Counterfeit Seated quarter - contemporary or modern?

I haven't seen this particular counterfeit Seated 25c before. Is it yet another a modern fake, or a contemporary/period counterfeit? The fact that it has been cleaned suggests that it's old, but then again, maybe not.
It looks like a poor quality Chinese piece. I doubt it’s contemporary.
It feels like a modern fake to me. I have seen other modern fakes that have a similar look.
Ah, I get it. "Period." Made me think for a second there!
I misread the question and was in the process of editing…
I posted too fast and made a funny where there wasn't one.
Looks like a modern fake to me.... Lots of them coming on the market. Very sad to see such a flood of trash in the hobby right now. Caveat emptor has never been more appropriate. Cheers, RickO
It looks like a poor quality modern fake.
That’s rough.
Looks modern.
The "cleaning" is part of the antiquing process meant to make it look old.
A posted image would help those late to the party
Hmmmm..... the direct link to the image is still showing on my screen. It seems the item was taken down from eBay, but I still have the image cached on my computer. Fun and games with internet browsers.
Try out this link:
its gone
Thanks; pretty terrible example...
Aren't they all? Even the period counterfeits were used to defraud someone 100+ years ago.
I looks modern to me. It appears to be die struck. Most of the old fakes were cast copies.