1960 quarter

I have had this quarter for a long long time. It is a 1960 with no mint mark and it seems to missing all the cladding on both sides. The date is only about 2/3 there because the striking of the coin seems very heavy there is no ribbing on it either. I have had this thing for about 50 years and was going through some coins and wonder if anyone has seen anything like this.
a 1960 quarter does not have any cladding, they are 90% silver (10% copper) and homogenesis
Yep, you won't see any clad as the coin is 90% silver as mention. No reeding on the sides sounds like it has some post mint damage. May want to try adding pics for better info. Also, no mint mark means is was minted in Philly.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
to know what problems your coin may or may not have, we'll need pictures
having a coin for more than 50 years and you not knowing it is silver surprises me.
Yes please post a picture.
Hoard the keys.
So you’ve had it since 1970... and you are asking ... wait, what are you asking again?
According to Coinflation, your 1960 quarter is currently worth $4.01.

@Dworden1 .... Welcome aboard... Your quarter should be silver ... Not a clad coin. Clad coins were introduced several years later. Pictures would help to judge the condition. Cheers, RickO
If you show us yours, I'll show you mine.
Provide some pictures.
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