggestion to you is to be careful how you use them.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I wish Mr. Hall was still with PCGS. He might be helpful in me getting my FIFTH star back. And here I just signed up on the 30th December for a gold membership. I would love to visit with Mr. Hall about S VDB's. I really enjoy his commentary on those. Anyway, those four vouchers will be coming in handy this new year. I've got two 1909 V.D.B. DDO FS-1101's. One will stay in its ANACS holder but the other will be submitted to PCGS for encapsulation. I cherry picked that one at a show. Cost me $15. Also, I have an ANACS graded 1909-S (without V.D.B.) that is from Harsche obverse Die #6 for 1909-S. Interested in getting that one into a PCGS holder since I consider it a companion piece to my S V.D.B. That leaves two vouchers for me to use for other coins.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I'm being 100% nice with this post!
I don't mean to imply anything!
I joined my first forum around 2000 (22 years ago)
The forum had this color star prize deal, and there it was based on total post, GOLD being what some felt was the Elite class.
So, all was well for a VERY long time and then something changed, the concept of the rewards system was actually meant to be post that contributed useful or helpful content (on that forum)!
What started happening was some members stopped actually contributing real content but they would spend an hour or so a day searching through even threads they weren't interested in, posting stuff like,
WoW I bet that was FUN!,
Or, I wish I had thought of that,
and so on,
and they were finely spotted by forum staff that they were only working on getting that GOLD star with high number of comments. (Stars for total post)
It got so bad that the forum staff had to do away with the rewards system altogether.
Other forum's I was on had to dropped the STAR' reward for the same reasons, they just went to,
New Member,
Well Known Member,
to Senior Member,
Moderator, and
About the STARS here, there is way more that I don't know about where they come from then I know how to earn them, so I'll speak on the little that I do know.
It appears that I have three, and I've got something like 800 post! (that is what it is, no big deal) but I've recently seen members with 700 post that had four stars, so that person has done something better than I'm doing to gain that extra star other than total post!!!!
What ever the system is I'm pretty certain that the upper management of PCGS isn't personally handing out forum awards!
I feel safe in saying that the acquired star rewards is digital program running automatically based on maybe,
Received Likes,
Quoted by others,
but it don't seem to be based on total number of comments.
Personally I just look at the stars as its something that just happens over time, with forum contributions I make, and positive responses I may or may not get from other members! No one is coming down from the high ranking position of PCGS to give me an award.
When I first came here it was a TOTAL wreck, I really was an alien that crashed on a foreign planet! I still stayed in my primary threads, but I was called a "Counterfeiter" (really!) I understand why now but at the time I didn't. There were several members here that felt I was pulling some kind of a scam on the forum, I wasn't but the more I tried to defend myself just made my actions look more questionable.
Then thank God, they were maybe four members that jumped in in my defense, and I'm not going to mentions names but they know who they are!
My intentions here has ALWAYS been of good, I would stopped doing my 09SVDB threads in an instant if I and others didn't feel they contributed to the overall positive goals of the community. I get PM's sometimes from senior members with suggestions to which I always try to consider, but, in a community like this being considerate is a good thing, not a bad thing.
I'm NOT doing things or trying to do things for a programmed automated reward, I get that's its neat, I've got three but I've got no idea what I did to earn them, I do what I do, I work to get along, I try to share some good laughs along the way, I work to get some counterfeit coins off the market, I hope that doing that saves a BUNCH of people the heartache of being scammed, if that's a 3-Star Programming award then I'm perfectly fine with that, it is what it is.
To Everyone Here _Happy New Year _
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
This is not the thread for a discussion about post count and stars from PCGS - perhaps they can help with such matters.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Thread has accomplished what it set out to do Mr. Feld???
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
That’s up to the OP to decide, but irrelevant to you continuing to post about your post count and stars.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
OP has decided that this thread accomplished what it set out to do.... whatever.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I'm only posting this so my post count will go up!
DING! Add one more........................
@mr1874 does LOL count mean anything as well?
Confused about the meaning of 4 stars and 5 stars but not confused at all about the authenticity of my 1909-S VDB PCGS F15. You see, there was this Mint Director in Philadelphia by the name of Frank Leach who abruptly left, or was forced out, of his position in August,1909 soon after the first V.D.B. pennies became available to the public. What should have been a time of celebration for Mr. Leach and Mr. Brenner became a nightmare for these two....
to be continued....
