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Let's see a complete classic commemorative set

i was reminded again today that i'm not very fluent with the old silver half dollar commemoratives. i know the basics like the columbian, booker t, stone mtn, etc etc, but i'm not as familiar with the series as i'd like to be.

according to the greysheet a full 144 coin set would run around $18k+

that's interesting. i bet it'd be fun to put one together, and it's the best way to learn any series.

i've been a coin dealer for nearly 20 years. i've never even seen a partial set. nor have i met anyone that is really into them.

i just did a quick search for a full set and i can't find anything. heritage doesn't have any either.

has anyone here done it before?

can anyone find pictures?

or even a full dansco... 96 coins, i think.


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