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Pedzola's Gold

PedzolaPedzola Posts: 1,027 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 29, 2021 2:29PM in U.S. Coin Forum

2021 was a milestone year for my collecting journey. I consolidated to pursue a single type set, got some amazing coins, grew my network of fellow collectors and dealers, and learned a lot along the way. Though the hunt has been frustrating at times, I've really been enjoying the hobby this year.

So I wanted to share my progress w/the forum. I am pursuing a full US gold type set. This is a long term goal. Some coins might be out of reach financially, but I have a lot of collecting "runway" ahead so who knows.

Here is the link to my registry set:

Here's where I'm at:

And here are some highlights for the year. My first big purchase of 2021, which set me on this course, was this 1801 $10 which I've posted a bunch.

Now hooked on early gold, through some trading I ended up with this amazing companion 1802/1 Draped Bust $5:

And just recently I managed to snag this amazing 1838 Classic Head $5.

I don't think I'll be able to beat this trio in 2022, but hope to add a couple more coins to the set. Still a lot of empty slots to go. An 1807-1812 capped bust $5 is my next "big" target.

Thanks to all who helped me out this year!



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