I've learned this is not the thread for my thoughts about stars or thoughts about how my S VDB came to be.
how my S VDB
came to be.
Hey, that rhymes. I'm a poet and didn't even know it...hey...that rhymes too.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Saved from an edit
I feel special. Most all of my posts are now being saved.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
This thread has crossed over to what we call..........
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Me and the wife setup late the other night watching some OLD movies that's common to see this time of year, and when I saw this image
It reminded me of this very famous movie!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
I'm guessing it relates to "The Strawman Fallacy"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
WAIT!!! What are you doing! Don't take that target off your back and put it on your face!
Too late!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Serious question!
I've notice that we have the same number of STARS but a much wider spread in total post, so wherever these stars comes from its not total post or comments, maybe its for replies to other's post?
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Mark - It's "Quality" posts that count - not "Quantity" nonsense
You are definitely in the "QUALITY" postings.....
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
What's next? Ad Hominem?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
There’s going to be a lot of closed threads tomorrow
I just hope Hammer Heather isn’t hungover
I don't know her, but I've heard she has a pretty good sense of humor, but! she draws a hard line.
At this point wouldn't this thread really be the one in jeopardy? Well, there is one more of mine that got derailed, but it didn't go this far over the cliff.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
We’ll see what the damages are tomorrow
I never said such a thing MarkW63. But you suggested that I bust it out of its original PCGS holder and submit it raw for "reconsideration". My reply to you was, "Why on Earth would I do that?" Remember?
Where I'm at right now with my coin, a 1909-S VDB PCGS F15, is that the coin WILL REMAIN in its original holder as I bought it. One of the first people I will show it to is my dealer friend, the individual who sold me the coin. I'll ask him for his opinion. More opinions of dealers of Lincoln cents will follow. My coin is an important piece that the experts at PCGS have deemed to be authentic. Frankly, it amazes me that members here have such strong opinions about a piece that they have never held in their hands. I've felt for a long time, ever since I bought this S V.D.B., "this coin is special."
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Agree, it would be best if we don't press our luck.
Just a suggestion for anyone that wants to post.

@PCGS_Moderator or @HeatherBoyd
Here is another thread @mr1874 made a mess of.
"Heather the Hammer" is also a good one.
Kind of an inappropriate remark you've made about our host,eh?
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
mr1874, You've worked your way through other members threads,
You've went WAY out of the way to redirect others threads,
You've went on derailments for DAYS, trolling threads, some thought you maybe had some sense of humor that we couldn't figured out???
You've said many things, just to later delete countless numbers of your post in an attempt to sweep away your own footprints.
In other member's threads the OP sent you polite PM's asking you to not post in that thread, but you didn't listen, you derailed it, like the several others before it.
You told me in one of your own threads to basically move on that I was "Out Of My League"
So, I moved on, I listened!
You've taken many things FAR out of context that other members had stated!
Me and a couple of other members spent our entire Holidays working & researching information and making contacts to experts about what details that could be gathered up about your coin, we ran it down every road we could, we concluded as a general consensus that the likely best option for your coin would be to resubmit it for grading to PCGS.
From there your post and thread derailments got crazy! I referred to your actions in my own thread (this thread) as the "Twilight Zone"
I tried to end this thread, but you didn't like that!
I tried to bring it back around on topic!
This very thread should have been archived within one page,
Look at it, its three pages long, and what is in the last two pages that has any value to anyone searching the internet for helpful information in the first page?
Scroll up and look at the thread! look where it went wrong?
No one can figure out just what it is your after?
And now your back here, revisiting your own Twilight Zone?
I moved on, I gave you your requested space, yet we're still here?
I have no idea what its going to take to resolve this, I know of other members that have stated they're done with this forum if something isn't done about this. No, I will not name names! they told those to whom they feel needed to know.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Once this issue is settled I don't see any reason on my side to keep anything in this thread past the #7 post from the top!
I understand that's not my say, I know that any content posted on this forum belongs to PCGS being the host of the forum.
