Coin Photography - Trouble with Slab Shots

I have been pretty happy with my ability to get decent photos of coins (gold, specifically). I have learned to polish slabs, adjust lighting, and use my basic copy stand setup (purchased from rmpsrpms here on the forum) to get shots I'm happy with.
But I struggle mightily with getting whole-slab photos. I havent ever been able to get a slab shot that I'm completely happy with. Just cant beat reflections and still get a decent image. Have tried all manner of different lighting, bulbs, angles, diffusion, camera settings, and post processing.
My copy stand and lens unfortunately don't support full slabs, i can't focus wide enough to get the whole thing. So I have been using a different tripod and normal 18-55 lens on my canon. I can zoom in enough to get decent resolution but just cant get a good picture.
Any tips? Here are some of my favorite more recent photos. The coins look great in these pics (in my humble opinion), but the slabs come out all wrong. This format is nice but I would like to have full slab shots that I'm happy with as well. You can see I struggle with the labels in making these composite images!
Maybe I'm making it too complicated?
It would be more helpful to critique and offer advice if you show one of your slab shots. Your closeups are very nice.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I agree, the close up shots are really nice!
Here is my most recent attempt. This coin is rather reflective. I think i captured the character of the coin but the label color is off and the whole thing is washed out.
Here is another attempt.

Here is the $5 lib... too bright, coin looks flat.

I always produce a composite shot by combining a close up of the obverse and reverse with the full slab shot. Here's an example:
Original slab shot: The plastic looks good, but the coin appears over exposed and grainy.
Close up shots, which are much better:
Finally, I integrate the obverse and reverse close up shots into the original slab image:
My Eisenhower Dollar Complete Variety Set, Circulation Strikes and Proof (PCGS Registry):
Darth Morgan - "The Other Ike Dollars" Showcase:
The Eisenhower Dollar Meeting Room:
@Pedzola I'll take door number two! @darth_morgan That is a great concept with great results.
I must also add that the full slab photo was taken with my iPhone. The close images were taken with my Canon Rebel T6. My System 3 setup from Ray Parkhurst will not allow for full slab imaging, but it's just the design of that particular system. I'm OK with that. After all, I bought it to photograph coins, not slabs.
My system 3 setup:
My Eisenhower Dollar Complete Variety Set, Circulation Strikes and Proof (PCGS Registry):
Darth Morgan - "The Other Ike Dollars" Showcase:
The Eisenhower Dollar Meeting Room:
Thank you!
My Eisenhower Dollar Complete Variety Set, Circulation Strikes and Proof (PCGS Registry):
Darth Morgan - "The Other Ike Dollars" Showcase:
The Eisenhower Dollar Meeting Room:
I thought about doing composite shots like yours but I feel like one of the benefits of having a good slab shot is a different perspective on the coin. But yeah - either the coin looks bad or the slab looks bad. Can't win. lol
Maybe I will try my phone. Some casual shot are often the better looking slab pics I have even if there are reflections etc. If I can tune out reflections maybe phone camera is better for this.
I also take separate shots then use photoshop to lay them together. It's the way to go.

"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
@Pedzola - this is a quick and crude composition using your photos, but it'll give you an idea....
My Eisenhower Dollar Complete Variety Set, Circulation Strikes and Proof (PCGS Registry):
Darth Morgan - "The Other Ike Dollars" Showcase:
The Eisenhower Dollar Meeting Room:
I didn't realize the practice was so widespread, maybe I will have to give in!
So what is the best lighting for the slab, ignoring the coin?
The next frontier is really video... something I have had zero luck with so far.
Wow... I would be proud to have taken ANY of those pictures.... Cheers, RickO
So jealous of the quality of your pictures.
Kennedys are my quest...
This. You answered your own question. Not so much the lens but you need more height on your copy stand.
I have the same issue, and I'm still experimenting with different lighting/misc techniques. Still not happy. I must say though, your close-ups are quite nice!
@Pedzola I would be happy with your second shot of the 2/1 $5. Looks good to me!
Yesterday I used some afternoon daylight along with a couple other diffused lights to take a set of slab shots that came out ok.
These coins look phenomenal in hand, so these pictures are not really representative of the coins. But I guess thats what the closeups are for. Super diffused lighting seems to be the best I can do here.
If you compare the latest of the 1802/1 I just posted with the prior images above you can see the color is much better. I'm reasonably happy with the new ones.
I have nothing useful to add, but I love your close ups! That last set of slab shots are pretty decent. Its possible that over a white background the color of the plastic may come out differently the way it plays with the camera.. but I love the look of the gold coins over black.
IG: jb_rarities