So, I'm not making a request, but if the bottom 2-1/2 pages were to vanish, I wouldn't be looking for (expecting) any messages as to the WHY either, with all of mr1874's deletes even the off topic stuff makes no sense now.
Thank You!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Does this mean you won't be giving me a Valentine's Day card this year?
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I'm becoming of the opinion this 1909 S VDB only exists in your mind.
Oh, no! he has a coin! but its hard to tell now after mr1874 went though all the threads he derailed and deleted dozens of his own comments & images, (his foot prints) I guess he had the idea that with all his deletes no one could see his wrong, I mean to him it looks like he never said much of anything other than "Delete" beats the heck out of me.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
His wrong? Give me and sober readers here a break.
One thing that was happening is that my words in the post were often being taken out of context, having me appear to be saying things that I didn't say. It's easy to do word doctoring. I found whole sentences left off when I was quoted, sentences that established clear meaning to a reasonable person of what I was really saying. I grew weary of that kind of distortion of my posts so decided to delete many of my posts for that reason. If interested in restoring what I wrote that I decided to delete, contact PCGS for help. I wouldn't be upset in the least if all my deleted posts were restored in their entirety. It would be another feather in your cap if you could have that done.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
My SVDB is a real thing. I check it daily to make sure it's crazily leaning to the right far out 'S' hasn't fallen off from it's position under the date.
With a little luck, in a few days you'll be able to see the last picture show of my SVDB's date and mm area in the Lucky Penny thread.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
@mr1874, you say I'm wrong
Please take note how this Twilight Zone all started!
Also, take note how much time in the beginning (days) was invested by the members here to what we thought was helping you!
You were going to resubmit it, then you wasn't,
Then days turned into weeks,
You came up with Twilight ZONE "Plausible" ways your one of a kind "Whispering VDB" came to be,
With all that going on, it still wasn't enough.
Then the members here ran out of road helping you with your coin.
It should have ended there, but you wouldn't let it die, NOPE!
I posted another 09SVDB counterfeit thread, you invaded it with your "Whispering VDB" derailing it over the cliff.
Then another forum member who had went trough a great deal of trouble doing 09SVDB research & started his own thread and sent you a PM asking you to not post in the thread, you derailed it anyway.
Weeks of this nonsense, and you claim your "weary" Really?
mr1874 let me ask you this!
What If I started a thread and titled it "Who's Weary Of mr1874's Whispering VDB" (not that I would do that) what would be the total results I would get?
Now, I concur with you in your weariness, but its not caused by the members here, you've just worn yourself out without ending with that coin of yours!, you've made the Eveready Bunny look really bad for a total run time comparison.
You've turned your coin into a Legend,
you've coined the phrase "Whispering VDB" that by now is on its way to standup comedians world wide.
You've beat yourself to death with your own coin and your own reiterate.
Now your upset and in some vindictive attempt your trying to draw attention of certain forum members to forum oversight because you don't want to go down alone? These are good standing members who tried to help you, they (we) thought you were serious in the beginning.
Lets note this as well!
You've basically ask (gave permission) for the forum staff to go back and replace your edits and deletes to prove what your saying NOW is true! So, your trying to say at this point that if your deleted information would reappear that it would prove there is a GIANT conspiracy going on against you, what's bad is I think you believe that, its obvious MUCH later on that there was a push towards getting to to stop with your coin.
The information you deleted is just that, deleted, you didn't delete it from some carbon copy and the forum oversight still has a master copy, or as I understand it they don't.
No one here started out against you, look back for yourself and you can see where things for you went south, it would be a lot easier to do if it wasn't for your dozens of deletes. You're smart enough to know you needed to sweep away your own footprints. You erased your own records before you went on the attack in making everyone else here the villains seeking your demise.
you've went WAY out of the way to make it difficult for the forum oversight to tell what really happened didn't you?
I've been on several other internet forums before this one, and on ALL of them long ago had to deal with the power of the edit option!!
All of them has a limited time for members to edit their own post, its rare to find one that allows an edit after 24 hours! and some were 30 minutes, some not at ALL!
Yes, mr1874 you've made a mess of this for sure, you've abuse the liberties of the provided "Edit Options" which will likely lead to a negative fall out for everyone here, thanks alot!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
just saving history!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!